23|Silver Eyes aka the creepiest guy

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Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

Please note: I've changed Killian's name to Harris as it fit him better. I realized that as I was writing these next few chapters.


"Me" agreed Harris inclining his head gracefully, unseemingly bothered by the glare I was sending him.

"Why did you do it?" I asked my fists clenched as I repressed the urge to gouge his eyes out. He had done this, he had killed Dylan and his family and he was going to pay for it. Unfortunately he seemed pretty capable with his speed whereas I had just as much control with mine as a newborn baby did with spoon.

"What are you doing here?" he asked ignoring my question with one of his as though he was trying to distract me from uncovering the answers.

"I know you did this!" I exclaimed and his eyebrows furrowed together, his golden eyes boring into me waiting for me to go on and tell him what he had done. I rolled my eyes. two can play that game.

"No need to feign innocence. I know you did this, all the evidence leads against you in this. You have superspeed, left the house before me and your creepy behaviour in the woods. I should have known you were planning something but I can't believe it would be something this...this... Dylan was my best friend and you just-"

"Would you care to enlighten me about what in God's name you are talking about?" came his annoyed response. He was still choosing to act as though he hadn't done it, and although I had to admit he was a good actor, his eyes were wide with what looked like genuine surprise. I decided to give him what he wanted and let him know what he already knew as he was the one who had done it. My vision filled with red at the very thought, deep breath Gabby. Don't do anything too rash, I reminded myself and after calming myself down some I stood aside allowing Harrison to see Dylan's body.

The sight of his bloody body once again filled my vision with tears and I swiped at them angrily. I couldn't show any weakness in front of the enemy as he would use it against me later. Harris took a sharp intake of breath and I spun around to face him. His mouth was wide-open and his golden orbs wide with shock.

"Shit" he said gasping at the gory scene that I had just revealed.

"Don't act like you didn't know" I snapped folding my arms over my chest as I stared him down. I was going to get a confession and I was going to get one now.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked staring at me as though I had just sprouted two heads.

"Um... You did this! And you must have seen the bodies on the stairs" I exclaimed gesturing out at the door. He cocked his head at me before exiting the room momentarily. He reentered with an uneasy expression as though he was going to hurl.

"Newsflash princess! It wasn't me" He drawled. "As for the bodies out there, when you live life in fast forward you often miss things." 

"I'm not stupid! I know it was you!" I growled.

"You obviously are stupid then. Look at your friend, he's had some blood sucked from his veins. Not all of it but you can see the fang marks on his neck here" Harris said cautiously heading towards Dylan's body. I watched him through narrow eyes ready to stop him if anything should happen. He gulped, his Adam's Apple bobbing, he looked pale as he titled Dylan's neck to show me the bites. "If I even touched human blood my eyes would be red"

"I'm sorry. You must have cared for him" he said resuming his position at the door frame.

"Yes. I do... did" I said collapsing on Dylan's bed, my hands trembling as I stared down at my blood-soaked fingers. I didn't realize that Harris had come over to sit beside me until the mattress dipped from his weight.

"Why did he kill himself?" I asked. It had been bugging me since we, he discovered the bite marks on Dylan's neck. He would have had the chance to be a vampire had he not dragged the blade over his neck.

"He did what I was too afraid to do" said Harris sadly. I waited for him to continue and after a moment he did. "I've always been petrified by the sight of blood, still am" he gave a dry laugh at the irony of it all before continuing on with his tale. "I've always hated the monster I became. I was a vegan when I was a human and now here I am, eating them to stay alive". He laughed bitterly shaking his head ashamed. "I was the best candidate for whom not to turn into a vampire."

I couldn't help but laugh along, the irony of the situation and the fact that Dylan hadn't wanted to be a vampire made perfect sense. He had liked being human.

"I was so sure it was... Who was it then? Who killed Dylan?" I asked softly not fully knowing why I did. I for some reason trusted Harris, not fully, but enough to not believe it was him.

"My guess it was the man who killed my sister. He can shapeshift and he's been looking for me. He has these silver-"

"Eyes when he transforms?" I asked finishing his sentence on a hunch.


"I saw him in the forest here, disguised as you". I briefed Harris on our 'encounter' and his eyes darkened in hatred for the man that had killed his sister and now my best friend along with his family.

"But why only bite Dylan why not Poppy and Lauren?" I asked.

"Was he an extraordinary human? That's the only reason i can think of" Harris offered.

"He was sarcastic and loyal but I don't think that was why he got turned. He was amazingly smart and... oh my God! He said he had discovered something right before he got killed but I ended the call before he could tell me. That might have been why" I exclaimed and Harris's eyes brightened.

"Gabby I swear I'm going to help you find this guy and kill him" he said taking both of my hands in his.


"Save it. I'm doing this for my sister and for your friend" he said.

"Thank you" I said squeezing his hands gently before he got up and made his way to the door.

"I'm going to go search the forest for him. I'll see you later" he said and I nodded wanting to spend a little more time here.

"One more thing Gabby?" he said and I looked up to see his head poking through the door. "I swear I'll help you figure out your powers too".

Sorry the update took so long I had school stuff. I'll try and post a chapter tomorrow I'm a little behind on updating but I plan to have this finished around June.


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