12| I have no intention for my life to be a horror movie.

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

Although I hated living with the Cullens the attic was my safe place, I loved to wake up under the wooden beams, with the morning light filtering through the shutters giving off the impression that the room was filled with a warm glow. I had never slept anywhere other than my room and when I woke up I knew immediately that I was away from home. The room was dark, a light grey light poking out from behind the long black curtains. I knew it wasn't any of the Cullen's room, nor Dylan's or Seth's who both had blue curtains.

I reached out to flick on the over head lamp, which cast the room in an artificial orange light. The walls were plain, stripped of any photos or decorative painting , the walls were made of a grey stone, that felt rough to the touch and added to the gloominess of the room. I didn't recognize any of it. There was an eerie silence drawn over the castle, I felt as though I was a main character in those horror films that Dylan loved and I hated.

The last thing I remembered was Dylan explaining the information he found on half-vampire to Seth and I, then the three of us collapsing on my bed, exhausted from plotting well into the night. I couldn't remember being woken up, nor carried away from my room which freaked me out. How can you just not remember something that important?

Stretching out my heavy limbs, I stood up throwing off the heavy comforter that belonged to the big iron set bet I had woken up in and the only piece of furniture in the room. I was still wearing the light green t-shirt and dark blue capris, that I had been wearing yesterday. Padding cautiously towards the door, I strained my ears for any signs of life but the silence was deafening.

I pushed at the heavy wood door and to my surprise it swung open with a loud creak. Afraid that the creak had alerted my captors that I was awake, I froze listening for running footsteps or a shout alerting people I was awake. There was nothing. The mood of the hallway was similar to that of the room, with the same grey walls and dim lamps every couple feet that cast out an orange glow. Whoever owned this place had better invest in new lightbulbs, as these ones didn't seem too strong.

After walking down the empty hall for several minutes and feeling more and more uneasy as I went on, I finally came to a set of three doors, each big and wooden. Unsure of what door to choose, and uncertain of what lay behind each one I headed to the one on the right, figuring that it would be the best option. The door was unlocked as well and I couldn't help but get the feeling that everything was too easy. Too simple.

I found myself in another hallway, like the one I had just emerged from, grey, somber and dim lighting. Pulling my nerves together, and convincing myself not to run back to the room I had been in and hide under the bed I took a deep breath and headed down the passageway. As it continued on I began to pick up the pace, my feet thudding against the concrete floor of the hallway, the only sound to be heard for miles.

I came to a sudden stop as I reached the end of the hallway coming face to face with another heavy wooden door. Steeling my nerves, I pushed it open finding a room identical to the one I had woken up in. Empty save for a big iron bed, a lamp and a girl who was sleeping in the middle of it. I crept closer to the bed, something drawing me towards the girl who seemed oddly familiar. She had russet hair and looked almost exactly like me.

"Nessie?" I asked certain it must be my twin sister, as she was the only one who looked exactly like me. As I stood above the girl, her eyes opened and they weren't the chocolate brown eyes that Nessie had, but an identical pair of the golden eyes that I owned. I stumbled back away from the bed, desperate to get away from there, but as I was receding from the bed I hit something solid and warm.

Spinning around wildly, I saw another girl behind me, my mirrored image. I looked frantically between her and the other girl, looking for a way to escape when yet another girl came through the door, my carbon copy again.

"What's going on? Who are you?" I asked frantically looking between the three Gabbys that surrounded me, on each side, pressing my back against the foot board of the bed. They each smiled, although knew it was my friendly smile it looked like a demonic smirk on each of their faces.

"You know who we are and we are coming for you" said Gabby clone number one who was on the left of me. I spun to face her watching the other two clones out of the corner of my eye in case they decided to do something.

"I don't-"

"We watched as your family hated you as you grew" said Gabby clone number two, who was to the right of me, cutting off my protests. I decided to let them finish their creepy speech, knowing they weren't going to answer any of my questions, as creepy as they were.

"They stopped your powers, making them seem evil" said the final Gabby clone who was facing me. I edged away form her, pressing my back into the iron beam.

"We are sent here to cause chaos, It's the root of all evil, of strife and upheaval" they said in unison, their voices thundering through my ears. I winced and covered them.

"This isn't real. This isn't real THIS ISN"T REAL" I yelled and suddenly the clones were gone, the room was gone and I was gasping for breath, surrounded by darkness.

This is basically what happens when I leave my story plan. I have no idea what I am doing, lol actually I do. I completely changed what I had planned for Gabby and now I have a brilliant new idea that I hope you are all going to enjoy. Don't worry for those of you who loved the old story plot it will still involve memory loss.


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