14| Seth's ego weighs more than his brain

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

I felt warm and safe, a complete contrast to the horrors that had just happened. Where they had happened, I wasn't too sure. When they happened, I wasn't too sure either. Whether they had happened- that was what scared me the most.

How was it possible to experience something that felt so weird only to wake up and have it feel like a dream? And then to have the wake up experience feel like a dream. I still wasn't certain if I was dreaming or not now. Pinching myself wasn't going to work, that was for certain. When Seth had slapped me I had definitely felt the pain, as though it had been real.

I racked my brain, trying to think of something I had read or heard about waking yourself up from dreams. But my knowledge of dreams pretty much consisted of punching yourself to check if you weren't and the obvious that you had them while asleep.

"Ugh, what time is it?" someone groaned and I bolted up to see Dylan sprawled across the foot of my bed, Seth using his chest as a pillow.

"Dylan!" I exclaimed, certain he would know what to do. He was after all one of the smartest people I knew apart from his sister, Lauren and Ava. Dylan on the other hand must have groaned his statement half- asleep, as he flopped back down with a snore, pinned down by Seth's warm body, an action which was much less sexual then it sounded.

"Dylan!" I hissed again stretching out to kick his side sharply with my foot. It served him right for allowing Seth to hit me across the face with a notebook in the dream world.

"Five more minutes Mom" he muttered promptly falling back asleep. I suppressed the urge to pull my hair out, this boy was certainly difficult to wake up.

"Dylan Christopher McBride wake up this instant!" I commanded keeping my tone as stern as possible but quiet enough so that Seth didn't wake up. The less people that knew about my dreams the better.

"Wha...what?" muttered Dylan poking up my head after I 'gently' kicked him a couple more times in the rib cage. I made sure not to bruise or break anything, knowing how fragile humans could be.

"Dyl I need your help" I said, shifting around so that my face was hovering a few feet above his. He looked up at me his bright blue eyes opening wide as he nodded, no longer half-asleep.

"What is it?" Dylan asked, trying and failing to move Seth's head off his chest that was keeping him pinned down like a rock. "You'd think that he'd be smarter with the weight of his head. Y'know because big brain, heavy head... right...I'm listening" He said as I aimed another kick as his side.

I rolled my eyes at his foolish behaviour, choosing not to comment on it as we had more important matters at hand. "I've been having these dreams. Only I don't know if they're dreams, it's like I'm having a dream inside of a dream. Does that sound crazy?" I asked, hoping he'd believe me.

Dylan sighed, "honestly that's the least crazy thing you've told me this week" he said and I smiled. No matter the situation Dylan couldn't help but make a sarcastic and witty remark.

"This is a lot like what happened with the nogitsune in teen wolf. The dreams inside of dreams. I'm guessing you don't have evil spirits in your world... so...hmm....let me think. Didn't you say you have mind powers or something?" he asked and I nodded slowly, not seeing the relation between my powers and the dreams.

"Well you see..." he started but I cut him off as another thought sprang to mind.

"What if I'm dreaming now? I had another dream where you told me all this information and were like super smart and I don't know if you really are because I haven't seen you faced with a situation like this and I really just don't know what to do" I said speaking quickly as my anxiety room over. I had no desire to be stuck in a dream sequence forever.

"Hey... calm down Gabs. You're going to be alright. Take a deep breath" Dylan said slowly and I nodded, obeying his command as I inhaled and exhaled slowly.

"First of all I am actually smart in real life" Dylan pointed out and I glared at him. Now was not the time to be making jokes. "Sorry, that was uncalled for. I'm too funny sometimes. Anyways you can tell if you are dreaming or not by counting your fingers, you always have extra fingers in dreams" he said and I nodded looking down at my hands.

"One...two...three...four...five" I said slowly ticking each finger off as I went. When I reached five I switched to my left hand continuing to count, "six...seven...eight...nine...ten" I finished as I placed down my pinky finger. Dylan exhaled in relief as I looked up at him, the overwhelming ball of fear in my chest evaporated.

"Now that we established this is indeed real...lets get down to business and talk about what really matters. What happened in these dreams?" asked Dylan.

I explained in brief yet descriptive details what had happened in each dream. How the Gabby Clones had been in one and how he and Seth were in the other. The whole while Dylan listened with a thoughtful expression on his face, adjusting himself under Seth's weight every so often.

"I mean why would I have a dream that we were in a morgue?" I asked once I had finished explaining the dreams. I was eager to know the answers to all this and I could only hope that Dylan held the key to them.

Omg two chapter in one day? Wow I must be on a roll. But hey I told y'all in the last author's note that I was super excited for these next few chapters and as you can all see it's true. I may have the next chapter up in an hour or so which won't matter if you are reading this another day than today. But whatever. Comment, vote and keep being awesome.


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