21| Return of the douchebag

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

A week after we appointed Coach McBride we had our first practice. The first day of practicing did not go well. Did not. The summary of our accomplishments in the last three hours could be summed up in one word, seven letters: nothing.

The only thing that had come out of this was a splitting headache that I had developed sometime during the second hour of practice, from trying to push myself too hard. It was almost as if I didn't have those powers. What if Eleazer had been wrong. What if I didn't have power over mind control. What if vampires could lose their powers or develop new ones. We had answers to none of those questions and it frustrated us all.

I used the window way to get back into my room, shimming up the drain-pipe with ease. I had been using this method of getting in and out all week as Jasper had gone with Alice to warn the others. With everything that had been going on and considering the fact that I wasn't certain about what they had decided on, I kept interactions between me and everyone else to an extreme minimum.

Once inside I stripped of my jacket and kicked my shoes off. They landed in a heap in the corner. I flopped on my bed with a relieved sigh. Dylan had told me to practice using my powers before our next get together tomorrow but I was too tired to bother trying.


Someone called up the stairs, a few moments later. I jolted upright. Nobody called me down the stairs except for...

"Jasper?" I called, heading out of my room and sprinting down the stairs, my headache momentarily forgotten. I launched myself into his arms a wide smile on my face. I was so relieved that he was back I even smiled at Alice and the stranger behind him to his left. The stranger behind him...

"Gabby I'd like you to meet Harris Abrams" said Jasper, and the stranger looked up at me, a smug smile on his face. I gasped, I knew him.

He was the man from the forest, that had said we would meet again only his eyes had been grey, non-vampire and now...now they were gold. The hue of the vegetarian vampires.

"And this is Gabby...my...daughter" said Jasper oblivious to the fact that he already knew who I was and I him.

"Nice to meet you Gabby" said Harris, playing the role well as he shook my hand his golden eyes sparkling.
I forced a smile, trying not to be repulsed by his warm skin touching mine.

"So what are you doing here in Forks?" I asked politely, posing it as a friendly question whereas I was really trying to find out how Jasper and Alice came across him and why on earth they had decided to bring him here of all places.

"Well we came across Harris in our travels. He's a speedster" said Alice. I groaned internally. She had offered no good explanation what so ever.

"That means, I'm quicker than most vampires" said Harris smugly as he appeared behind me. I never even saw him move. As much as I hated the guy I had to admit that his powers were amazing.

"It's why I'm so warm. I'm really actually as cold as the next vampire but the speed heats me up like a piece of toast" he said, going back to his original position.

"And in reply to your question Gabby" he continued speaking, his eyes twinkling at me. "I am here because I do not have a vampire clan. And being alone for 50 years got lonely so I decided to come here" he said and I looked between him and Jasper, shocked.

"You're a Cullen now?" I asked, praying that he would say no. He laughed his lips pulling back to reveal his startling white teeth.

"God no. I'm keeping my last name in memory of my sister Marnie. I'm just staying here for a while" he said and I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to his sister. The pain in his eyes looked real, and fresh.

"Well... nice to meet you. Enjoy your stay" I said quickly giving him a fake smile then rushing upstairs back to my room.

"Dylan" I said urgently after he picked up on the first ring.

"What? We literally just saw each other 15 minutes ago. Did you really miss my voice that much!?"

"Dylan...it's important" I replied wishing for once he'd be serious.

"Did you master your powers? Please tell me that you managed to do something!"

"No it's not about that... It's about...." I trailed off trying to organize my thoughts.

"Gabs? You there?"

"Yeah I'm here. I'm just trying to think of how to put this" I said trying to recall every detail of our earlier conversation.

"Please don't tell me you're breaking up with me. I can't handle that!"

"Dylan..." I groaned rolling my eyes at his dramatics.

"I can feel you rolling your eyes right now"

"Dylan listen. You know that guy that I told you about. The one that was in the forest but wasn't a vampire because his eyes were grey?" I asked.

"Yeah. What about him?"

"He's here" I said keeping my voice low.

"Here? In forks? I thought we established that"

"No here. The Cullen's house" I said and Dylan took a sharp intake of breath.

"What's his name?"

"That's not relevant. Anyways he said he staying for-"

"What's his name Gabby?" Dylan repeated his voice low and intense.

"Harris. Abrams" I answered and Dylan starting muttering.

"This is bad... this is really bad"

"What is?" I asked.

"My mom just told me there's a new student at our school Harrison Abrhams. He's in our grade though he's a year older. My mom said he's staying with you because he's an exchange student but she extend an invitation for him to stay at our place as you already have many people living at your place" he said and I widened my eyes.

"Oh my god"

"Gabby wait I need to tell you something I found something-"

"Dylan I'll have to call you back" I said ending the call and racing down the stairs.

"Where's Harris?" I asked Jasper who was still in the living room talking to Alice.

"He went to stay with a family who offered it in town. Why?"

Are you ready for the next chapter? Intense things are going to go down. I'm not ready. And omg guys thanks for 9K reads. Ilysm!


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