18| At least I don't have to buy a gift for mother's day

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

I willed my body to stay still as I opened my palms to let the bird fly away. He flapped up in the trees, stretching out his crumpled wing as he cooed happily. I watched him as he settled on a tree branch and was soon joined by other. I brought my gaze down towards the stranger. The man or boy, was studying me quietly, a coy smile on his face. I lifted my eyes to meet his, they were a sharp grey like the clouds before it rained. Not red. Not gold. Not vampire.

"You'll do just fine" he said, and I flicked my eyes downwards. He laughed and I flinched at the harsh sound wanting to back away from him but not wanting to show him I was scared to death- which I was.

"We will meet again Gabrielle Cullen, and  I can't wait until we do" he said and as quickly as he appeared, he had disappeared, leaving the forest silent. Not even the birds were chirping.

I didn't think twice about spinning on my heel and sprinting back home. The forest passed by me quickly as I retraced my steps, the tree trunks melting into one giant blur. My lungs burned- full vampires could run for much longer at fast speed, but my human side eventually caught up to me. I kept going, too afraid of what was in the forest than to worry about petty things like my health.

I arrived in the clearing between the house and the forest, clutching my sides as I skidded to a stop, heaving for air. Esme, Nessie, Jasper and Bella who had all been in the yard looked up as I ran in. Jasper and Nessie were at my side in an instant.

"Gabs? What's wrong? What happened?" Jasper asked his warm voice instantly soothing my frazzled nerves.

"T..there, a m...man" I stammered, still trying to catch my breath. Nessie and Jasper exchanged a glance but kept silent allowing my to catch my breath as Esme and Bella looked on silently, scowls etched upon their faces.

"There was a man- non vampire. I don't know if he was human or not, but he...he knew me. He said we'd meet again" I blurted out and Jasper furrowed his eyebrows pondering the situation.

"A man?" echoed Nessie, ignoring Bella's insistent gestures for her to get away from me.

"A boy. I don't know. He looked around 18" I said, trying to describe him the best I could. "He had brown hair, odd bangs, pale skin and grey eyes. Piercing grey eyes". I pictured him in my head as I spoke. The way he had lounged back without a care in the world and the way he had smiled at me coyly as if I was a present under the Christmas tree, waiting for him.

"It's probably nothing" said Bella and Jasper glared at her.

"Stay out of this Bella" I said and she turned to look at me, hatred shining in her eyes.

"You stay out our lives you good for nothing little-"

"Mom" it was Nessie, who was staring at Bella with an expression of distaste and disappointment. She usually wasn't around when Bella verbally abused me. I guessed it was kind of a new occurrence for me.

"Mom! Gabby is my sister. Gabby is your daughter" she said shaking her head in shame.

"She's not my daughter".

"She's not my mother".

Came our simultaneous responses. We turned to look at each other, it was more of a glare-off. Our mutual hatred was probably the only thing Bella and I would ever share together.

Nessie shook her head, but even she knew it was hopeless. Our relationship was beyond repair. Even if Bella one day did get struck by lightning and decided to treat me like a daughter. I don't  know whether I am capable of forgiving her.

Mr. Favis, my English teacher says the hardest part of being good is not only forgiving but forgetting.

"I agree with Bella it was probably some deranged hiker" added Esme breaking the silent tension that had engulfed the clearing. Jasper swivelled his glare around to her. Esme shrugged as if it were the most obvious thing in the world and went back to watering the flowers. I sighed. Some people were just the hardest nuts to crack.

After the unnecessary interruption from both Bella and Esme, Jasper and I headed inside away from unwanted attention and prying eyes. Nessie much to her annoyance had to stay outside with Bella. We had finished our discussion and we were sitting on my bed pondering possible solutions when we heard it.


The scream- the shriek was loud, high pitched and undeniably Alice. Jasper was on his feet and out the door before I had even had the chance to react. My limbs felt heavy as I clambered down the stairs after him and joined him at Alice's side.

"What did you see?" Jasper asked his voice low and soft as he held onto her hand.

"I saw...I saw...." She repeated shaking her head. Her visions were often too much for her to bear. "It's just not possible" she added, and someone- one of the Cullens- sighed.

"What's not possible?" asked Jasper keeping his voice low and insistent, his eyes focused on Alice.

"They're coming Jaz. They're coming again" she said and the adults exchanged looks of panic. Nessie clutched onto Bella's arm tightly, her knuckles white. Nobody bothered to ask who was coming, nobody dared to break the heavy silence that filled the room. We all already knew who it was. The Volturi.

Okay okay omg. I have many reasons to be happy and excited. First of all one more chapter until I reach the end of the editing.  And second of all I can't wait for what's to come. I'm so excited for you all to find out. The beginning of the story has only just really started and I'm sorry if it's been a little slow. That's just how it needs to be.


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