29| Whispers in the wind

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

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I must have slept through the rest of the day because when I woke the sky outside my window had turned a murky black. I still felt tired and groggy, but it was a feeling you get when you haven't had a goodnight's sleep in a while and then you finally do.

I had come to the conclusion that either Nicole or my Father had kissed me on the forehead last night. I had also dismissed the boy as someone I must have seen in town once or twice. Although I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew him and knew him well.

I kicked off my covers, leaving my bed to be made by one of the servants we always had around here. My belly rumbled as I changed out of the blue dress I was wearing into a simpler brown dress. Then I left the room in search of food.

As many of the other coven members didn't need to sleep I passed many of them in the hallway. They gave me quick bows as they passed beside me and then we're on their way. Due to my state as a half-human and half-vampire my Father refused to allow me to eat human food or drink animal blood.

I knew he wanted me to become as strong as possible so that the other vampires didn't ever get too thirsty with the human blood that flowed through my veins. After I finished off one of the humans that we kept in the castle I made my way downstairs towards the Great Hall in search of someone to talk to.

"Gabs!" someone called and I spun around quickly as hope blossomed in my chest. It had been the same feeling as yesterday, that I knew someone called me that but couldn't quite figure out who. Only when I saw who had called me my face fell, it wasn't who I was looking for. It was like my subconscious was trying to tell me something but I just couldn't figure out what.

"What's wrong?" asked Roger noticing the way my face fell. He was joined by Kaito as usual. Roger and Kaito were hardly ever seen without one another. They had been best friends for hundreds of years and had even joined the Volturi together. They had been devastated when Harris left, and they were both kind to me.

Roger and Kaito had been in the Volturi for as long as anyone could remember. They were complete opposites with Kaito being tall, dark haired and lean with glasses that he didn't need but wore anyways and Roger who was fair haired, muscular and slightly shorter than Kaito.

"Just...just don't call me Gabs" I said exasperated. I was frustrated with myself, for not being able to remember something that seemed so obviously important.

"Why is it too much for you Princess?" asked Kaito raising his eyebrow. I sighed and shook my head. Although I didn't expect them to understand I felt like I needed to get this out of my system.

"Have you ever forgotten something that was important?" I asked and they exchanged a glance before looking back to me. It was Kaito that replied, repositioning his glasses on his nose.

"The brain tends to remember negative memories more than traumatic ones. The brain tends to make you forget those ones" said Kaito and I goggled at him.

"How do you know all this?" I asked incredulously. Roger burst into laughter as Kaito smirked.

"Gabby I've been alive for four centuries and my power is related to memory" he said slowly, but I didn't have time to retort as I felt a stab of pain in my head.

I collapsed to the ground, Kaito and Roger running to my side. I wasn't quite sure what was happening but I knew that my brain wanted me to remember something, I just didn't know what that something was.

When the pain had passed I opened my eyes to see Kaito's and Roger's worried faces staring down at me. "Gabby? Are you alright?" asked Roger reaching out to help me.

I avoided his hand and got to my feet. "It's Gabrielle. If you want to call me something call me Bri" I snapped and stalked off leaving the two shocked vampires behind.

I climbed back upstairs to my room, slamming the heavy oak door behind me. Curling up under the covers I could finally relax and attempt to figure out what this memory was. I don't know how long I lay there in utter misery, but I knew it had to be a while as there was no longer a pinkish light around the edges of the blanket.

"Gabs" came a voice, a male voice and I snapped down the covers to reprimand Kaito or Roger for calling me that again. Only when I emerged my head out from beneath my safety blanket there was no one there.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice sounding small and scared. "Hello?" I said again this time trying to make my voice commanding like the one I used to order around the humans.

"Gabs!" replied the voice, although the room was still empty of visitors. I was about to call on when they spoke again. "Hold on...let me...there we are!" exclaimed the voice and a hazy figure appeared in front of me.

"What the-"

"Sorry it's still taking me a while to appear. I just died so it's harder to assume a corporal figure. I'm sorry am I rambling? I'm rambling aren't I? I'm sorry I've missed you so much...Gabs?" the figure stopped speaking as he noticed my confused expression.

"I...I don't know who you are" I stammered backing away and in turn bumping into my bed post. I clung to it fearfully desperate to put some distance between me and this...figure.

"Gabs? Don't you know me? It's me Dylan. I've been looking all over for you"

Y'all thought he was gone. I'm not that heartless. Okay maybe just a little. But omfg so happy that he's back. I've had to keep this secret so long it's been killing me. And omg guys 13k already. Omg ily guys so much. Above is a gif of Kaito. 

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