13| I'm in no mood for pasta

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

"Gabby!" yelled a voice, I groaned, I couldn't be bothered to open my eyes and face reality, if it could even be called that. The dream of the Gabby Clones had seemed so real, as though it hadn't really been a dream.

"Gabby!" yelled the voice again and something hard hit me across the cheek. I snapped my eyes open to see Seth and Dylan looking down at me with worried expressions.

"What the hell Seth!" I cried knowing it had been him who had smacked me across the face with the notebook he now held in his hand.

"You were asleep and muttering stuff. We ha to wake you up" Dylan said, jumping to Seth's defence.

"You could have used smelling salt or water or something" I retorted, as I sat up clutching my cheek.

"In case you didn't notice we are in short supply" Seth said dryly gesturing to the dimly lit room we were residing in. Dylan muttered something about his fine use of sarcasm as I rolled my eyes, figuring we shouldn't waste time arguing about such small things.

"Where are we?" I asked trying to get my bearings. The room was unfamiliar, lit in the emergency generator lights that gave off a dim bluish glow. There was a sharp smell of antiseptic in the air and although I was mostly immune to the cold, I could still tell it was freezing.

"A morgue" Dylan replied casting an uneasy look at a strange bag lying on one of the table. He didn't seem to be taking the cold as well as Seth and I were, and his lips were turning a pale blue.

"Are we still in Forks?" I asked, holding on to a table for support as I pulled myself up to my feet. Dylan exhaled slowly, a puff of cold air appearing in front of him.

"As far as I can tell... no we aren't" said Dylan and I furrowed my eyebrows, I had been certain that he would have affirmed that we were indeed in Forks but I had been wrong, a fact which was worrying.

"What makes you so sure?" I asked, "Where do you suppose we are?" I added knowing that if Dylan could figure out that we weren't in Forks then he could figure out where we were.

"While Seth was trying to wake you up, I was looking around seeing what supplies we had invade we are here for a while. I found some doctors notes and they were in Italian. As English and Spanish are the official languages of the United States, a doctor wouldn't have his notes in Italian, not if he wanted others to be able to read them. Therefore, I concluded that we are in some Italian speaking country" said Dylan.

"So Italy?" I asked looking to Seth to see what he thought about Dylan's theory. Seth, in response to my meaningful glance just raised his eyebrow, urging me to hear Dylan out.

"Not necessarily" he said, instantly denying my statement. "There are some 29 countries worldwide that speak Italian. Of corse there are more people in other countries who speak it within the family...but in terms of being the country's national language" said Dylan.

"Dylan and I already ruled some countries out like Switzerland. We figured that there was high chance of there being a French or German copy of the notes" added Seth as soon as Dylan paused to take a breath.

"Yes" continued Dylan, "If we are in Italy, we could also be in the Vatican City which is a whole other country itself".

"If we are in Italy, or somewhere that's not the United States then how come we don't remember flying here?" I asked, hoping that at least one of them had been conscious during the journey or what was looking to be an abduction.

"Our guess, well my guess was that they used a drug or a sleeping dose, that they injected us with while we were already asleep. They must have had a private jet, as carrying three unconscious teenagers would draw a lot of attention in an airport. They must have given us more doses as they wore off to keep us asleep" Dylan said.

"But what do they want with us?" I asked still bewildered by the situation. Seth and Dylan looked at each other, and Dylan slightly shook his head. If I hadn't been paying close attention I would have missed the gesture, but one thing was for certain they were keeping something from me.

"If I knew I would have found away to keep myself from getting abducted" Dylan said and Seth glared at him.

"We think that either Bella hired them to kill you and Dylan and I were just innocent bystanders or they wanted us for something related to what Dylan found out last night. We also might think this is the Volturis work" Seth said and I nodded slowly, mulling the words over in my head.

"Although it makes sense, with us being in Italy and all...What would the Volturi want with a human and a werewolf?" I asked.

"That beings us back to the bystanders. They may have took us because it would buy sometime before your disappearance was noted" Dylan concluded.

"But...Jasper...and the pack...they'll come find us, won't they?" I asked looking to the boys for conformation. They exchanged another secretive look and this time I refused to ignore it.

"Okay guys, what going on? I'm not stupid I know you two are keeping something from me. What is it? What won't you tell me?" I asked pointing an accusatory finger at the pair, who were staring at me as though there was something obvious that I was missing.

"They can't find us Gabby, because this isn't real..." said Seth slowly and the room dissolved in my horror.

Omg guys I am so excited for what's to come. I mentioned before that Gabby has mind powers but she doesn't really know the full extent of them. These two chapters are a huge part of her abilities and omg I'm just so so excited for it. Comment what you think!

Oh and guys thank you so much for 8k! At least that's what it says on the computer version of this story. I never thought this book would make it this far! Ilysm!!!


Gabby CullenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora