22| Dylan McFreakin' Bride

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

Have you ever gotten an inexplicable feeling that something bad was going to happen? Whether it was because you had a knot in your stomach, you were feeling uneasy or a psychotic vampire was en route to your best friend's house. For me it was all three, which made me an anxious bundle of nerves.

I knew no matter how fast I ran I wouldn't be able to stop him from doing anything at all. He was a speedster, quite possibly the fastest vampire let alone human being alive. I left Jasper staring after me shocked as I raced out the house in my socks, running for Dylan's house.

I took the shortest way possible, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was too late. Too late to do anything. The sight of the McBride's house where I had spent many afternoons did nothing to calm my nerves.

The newly painted door was ajar, and I raced towards it pushing it open with a bang. The sound echoed through the seemingly empty house, the air was still and heavy. Sunlight filtered in through the curtains casting an golden glow around the room.

"Hello?"I called, just in case that Mrs. McBride, Lauren or Dylan were there. When there was no response I cast my eyes around the room using my enhanced vampire eyes to look for details.

Finally after what seemed like hours of looking, I found a handprint, a red hand print on the bannister of the stairs. I sprinted up the stairs, my heart pounding fast. I hardly dared to breath,  hoping, praying that nothing had happened. But I knew I was wrong, something didn't feel right and the house was too silent.

I came across the first body at the foot of the stairs. I recognized it to be Poppy McBride, Dylan's mother. My breath caught in my throat as I stumbled to her side, the knee of my jeans instantly soling from the pool of blood that was spread around her.

"Mrs. McBride!" I cried shaking her, "Poppy!". I knew it was no use, her throat was slashed, and her blue eyes were string lifelessly up at the ceiling. Her cellphone was clutched in her bloody hand, I felt a sob catch in my throat. This hadn't just been a normal vampire feeding, this has been a purposeful murder.

I left Dylan's mom, and headed down the hallway towards Lauren's room. I didn't want to know Dylan's fate, not just yet. It was best to save it for last. My stocking feet left bloody footsteps on Lauren's fluffy white carpet. Dylan loved that carpet and often told his sister he'd steal it when she went off to university.

"Lauren? It's me Gabby?" I asked stepping toward the bed. There was an outline of a body on the bed and I didn't even need to pull back the covers to know what I'd find underneath. I bit my lip, steeling my nerves as I pulled back the light blue duvet.

Lauren was under it, her throat was slashed like her mother's. Blood stained her blonde hair and her glasses were askew. The blood stained the sheet red and tears were pouring freely down my face.

For Poppy who baked us cookies everyday, who was the first person to treat me with kindness outside of my family and who hugged me each time I left the house. She always asked if I wanted to stay for dinner and was always happy to help me out.

For Lauren who had only been 17, she had a boyfriend Stewart and they were much in love. She was to go to Prom with him and she had gotten into Oxford. She had wanted to be a doctor, and she wanted to save people's lives.
I was crying for Dylan for his still unknown fate. I knew I had to make myself check, I had to find out.

I made my way to Dylan's room sobbing as I opened the door and was faced with two blood tipped converses that were attached to two legs. I focused my attention away from the body to the room. Papers were lying around the room, blown about from the open window. Lying on a bunch of them was Dylan eagle spread in the middle of his room.

Unable to stop myself from finding out his state any longer, I cast my eyes downwards. Although I'd already knew what I'd find. I let out a frustrated hell that turned into a strangled sob as I slid down towards Dylan. He looked different from his family members with an absence of blood. A thin line was drawn across his throat, a small pool of blood pooling on his Adam's apple.


I clutched his body as I cried. I cried until my throat was sore from sobbing, I cried until the tears didn't seem to come anymore and my knees had grown numb against the floor. I don't know how many hours had passed, I didn't care that Jasper would be worried. All I cared about was Dylan.

He hadn't been my first friend but he had been the greatest. He had picked me up when I felt down, always had a sarcastic remark to make in class and taught me how to trust someone. I loved him, as a brother. I loved him as much as I did Nessie or Jasper or even Seth.

A hollow bang resonated through the silent house and I jumped up, quickly wiping my runny nose on the sleeve of my sweater. Anyone would be able to look at my red eyes or blotchy face and tell I've been crying but I at least wanted to look semi-threatening.

I tensed as the door opened. I narrowed my eyes as the man walked in his golden eyes widening at the sight.

"You". I said, my voice menacing. He hardly flinched, just giving me a weak smile.

I'm so sorry. Everyone's going to hate me now... Just hold on. All may not be as it seems


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