09| World War Cullen

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

"I choose the word Gabby" said Bella looking over to me with a sneer on her face. I hadn't been surprised, Bella had been sending me glares the whole game and I knew it was only a matter of time before she would do something. Unfortunately, a third of my family seemed to care. 

Nessie who hadn't made the connection between what Bella had said and, the card she matched my name with sat between Edward and Bella half-asleep. Jasper, however, had leapt to his feet reprimanding Bella for being so rude. I didn't have the heart to tell him to stop as it would be useless, Bella wouldn't change her opinion of me nor would Edward.

The family was dividing itself, with more people on Bella and Edward's side but yet a few surprising people on mine. The room was literally separate in two halves, right side of the room in my side and the left side of the room on Bella's.

"Bella, what are you thinking? You can't call someone vile!" Rosalie screamed, ever loyal Emmett standing up as well and moving over to my side with her. Although Alice wasn't my biggest sympathizer she too looked outraged by Bella's choice of word.

Esme and Carlisle sat idly by ignoring the annoyed stares that Jasper and Rosalie were shooting their way. Bella was yelling at Alice, who looked near to tears, Edward and Jasper looked close to punching each other and Rosalie was yelling at the top of her lungs, held back by Emmett.

Overall, it looked like some dramatic soap opera and I couldn't believe that I was witnessing it personally without a director standing a couple metres away ready to yell cut at any given moment.

"You can't just call someone that!" Rosalie screamed again staring down Bella, who gave an annoyed huff backing away from Alice, looking a little hurt that she was on my side. I remembered Jasper had told me of Rosalie's and Bella's feud when they had first met and Alice's fast friendship with Bella. I supposed that was why Rosalie came to my side just as love led Alice to mine as well.

"She's my daughter, I can call her what I want" Bella snapped and at that I leapt from my seat on the couch.

"Now you call me your daughter?" I asked outraged and everyone's eyes turned to me. I was uncomfortable from all the attention but I had to express my thoughts.

"What's your problem with me anyways? You've done nothing but hate me since I was born! What did I ever do to you that Nessie didn't do as well?" I demanded, my fists clenched tightly to my sides and Bella opened and closed her mouth looking like a fish. Which proved my statement, she had no reason to hate me, she just did it for need of a scapegoat.

"That's what I thought" I said, speaking the thoughts aloud, success lacing my tone. "Alice, we all know you're only on my side for Jasper but thank you for at least being on it" I said to her and she gave me a small smile. "Rosalie, I didn't know you even liked me that much, but I guess Bella overstepped your boundaries or something. I want to thank you and Emmett for sticking up for what is right" I said to Rosalie who nodded grasping Emmett's hand tightly.

"And Jasper, you know I love you. Nessie, you're sleeping but I love you too. As for the rest of you, a month ago if something like this happened I would have ran to my room and hidden in my closet. I actually cared what my family thought of me. But now... I'm beyond that. I don't care what you think because I have no feelings for any of you left" I snapped my gaze falling on Esme, Carlisle, Bella and Edward in turn before , I turned on my heel and left the room.

Dramatic exits were always necessary and fun to do. Especially when you left a speechless crowd behind you. They are most effective when you proved someone wrong and walk away feeling like you're walking on cloud nine. However, I felt just the about opposite, no matter what I said, no matter who liked me, my parents would forever hate me.

Okay this is about half the size of a regular chapter but I may add on later. It's really only part 2 of what happened before (previous chapter). So there's not much to add.

Update: so I added like 200 words so it should be a bit longer. This is mostly just a filler chapter anyways.

Happy Easter to those who celebrate it. And for those who don't, Happy Sunday and if you hate Sunday's then happy being alive day? (Idek)

_Elle xx

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