19|In which everyone freaks out

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

After what seems like 5 hours everyone just stares at each other, at Alice, at the floor, at the ceiling, at the shiny black grand piano in the corner of the room. At everything that wasn't reality, at everything that wasn't the truth. Nobody wanted to face the fact that the Volturi were indeed coming again as Alice's visions don't lie.

Nobody wanted to ask the question that was burning a hole through the centre of the room.

That question was: Why? Why were they coming again?

What did they want?

Those questions burned at the tip of my tongue and I wanted desperately to spit the out, but something held me back. The truth. What if the Volturi were coming because of me? I couldn't make my family hate me more butI certainly didn't want to put Seth, Jasper, Nessie and Dylan into danger. I wouldn't allow it.

Once you know something you can't unknow it.But it's normally the curiosity that kills us first. And the cat too.

Someone-Emmett, cleared their throat sharply and like that it was a trigger that set off rapid-fire questions that came from every direction.



"This can't be possible".


"Please tell me this isn't possible".

'Are you sure?".

"Of course she's sure! Her visions never lie. Are you sure though?"

"Is it because of Gabby"

"I bet it's because of Gabby"


"It's not like I want them to come either!" I yelled back at Bella.

"Everyone just-"

"Alice tell us why!'


"C'mon Alice. Tell us"

"JUST CALM DOWN! EVERYONE!" Jasper boomed and the parade of questions fell silent as they focused on Jasper. "Just give her time to breath". He said and Alice nodded gasping for breath.

"They want you" she said still looking down at the floor.

"Want who?" Carlisle asked using his calm, I'm-a-doctor voice. Alice didn't reply, instead she looked up at us all crowded around her until her eyes sought out mine.

"You" she said insistently and everyone's eyes moved from Alice to face me, glare at me.

Damn it.

"Why do they want her? She's not important" said Bella putting her arm around Nessie and pulling her close to her side. I rolled my eyes. Even in times of crisis Bella still couldn't forget her vendetta against me.

"She's powerful. More powerful than anyone in this room, more powerful than any of the Volturi" she said and everyone's eyes flicked back from Alice to me as though they were watching a ping-pong game. When everyone stayed silent I realized they were looking at me to say something.

"Um..." came my clever response. I winced. Dylan would be ashamed of me, I thought and that motivated me to think of a witty response but I had nothing.

"Who's Dylan?" Jasper asked and I realized I had spoken my thoughts out loud. Damn.

"Um...he's uh...from....uh...a show. Yeah he's from a show" I replied quickly and although Jasper still looked suspicious he let it drop as we obviously and many more important things to discuss.

"I...um... I can't stop them. if that's what you want me to do" I said staring at the floor as a flush of red came over my cheeks.

"What do you mean? You're the only one who can" said Esme clutching onto Carlisle's cable knit sweater vest. My family seemed to have an odd obsession with clutching people when they are distressed. I shook my head. Focus Gabby.

"I mean, I've never used my powers before" I said and everyone exchanged looks of surprise.

"I always though you..." trailed off Bella. Edward placed a supporting hand on her shoulder.

"You've really never used them?" asked Carlisle incredulously and I shook my head.

"I always thought. I always thought I'd hurt someone. Everyone called me a monster and I began to believe that was the truth and I guess I forced my powers inside of me and now...I can't save anyone...I'm sorry!" I sobbed.

"Don't be sorry. We're the ones that condemned ourselves. If we hadn't been so quick to make assumptions. We would have been in an entirely different situation right now" Carlisle said and Esme nodded as well as many of the other Cullens. Bella kept her lips pressed tightly together but for once I didn't care that she hated me.

"What do we do now?" I asked my voice sounding small.

"There's only one solution. We turn her in" came Bella's answer. Why was I even surprised?

Omg guys I've finished the updates! You may now peacefully wait for the next chapter, chapter 20! New comer you now have the whole story to enjoy! Yay!


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