30| Phantom Memories

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

"Gabs?" and the figure focused slowly as though I was looking through a camera lens. His edges were blurry at first but slowly his edges smoothed out and everything was clear. I was looking at a boy. A boy with blue eyes, blonde hair and who looked about my age. I sat down slowly on the edge of the bed and the figure walked towards me slowly, as if he wanted to comfort me.

"Don't." I said holding up my hand. I sensed that he knew me and knew me well. And indeed there was that sense of familiarity around him, something that I couldn't quite place. It was as though I was trying to piece together a puzzle without ever looking at the box.

"Don't you know me?" he asked looking wounded, he put a hand to his heart as though I had stabbed him. I got the feeling that he was being ironic but not wanting to hurt his feelings I decided to reply honestly and not with a sarcastic retort of my own.

"I'm not quite sure" I said slowly and the boy threw up his hands.

"Right I forgot you were immortal. Do you remember... Wait no. What year is it?" he asked. I got up off my bed and headed to the desk still giving him a wide berth. I told him the date, checking the small calendar before returning to my spot on the bed.

"That's the year I died. I thought you still looked the same. Gabs, what are you playing at? Do you seriously not know me?" he asked and I shrank back feeling guilty that my mind was betraying me. "And why are you in Italy? Are you... Don't tell me! Gabrielle Rosalie Cullen!" he shouted.

"What?" I asked intrigued by the fact that he knew my full name. But he had gotten the last name and the middle name wrong. I didn't even have a last name, none of the other Volturi members did.

"Don't tell me you joined the Volturi!" he exclaimed and I raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't join. I was born into it" I said and the boy gaped at me. When he still didn't say anything after a slight pause I decided to elaborate. "The head of the Volturi is my father. Well sort of. He created me and I am to become a leader along with him and my uncles when I stop growing" I said. He still didn't say anything and I sighed, annoyed by his unexplained presence.

"No your not! Gabs I don't know what happened to you but you need to listen to me!" He exclaimed, shock and outrage etched across his features. I leapt to my feet furious. Who was he to tell me who I was and wasn't. How dare he order me about, telling me that I should remember him.

"Listen here. I don't know who you are and I don't care what you think. But if you dare presume that you know me better than I do, then you are wrong! I am re Volturi Princess, Gabrielle Rosalie and you shall do as I say! I command it!" I screamed. The boy shook his head as though he was laughing at me. I stamped my foot annoyed.

"Shall I call my guards?" I threatened taking an authoritative step towards him.

"You're acting like a child. Can't blame you really you're only about...3 months old" he said smirking as my face turned beet red with rage.

My eyes narrowed. "Are you taunting me?"

He smirked which made me even more frustrated. I couldn't seem to make him angry, every time I tried he only seemed to enjoy me yelling at him, which made me more angry. It was a vicious circle that seemed to have no end. We were just going round and round in a giant loop.

"HOW. DARE. YOU." I boomed, my anger getting the best of me. I ha always been told to stay calm and composed but this, this boy tested my nerves. "I am the Volturi Princess. You will listen to my command. You shall compliment me but never order me" I said my tone brimming with authority.

"Of course, my princess" said the boy. "Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Because thou hast no class" he said and with that he disappeared.

I let out an aggravated screech and the door burst open to reveal Felix who searched my room worriedly.

"All right Princess?" he asked and I nodded ushering him out of the room. Once I was safely behind the closed wood door I leapt onto my bed, crushing my pillow into my mouth as I screamed. I screamed until my throat was dry and sore, I was in immense need of some blood but I stated in my room not wanting everyone to see my blood streaked face.

I normally didn't let people get the best of me and normally this boy who meet he was wouldn't either. Only there was something about him, something familiar. The bantering back and forth... His eyes. His eyes. Especially his eyes. I couldn't help but feel like they were the exact pair of blue eyes that I had seen in my dreams the night before. And that bothered me the most.

Although not specified I believe it is safe to say that Dylan is officially back in action and talking to Gabby again. #Dabby #McCullen. I am so happy about this guys. You have no idea.

I will hopefully upload later today as I'm babysitting and can probably upload something while they are sleeping provided I have wifi...
If not I am shooting for another few chapters this weekend as I am done school. When are you guys done school?

Also want to thank you for 14k it's crazy how many reads this is getting agh.

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