08| In which Family Game night turns into a bloodbath

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

"Do I have to do this?" I groaned, and Jasper rolled his eyes, never one to support my dramatics. I had arrived home to be cornered by Jasper and told that it was time for the weekly Cullen Family Game night, an activity which I normally missed out on.

"I've hardly seen you all month. You've been over at Seth's everyday" He said and I shrugged, pleased by the fact that although Seth was angry with me he still hadn't ratted me out to the Cullens.

"I like to spend time with people who actually like me" I replied dryly, hoping that Jasper will let me skip this one out.

"I like you as does Nessie" Jasper countered and I smiled in thanks.

"Majority rules, it's the laws of nature and I just so happen to know that majority of the Cullens hate me" I said trying to make him see the logic of the situation. Jasper just shook his head and gently grasped my arm pulling me towards the living room where the rest of my loving family sat.

"Jasper, finally we've been waiting for.... Oh!" exclaimed Alice as Jasper pulled me out from behind him. Bella looked at me sourly turning toward Nessie who was smiling at me from Edward's lap.

"Gabby's going us tonight" he said glaring at everyone as though he was daring someone to argue. Unfortunately no one did, instead they stared at me unpleasantly as I took a seat on the edge of the sofa, Jasper sinking down into the seat between Alice and I, shooting me a satisfied look.

"Just to let you all know this is a one time occurrence, definitely won't be happening again. A shame really after the warm welcome and enthusiasm you are showing" I said my tone laced with sarcasm. Jasper elbowed me and I gave him a pained look that clearly read: I do not want to be here and I am so going to get you back for this Jasper Hale.

He just smirked and sent me a look, meaning that I was going to have so suffer through this night whether I liked it or not. As vampires didn't need sleep I could only hope that Nessie would tire quickly putting an end to the night. As she came bouncing in the room, a box in her hands I knew it wasn't going to be likely.

"We're going to be playing Apples to Apples" Nessie announced opening the box, which didn't seem to contain any apples.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked blocking out the snickers that were soon extinguished by a glare from Jasper.

"You're going to love it. All you do is take seven of these red cards and find the best one to go with the green one" she said holding up each of the cards in turn. I nodded, guessing that i would catch on as the game went on. Nessie dealt out the cards, handing a green one to Rosalie and proclaiming that she would be the judge first.

"Find the best card to go with entertaining. Synonyms hilarious, comical, amusing" said Rosalie placing the green card back on the table as everyone started shifting through their cards. Following their lead I picked up my deck and fanned the seven cards out in front of my face. I had Bill Murphy, Going to Church, The Midwest, Singing in the Shower, the YMCA, Trailer Parks and Shoplifting. Quickly i picked out the obvious answer and placed my card in the midst of the pile in front of Rosalie and waited for Alice to finish picking her card.

"Remember no vampire powers" said Carlisle, his eyes scanning over the group before resting on me. He adverted his gaze before Jasper could notice but I could still sense his gaze on me. The fear my family had of me had only made things better for them. I wasn't only to be called a monster I actually was one. Little did they no my powers served no purpose yet, as I had no clue how to use them. They hadn't came naturally as Reenseme's did but had to be discovered.

Alice finally picked her card and placed it in the pile, which Rosalie looked through laughing as she read some of them that were no doubt entertaining. "Whoever put singing in the shower wins" she said at last and I poked my head up with surprise.

"I... I did" I stammered and Rosalie gave a start of surprise before handing me the card.

"Good one. Have you ever heard Emmett in the shower? Now that's live entertainment" she said and Emmett laughed poking her in the stomach. Slowly other joined in his laughter, even I did although hesitantly. Once the laughter had died down the tension wasn't nearly as high anymore. The ice had definitely not been broken but there were gusts of warm air.

The game flew by in a flurry of rounds, some funny, some serious as everyone channeled their inner competitiveness. In the game everyone was your enemy, a nice relief for me. We soon learnt that Esme and Carlisle had been showing each other their cards and trading cards under the table, and that Emmett had been folding down the corner of his to let Jasper know which one was his. It resulted in both parties losing two green cards each. The game had gone around the table a few times, and then we were back to Rosalie who had picked the green card 'Vile'.

I quickly pulled out Daddy Long-Legs knowing that Rosalie hated spiders. Once the cards had been handed to her she shifted through them placing them down in two separate piles,until she stopped flicking through and held up a card.

"Who put in the choose your own card?" She asked holding it up, and Bella raised her hand.

"I choose the word Gabby" she said glancing over at me. And at that all hell broke loose.

Yay! I love the game Apples to Apples and I've been planning this chapter ever since I started the update. Part two will be up soon. I'm really busy right now with a bucket load of tests and a drama production to practice for.



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