27| Don't you forget about me

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

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At first I was floating, weightless... Nicole's hands disappeared from my arm and I couldn't feel anything because I floating, floating and falling through a misty abyss. Falling into a foggy slumber from which I'd never wake the same. Images, stills from my life were flicking past, a slideshow of my former-self. 

There was Alice picking me up gingerly and handing me to Bella, Bella refusing to look at me only focusing on the wolf that had imprinted on her older daughter. Then Bella and Edward staring at me with hatred in their eyes, Jasper picking me up off the cold table that I lay on and bundling me up, clutching my small body close to his chest. 

Then suddenly I had aged, hanging off Jasper's legs as I hid from Bella's hatred. Playing hopscotch and jump rope with Nessie when Bella went hunting; killing my first deer and looking at Jasper with a big smile on my face. Then I was running into Seth's arms a wide smile on my face, Nessie and I catching snowflakes in the garden.

The arrival of the Volturi for the first time, my fight with Seth, the disastrous family game night, my fight with Seth, meeting Dylan for the first time, going to school. Poppy McBride giving me a warm hug, making up with Seth and then the countless hours the three of us had spent together. Lastly there was me discovering Dylan's body, my talk with Harris, my escape from the funeral and then my ambush.

The images stopped shifting in front of me and stopped, melding into a solid black background. Everything came to a stop and I could here myself breathing rhythmically. I could no longer recall what I had just been shown. My mind was blank and empty, I no longer felt connected to it; like my mind and body no longer belonged together. All was silent and peaceful for a moment then...it all started again only the images had changed.

There was me as a baby in Aro's arms, followed by shots of Marcus and Caius smiling down on me. There was me playing tug of war with Felix and Elijah, laughing with Jane and Nicole, playing football with Kaitol, Roger and Harris and me training with Alec. Me balancing a book on my head and proudly showing off to the Volturi. All of these pictures made me feel safe, happy, like I had a family and that I finally belonged.

I awoke with a start gasping for breath, I knew where I was, I was in my room back in Volterra, Italy. the castle I had grew up in and knew every single corner. Only I had no memories of ever going to sleep much less back to my room.

"Gabrielle! You are awake!" crowed a voice and I looked to see Nicole peering at me nervously. I struggled to sit up, my head pounding.

"Wh..what happened?" I stammered clutching my head.

"Oh Gabrielle I was so worried! I lost control and you grabbed my arm..." Nicole trailed off sadly, the guilt clear in her eyes. I rolled my eyes, Nicole often had lapses like this where she would loose control of her memory powers and accidentally touch someone wiping away their memories from (thankfully) only a few hours before.

"For the last time Nic, call me Bri" I said rolling my eyes. It was quite annoying to have to keep reminding her. I had known Nicole all my life and she was a sister to me. Nicole blushed smoothing down a strand of her hair that escaped its ponytail.

"Sorry...Bri" she said shamefaced. I smiled to show her it was no big deal when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I called and Felix entered the room. He was a large brooding vampire who carried out many of the executions but deep down he was really like a soft teddy bear.

"Your father requests your presence in the Great Hall" he said and I beamed.

"Father's home?" I asked my eyes lighting up. He had been away for the past week and I was anxious to see him.

"Yes. I will announce that you will be there shortly' Felix said leaving the room.

"Help me to be made presentable" I begged turning to Nicole who smiled. She loved fashion and was always happy to help dress me up.

After a couple minutes of indecision we settled on a light blue dress that accentuated the red of my eyes. Nicole wrapped a black Volturi cloak around my shoulders fastening it with a brooch that signified my high rank. Then she twisted my russet coloured hair into a fancy up-do, bringing all of it out of my face.

"There you are" she said escorting me out the door. I smiled, I normally loved the small moments that Nicole and I spent together but this time I couldn't wait to see my father. We headed down the familiar hallways that I had spent many moments of my childhood sprinting down as I played tag or running from my uncles as they tried to reprimand me.

We arrived at the Great Hall, to see Felix waiting outside the large oak doors. "I'll take her from here" he said and I placed my arm lightly on his forearm as I bid goodbye to Nicole. We entered the large hall and made our way towards the front where I could here soft voices.

"Father!" I cried and my Father turned from where he was conferring with my uncles Marcus and Caius. My father Aro, head of the Volturi turned to me his face breaking into the smile he reserved only for me, his beloved daughter, the Heir of the Volturi: me, Gabrielle.

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Bit of a revelation for you guys there! Sorry I haven't updated I've been busy....

Thanks for 12k! It seems as though just yesterday i was thanking you all for 10k!


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