11 | Where do werewolves go on vacation? A Howlday inn!

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

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"Dylan what are you doing here?" I asked incredulously as he pushed open the door, poking his head inside my room. Although Dylan had dropped me off at my house on many occasions he had never been inside.

"No one was home, I walked right in. I knew you were home because I saw the light on" said Dylan, his head in his backpack as he rummaged through it. "I found some things that you need to see...oh" Dylan trailed off as he emerged triumphant from the backpack with a stack of papers.

"Who the hell are you?" Seth asked and I glared at him. I still hadn't quite forgiven him nor gotten over the fact that he, Seth had imprinted on me and neglected to tell me for my whole life. Granted it had only been two months, one which we hadn't spoken to each other, but this was a big deal and I should have been informed. 

"I could ask the same" Dylan retorted, placing down the pile of papers and edging towards me, his eyes wary of Seth.

"I'm her best friend"

They both spoke at the same time then glared at one another, judging from the levels of testosterone buzzing through the room, I decided to step in before Dylan got injured.

"Seth meet Dylan McBride" I said and Seth glared at Dylan who smirked back, "And Dylan meet Seth Clearwater" I added and Dylan nodded slowly confused by the situation. 

"So what are you?" asked Dylan breaking the silence that had followed my introduction.

"Sorry what am I?" asked Seth clenching his fists. I sighed, Dylan had no tact what so ever. 

"You know...werewolf, vampire, mermaid..." Dylan trailed off as Seth gave a low growl and directed his glare towards me.

"You told him?" he snapped and I took a nervous step back. I had seen Seth angry before, and angry at me, but I had never seen this much hatred in his eyes, especially directed towards me. 

"I...I..." I stammered searching for the words to explain this all to him. This had been the worst possible time for Dylan to show up, with Seth and I still angry at each other and the weight of his revelation still hanging over our heads like a cloud. 

"I figured it out for myself and I confronted Gabby about it. She had no choice but to tell me" Dylan said jumping into help me and I shot him a grateful glance.

"Who else knows?" Seth asked Dylan who smiled at Seth, being the typical jokester that he was and completely over looking the fact that Seth could kill him in a second. 

"No one. I swear it dude. This werewolf stuff is great, you know I've really taken a lycan to it" Dylan said grinning at his pun as he looked to both of our blank faces. I groaned and Seth just glared at his, as per usual. "Get it, because lycanthropy..." Dylan explained still waiting for us to laugh, and when we didn't, shook his head and muttered something about depreciation for good puns. 

"I aware, that you may think it's great what with all these human shows you guys have" said Seth and I could tell Dylan was fighting the urge to laugh and I elbowed his in the ribs sharply. "What is it again? Teen Wolf or something?" Seth asked looking to me for help and I shrugged, not having any clue what he was talking about, but  Dylan nodded with recognition.

"Why isn't it then?" Dylan asked and I elbowed him again warning him not to test his luck. 

"Being a werewolf is about so much more than having super-strength and speed and being able to shape-shift...It's about being able to protect your town or city from the dangers of other super-natural creatures and to run with your pack, knowing that everyone has your back..."

"I'm pretty sure Scott has Stiles' back...okay I'm shutting up now" said Dylan as Seth gave him a smouldering look for his unnecessary interruption. 

"As I was saying, being a shape-shifter is hard at first, you need to learn how to control it. At first it ruins your life in a way. Everything changes, but then, then you grow to love it and can no longer look at yourself in a mirror without seeing your other form" finished Seth and Dylan looked at him with awe.

"And what form is that exactly? Full on wolf or like do you grow facial hair? Do your eyes turn red if you're an alpha?" Dylan asked and Seth rolled his eyes, a habit he adopted undoubtedly from being around me all the time.  

"Full on wolf" he replied and Dylan raised his eyebrows looking awed. 

"Why are you telling him all this? Weren't you just ready to tear his throat out 5 minutes ago?" I asked. although I was glad that Seth was being civil to Dylan I had to figure out where he was going with this conversation. 

"I'm telling him this because you trust him and that's good enough for me" Seth said, meeting my eyes and  giving me a look. Although I still believed he had a second motive behind it I caved and broke our gaze, turning toward Dylan to question why he had come here in the first place.

"So why did you come here again? You had something to tell me?" I asked and Dylan nodded excitedly, quickly rummaging through his bag and pulling out the stack of papers from before. 

"You'll never believe what I just found!" He said, sitting on the bed with the package of information balanced on his knees. Seth and I clambered to his side as he reverently explained what he had found to us, and slowly my amazement grew and grew. I knew something,and Bella wasn't going to like it, 

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Okay I just had to add the werewolf puns and teen wolf in there. 

Yay! I love to see #sabby and #McCullen in the same room. You may think this is a love triangle, you may not... but little spolier alert this is a new trio that I'm really excited about!


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