48| The strike of the shape-shifter

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

"After a long and heated debate we deduced that Gabrielle Cullen, although a heroic young vampire and a role model to us all, she is still young and lacks experience. We feel as though some vampires may begin to question her leadership after a time. Furthermore, many of us thought that as she is half-human, half-vampire, a rare situation to say the least; none of us have any idea of what could happen. So we thank you for your dedication Gabrielle but we have not chosen you" said Eleazar who many had elected to speak in favor of them all. I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

Seth carried me back to my seat and I had no hard feeling about not being chosen. In fact, I almost felt rather joyful that I had not been picked as the next leader. I wanted to live a normal life and I had never asked for any power to be given to me. Besides, they were right I was still young and I had hardly experienced anything. If I wanted to see the world I couldn't be tied down by my duties as a leader.

"I am also sorry to announce that we have not chosen Carlisle Cullen. In this case it is nothing to do with experience or lack of but readiness. Many expressed worries and doubts that if violence was necessary against humans, the wolves or other vampires you would be reluctant to act in a violent matter towards them. It is for this reason that we ask you to stand down from the election" said Eleazar and Carlisle nodded.

"I hope I have not disappointed any of you. I respect your decision fully and I am sure that these two fine gentleman will make excellent leaders of the Volturi" said Carlisle before joining the crowd, standing beside Esme.

"Finally, we have elected Roger Jack and Kaito Sparks as our new members. We find that tehy have the experience, the humility and the readiness to use violence if necessary. We go forward from this day as new people with new leader that will help us to shape and protect our culture" said Eleazar and everybody clapped as Roger and Kaito stood there beaming.

"We hope we will serve you well. Any problems please do visit us" said Roger with a grin.

"We will seek to rebuild what has been destroyed and form new bonds with our people" added Kaito and everyone began to cheer, myself included. Roger caught my eye and gave me a thumbs up.

"If there are no objections we will now-"

"I object" Eleazar was cut off from his sentence as Rosalie stood up looking fierce. Her blonde hair was ruffling in the wind and her silver eyes were staring determinedly down at... her silver eyes. It wasn't Rosalie.

"Dylan! Dylan that's him that's the shape shifter!" I screamed and the not- Rosalie turned to face me with a snarl.

"You" she (or rather it ) boomed. "You are the one who has ruined everything. You destroyed the Volturi, killed my sister and you will pay!" it screamed and it brandished a knife from it's pocket.
It advanced towards em quickly and I attempted to move but my useless leg felt like it weighed a ton. I squished my eyes tightly together waiting for the blade to pierce my skin but the impact never happened. 

Something leapt in front of me just as it lunged and I opened my eyes to see Seth laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood. I topple to the ground crouching at his side. The girl who had been in my room earlier wailed and got to her knees beside Seth. I assumed she was his sister as they looked quite similar. He held the wound tightly, her hands staining with blood as I tried to support his head. He was heaving for breath, struggling to keep his eyes open.

Meanwhile, Roger, Kaito and Harris tackled the imposter to the ground. They were attempting to make him show his true identity judging from the way they were shouting. Dylan was hovering by them housing insults at the imposter and encouragements at the trio.

The crowd of vampires was confused and the pack was gathered around Seth worriedly. I saw Esme sobbing in Carlisle's arms as they approached a charred body that I assumed must have been Rosalie's. I didn't have time to feel any sadness or remorse as Seth attempted to speak.

"Gabby" he croaked and I tuned my attention back down to him. His eyes were fluttering and I grabbed his hand as he closed his eyes.

"No no no! Keep them open!" His sister cried shaking her brother.

"Stop shaking him! You will make it worse" shouted a pack member and his sister took her hands off Seth continuing to cry.

"Carlisle! We need help!" I called and only when he came rushing over and carried Seth to his hospital did I began to truly dear for Seth's life. It wasn't that I doubted Carlisle's skill. Seth just looked so pale, so close to death.

I'm sorry guys I'm so so so sorry. I just had to do that. I'm about to go out so you can't find out what happens quite yet. As usual thanks for reading and have a wonderful day. I will try and update some point today depending on my schedule.


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