43| Howls in the distance

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

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The pillars shook and suddenly the slab of stone fell toppling over onto a giant crowd of Volturi members. A couple people shrieked. The air was full of thick dust billowing around, causing blindness. It was hard to see more than a couple  feet in front of you. In the confusion and hazy blindness the battle had stopped once more. 

Nobody could tell who was on which side and nobody wanted to risk hurting one of their own members. I stumbled out from my hiding place coughing. The other vampires were fine from the dust as they didn't need to breath but I could hear many coughs coming from the sides of the battle which was no doubt from the servants and another small cough in the middle of the field.

I headed towards that noise, tripping over debris. The courtyard was littered with chunks of stone, the air thick and brown as though we had discoloured the air. The dust was still settling on everything and I felt as though I had rolled around in a mud pit. My skin felt grimy and unclean as the dust settled on it. 

I finally reached the place in the courtyard where the cough had sounded from. I reached out towards the silhouette of the small figure in front of me and grabbed their hand.

"It's me Gabby" I said to Nessie before she could shriek. Luckily she didn't and she just squeezed my hand comfortingly, her own palm caked with grime and sweat. 

"Was this your idea?" she asked quietly and I nodded before I realized she couldn't see me through the dust.

"Yes. Well mine and Dyl's" I added.

"Where is Dylan?" she asked.

"Scouting ahead for the wolf packs" I answered, looking around as though they would appear at any moment.

"I hope they come" said Nessie and I knew her bottom lip was trembling.

"Don't worry they'll be here" I replied, though a stone of dread had appeared in my stomach. The wolf pack was our only hope. Guided by our voices others started to join us as the dust cleared and settled around us. The opposing team seemed to be doing the same, digging the members that had gotten crushed by the rock out from all the debris. Which was fine by me. Whatever cost us more time the better. 

"Nice job with the rock" I said when the blurry figures of Harris, Roger, Jasper and Kaito appeared in front of me.

"Nice job with the plan" replied Roger.

I don't know how long we waited for the dust to settle. During that time no fighting was done but I grew increasingly more and more worried as there was no sign of Dylan nor the wolves. When the dust finally settled I couldn't help but laugh. Everyone was caked in the grey power making us look like stone people. The Volturi's cloaks were more grey than black as they too were coated in the powdery substance.

"For Emmett!" I cried and my family took up the cry charging towards the Volturi for the second and most important part of the battle. I was locked in combat with Jane, both of our faces in tight pain. I was attempting to stop her from using her powers of pain with my mind control powers while she was trying to stop me from using my mind control powers with her power of pain. 


A loud howl came from somewhere in the distance and Jane dropped her concentration startled by the loud ghostly sound. I seized my chance and slammed my fist against her head knocking her to the ground. Joy bloomed in my chest as Dylan came floating into the courtyard, surveying the debris-strewn ground with a small smile. 

I ran to meet him and he looked me up, his small smile breaking into a grin as he looked at my odd appearance. I didn't care what he thought because soon after he touched down in the courtyard, the pack burst into the battle. 

Many of the Volturi stared in shock as the wolves came tearing through. Many weren't expecting them to come, weren't expecting us to come back after all this time fighting. In fact many just stared as the wolves ripped their heads from their shoulders and dropped them in the fire pits. The wolves took down a couple Volturi members before they thought to react and the battle was on again, this time in full swing. I ducked to the side with Dylan confident they could manage without me for a little bit

"What took you so long?" I asked thinking of all the time we had spent waiting for the smoke to clear.

"I wanted to wait until you were fighting again. That way we would take them by surprise and as you saw it totally worked!" exclaimed Dylan with a smug smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay okay you are the master of warfare" I admitted.

"I've officially entered the coven now that I'm a supernatural creature. You can't deny that" he said nudging me with his shoulder, or well attempting to. All I felt was a cold sensation on my shoulder.

"You're wrong" I said grinning at him and Dylan stared at me like I was crazy.

"What are you talking about GAbs? I'm supernatural now. I'm am so part of the coven!" he argued and I laughed forgetting for a moment that we were in the middle of a battle.

"Dyl... You have always been part of the coven. Whether you like it or not" I said and without waiting to see if he was following me, I raced back into battle. We were going to win this, for the sake of ourselves, for vampires everywhere and for our futures. 

Everything just came down to this moment.

No pressure...right?

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I've been writing for the past two hours but it's all worth it. I must get this done! I literally can't stop until it's done!!


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