39| Mr. Hide and Miss. Seek

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

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I rushed from the room my heart pounding in my chest as I ran down the stairs, taking them two at a time. Reaching the landing I threw open the first door and was startled as Jane and Alec, the two most vicious siblings in the Volturi staring at me.

"Now now Gabrielle. It isn't good manners to run inside" said Alec a sly smile creeping across his face.

"Would you look at the state of your hair!" Jane added.

"I'm uh...looking for Nicole...we're playing hide and go seek" I explained thinking of the first Volturi member that popped into my head. Unfortunately my lie didn't fool them as Jane frowned. 

"That's odd. i could have sworn Aro sent Nicole out to town today" she said nodding towards the window. The sky was overcast and cloudy, a rare occurrence in Italy and the only time which we were able to go out. I knew Aro wouldn't have passed up the opportunity to send someone out. 

"Oh...Nicole's going to hear from me then! I've been looking for her for the past two hours!" I exclaimed with a false smile on my face. "Thanks for your help!" I called as I exited their room as quickly as I could without drawing suspicion. I made a mental note to check who's room it was before bursting in.

I searched throughout the castle with no avail. The Cullens were no where to be seen and nor was Dylan. Of course Dylan could only be seen if he allowed it but he hadn't given me any signs as to where he was. Then an idea dawned on me. I needed to find the servant who had cleaned my room earlier. If anything she'd know a little bit about where they were and I could always bribe her to keep quiet.

After a brief search I found her in the kitchens that we never used, putting away her supplies. "I need to talk to you" I said sternly but keeping my voice low incase of any eavesdroppers. A look of terror paced across her face and I noticed her hands started trembling.

"O-of course Mistress" she stammered keeping her eyes trained on the floor. I wished I could ease her nerves but she's be more likely to tell me something if she was scared.

"What's your name?" I demanded next hoping that she would calm down a little bit more if we were on first name basis.

"Valerie, miss" she replied quietly.

"You cleaned my room earlier, did you not, Valerie?" I asked and she gulped.

"Y-yes miss" she said her face pale as a vampires. 

"Did you notice anything unusual Val?" I asked. "Is it alright if I call you Val?" I added smiling at her to help her relax a little more. 

"You can call me whatever you like miss. P-please don't k-kill me miss" she stammered twisting the dishcloth nervously in her fingers.

"I'm not going to kill you Val. I just need to know what you saw" I said and she nodded a look of relief passing over her face as she knew she wouldn't be getting murdered.

"They-they threatened me miss! I didn't want to let them go. I was going to call for you, I promise but they-they threatened to eat me!" she exclaimed and I frowned.

"Who threatened to kill you Val?" I asked and she gulped.

"I-I don't know. They were vampires but I didn't recognize them. Some were under your bed and others in your wardrobe..." she trailed off and I beamed at her.

"Val! This is amazing! I need you to tell me where they went after they came out of hiding" I exclaimed and Valerie stared at me for a moment utterly confused by my joy. She shook her head, shaking away her confusion then began to speak.

"Well, they all came out of no where when you and you Father left. I nearly shrieked but a tall man with strong arms and short black hair covered my mouth. He told me if I said anything to anyone he'd come back and drink all my blood from my body. Then a man with blonde hair and two women poked their heads inside from where they were on the roof!

"Then the most surprising thing happened and I'm not making this up miss. A teenage boy appeared out of no where in the middle of the room and started ordering people about. He pushed everyone out the window onto the roof and then he yelled for the burly man who was keeping me quiet to meet them at the courtyard. There were about eight or nine of-"

"Thank you so much Val! You will get rewarded for this I promise you!" I exclaimed kissing her cheek. She jumped backwards in reply not even having time to reply as I raced from the kitchen. She was left staring after me with a bemused expression on her face.

I took a left, two right and then a left again and arrived at the Entrance Hall. Instead of going out the front of it towards the big double doors where I'd normally enter and exit I crossed the hall towards a small room that was off to the side.

It didn't hold much, only a couple of garden supplies and a door. Wrenching it open, as it was rusty from lack of use,  I tumbled out into the courtyard to find myself in the midst of two battle lines. One line was cloaked in black an impressive force and the other was a rag-tag group dressed in everyday clothing. 

Who was going to win, I could not say for certain but the one thing I was sure of, was that as soon as I joined a line the battle would begin. All eyes turned to me and I gulped. This was really happening.

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These chapters are getting really exciting and fun to write. I"M SO EXCITED FOR THIS GUYS

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