20| Meet Coach McBride

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

One might think that after my thrilling revelation that Carlisle, Esme and the rest of the Cullens might actually stand up for me, against Bella and Edward for once in my life but I was wrong.

Inside I was confined to my room with Nessie as the adults debated the possible solutions.

"In my opinion, this shouldn't even be a solution" said Nessie picking up a few of the glass figurines on my desk.

"Mine too" I said, staring up at the ceiling. I was laying on my bed, in starfish position feeling sorry for myself.

"I'll talk to Mom, don't worry" Nessie said hoping reassure me. She failed.

"I'm sure that will work out perfectly" I said dryly and Nessie sighed sitting on the end of my bed with a huff.

"Why couldn't our family just be normal?" She asked and I shrugged not quite understanding what she meant by 'normal'.

"Normal as in not vampires or normal as in everybody loves each other" I asked.

"Both" she replied despondently. Oh we were a cheerful pair alright.



"Why do you- How can you still love Bella when she acts like this?" I asked. The question had been bugging me for a while now. I didn't get how Nessie could be so loyal to Bella even after all the evil she's seen her do.

"When you love someone... when you love someone, you're willing to overlook all their flaws. You only see them how you want to see them. I know I shouldn't love Bella, but she's my mom, yours too" she said, clutching her knees to her chest as she spoke.

"You can hardly ask me to proclaim my love for Bella from the high heavens. After all that's she's-"

"I'm not asking you to love Bella. I'm just saying somewhere deep down, she does love you" Nessie replied and I scoffed at her shaking my head firmly.

"She hates me" I said.

"Dislikes. There's a difference" argued Nessie. I rolled my eyes, refusing to debate this with her.

"Whatever" I said rolling off my bed and collecting my coat.

"Where are you going?" She asked her eye following me as I pulled on my shoes and eased open the window.

"I'm going to see a friend".

"Wait so your mom wants to give you up to the evil vampire guys?"

"The Volturi" I corrected and Dylan waved his hand at me.

"Potato, Potahto. Wow. That's-" he trailed off, bemused by the overall situation.

"Crazy. I know" finished Seth from where he leaned against the wall. Dylan was sitting backwards in his desk chair and I was on his bed, my back against the headboards and my legs stretched out in front of me.

"So what are you going to do?" Dylan asked glancing over at Seth as though he was trying to read his expression.

"I don't know. Run. Give myself up" I said and Dylan's mouth fell open.

"You can't be serious?" He exclaimed.

"I'm not, he's-"

"The pack will fight" interrupted Seth and I shook my head from side to side.

"The pack will not fight".

"Will too!"

"Will not".

"Will too!"

"Will not".

"Guys!" , Dylan cut in interrupted our argument. Seth and I glared at each other fiercely each one of us not willing to break the gaze.

"What are you 2 years old? This is so not productive" groaned Dylan.

"Actually I'm 2 and 1/2 months old" I corrected and he groaned again.

"Minor details. Minor details. No would you two please stop the glaring session?" He asked urgently and I sighed but broke my gaze from Seth.

"Thank you" said Dylan sighing as he clapped his hands together getting our attention.

"First things first, Gabby no you may not turn yourself in. I'll fail sophomore year. I'm kidding! I'm kidding! On a serious note, no you can't turn yourself in. That's reckless and dangerous and that's only going to put you in a whole lot of trouble. Mark my words. Besides your my bffl, best friends for life yo! That can't happen if you're dead or in Italy. I already planned for us to do a backpacking trip across Europe after graduation so no you may not see Italy with out me. I refuse it. End of story. Two you are not running because then I would have to come with you. And I can't run to save my life and besides I would probably be eaten by vampires with in a week. If not then mosquitos. Thirdly, Sethy-boy, oh you don't like that... O-Kay. Seth, the packs are not fighting. We don't need anyone else getting killed or worse losing their wolf powers. Finally, let me introduce you to our newest addition in the team..." Said Dylan grabbing a baseball cap and a whistle from one of his desk drawers.

"Coach McBride!" He crowed victoriously giving us a giant grin. When Seth an I didn't applaud nor grin, his smile fell and he looked at us with fake hurt.

"That's just you wearing a baseball cap and a whistle" said Seth bluntly.

"Duh!" Replied Dylan rubbing his temples.

"So... The point is...."

"Coach McBride. Coach! I'm going to coach Gabby how to use her powers. Then nobody has to run, fight or turn themselves in. There's no need to tell me I'm a genius I know already but I will accept applause" said Dylan bowing dramatically. His cap fell off and bounced to the floor as I giggled. Seth on the other hand looked unamused.

"And how are you going to do that?" He asked skeptically.

"By teaching her how to use them and let go of any guilt she may have that's keeping them suppressed" sighed Dylan, annoyed that Seth wasn't loving his plan like he had hoped.

"You have no knowledge with the-"

"You don't have to be supernatural to understand basic psychology. You just have to have an IQ over 80" retorted Dylan, before he spun the chair to me and blew the whistle. "Let's start".

Omg k Dylan in this chapter is amazeballs. I love him so much. Did I me nation I'm really excited for this? Cause I am. Really really excited. Stay tuned for next chapter which will hopefully be posted tomorrow.


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