10| You're using me for blueberry muffins?

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

I was laying on my bed feeling sorry for myself as per usual, Ava was at some college fair and Ollie and Dylan were at a football game. They were playing for the school and would have offered for me to come only there weren't enough spots on the bus.

"Gabby" said a quiet voice from the doorway and I leapt up immediately recognizing it.

"Seth" I said breathing a sigh of contentment at seeing his familiar face. Although I would never admit it, I had missed him greatly all month but I had been too stubborn to head over to the reserve and apologize.

"Hey" he breathed and we stared at each other breathlessly, before I stood up on the bed and jumped into his arms.

"You've gotten big squirt" he said groaning a little under the impact. I he had been human he for sure would have collapsed under the sudden weight.

"It was just so you wouldn't call me that anymore" I whispered in his ear as his arms wrapped tighter around me and he laughed a little.

"Always so stubborn aren't you" he said placing me down and shaking his head disapprovingly. Any stranger would have thought he was being serious, but I knew Seth like the back of my hand and could tell from the little twinkle in his  dark eyes that he was only teasing me.

"I'm only forgiving you because I miss Emily's blueberry muffins" I muttered trying to hide my red cheeks.

"Admit it you missed me" said Seth smirking at me, amused by my embarrassment. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, there was no way I was ever going to admit that I had missed him immensely all month.

"I missed the muffins" I repeated firmly though a smile was tugging at my lips.

"I'll take that for now, I know you need me to get some so in a way you really need me in your life" he said and I rolled my eyes again.

"If it helps you sleep at night" I said and Seth raised his eyebrow, as if telling me to continue. I ignored him and plopped down on my bed for a sigh.

"Should we talk about this?" I asked and Seth headed over to sit beside me.

"What is there to talk about?" he asked feigning ignorance about what had happened. I looked at him as though he had lost his mind, it was only logical. Without me for a month he must have lost some brain cells.

"About why we haven't spoken for a month" I repeated pronouncing each word slowly so that it would register.

"As I said there's nothing to talk about. I was wrong Gabby, I never should have pushed you to tell me where you were. I went too far, I should let you have some privacy after all you let me have mine" he said shifting slightly so that we were facing each other.

"No. You were right, best friends don't keep trivial things like what they were doing all day from each other. I should have told you" I said firmly, knowing that this whole thing was my fault. The guilt had plagued me for a month and I had to let it all out.

"It was all my fault, really" Seth said and I rolled my eyes again.

"No I'm telling you it was all my-"

"Are we really fighting about whose fault it was?" Seth asked a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.

"Fine" I said throwing my hands up and sighing. "It was both of our faults equally, 50-50" I said and Seth nodded agreeing to my statement.

"So you can start by telling me where you were" he said pointedly and I nodded conceding to his proposal.

"First of all I have a good reason for not telling you. I didn't want you to worry about me all day and have Jacob read your mind find out where I was and relay the information back to Bella" I said and Seth pursed his lips, nodding slowly.

"I can understand that. Jacob will do anything to earn Bella's favour" he said and I nodded knowing all too well that Jacob wouldn't hesitate to sell me out.

"I also refused to tell you because of someone I met" I said looking down at my hands all of a sudden feeling nervous.

"Why would I care about some girl you met?" Seth asked confused.

"It was a guy" I said and Seth sucked in his breath sharply, bringing colour to my cheeks.

"Why would I care if you were friends with a guy?" Seth asked trying to keep his tone light but failed to keep the jealously out of his voice.

"I don't know! Maybe because I've seen the way you look at me. It's besides the point, I went to school and when you saw me I had just came back from Dylan's house" I said daring to look up at Seth whose eyebrows were furrowed together in concentration.

"You've been going to school all month?" He asked and I nodded sullenly.

"And I've been going to Dylan's house every night since then" I added quietly, feeling Seth simmering beside me.

"Why...why do you care so much that I hang out with a guy Seth?" I added, keeping my voice hardly above a whisper.

"This isn't how I wanted to tell you" he said taking a deep breath. "Jacob wasn't the only werewolf who imprinted on a Cullen" he added and I looked at him shocked.

"You mean..."

"Well I certainly didn't imprint on Bella if that's what your implying" said Seth forcing a laugh.

"Seth I-"  I started to say but was cut off as I heard the sound of footsteps heading upstairs.

"Gabby?" a voice called and I paled.

"Dylan? What are you doing here?"

Ended with a little cliffhanger there. Haha. Anyways as an Easter treat I decided to update twice in a row. I have tomorrow off so I should be able to update. But I also have a maths exam coming up so I need to study.


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