28| The Volturi Princess

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

"Welcome home Father" I said curtsying respectively. My father came towards me, holding me at arm's length.

"You've grown" he said and I nodded beaming under his stare. My father took my growing as one of the best things to happen to me. He seemed to be counting down until the day I got to eighteen, when I would stop growing. Everyday that I got older he seemed to love me more.

"What about your powers?" he asked giving me a stern look. I nodded solemnly, normally my Father would help me practice my gift in one on one sessions but while he was away I had to practice myself. My Father beckoned for Felix, "Go on and show me" he said.

"You already know if I did! You read my mind!" I cried shaking my head in mock disappointment at him. I had learnt to recognize when he was reading my mind, when he stared at me too intensively. Instead of getting angry like he would have with any other Volturi member, my Father laughed.

"Nothing escapes you does it?" he asked and I shook my head proudly. I was my Father's daughter after all. "I know you practiced with Nicole but I need to see if that practice paid off" my Father said and I nodded turning towards Felix.

You could only be accepted into our coven if you had a gift. Already we had a wide variety of gifts in our coven. There was my Father Aro who has the power to read your mind through tactile touch, Nicole who can erase your memory through touch (though not every time she touched you), Kaito who can bring you back in time to a memory, Felix who has super strength and Roger who has the power to move things with his mind. My powers were more or less of the same type, mind powers. I could control someone's actions (or brain) completely although I couldn't do it for long and was weak even after a short while.

Felix was one of the hardest members to control from the coven to control. He was muscular and quite tall. I had learnt that humans and vampire who had more to control were harder. Nicole was easy as she was so small and Kaito as well as he was so skinny.

I steeled myself facing Felix my mouth set in a determined line. A couple vampires like Jane, Alec, Elijah who were milling around the Great Hall came to watch. If anything the pressure made me more determined.

'Jump' I thought projecting my mind towards Felix's. When he don't move, Jane hid her smirk Rhonda her hand. I ignored her and concentrated on Felix. 'Jump. C'mon jump. Jump. You know you want to. JUMP!'

At the last command Felix's knees buckled and he leapt up into the air. Cursing as he landed on his knees, to my surprise when I turned around Jane and Alec were on their knees as well shooting me dirty looks. Only Elijah remanded standing, giving me a cool calculating smile. I turned away, Elijah had always made me uneasy.

"Bravo my dear" said my uncle Marcus who looked impressed. He hardly ever saw my training and was always impressed with my progress.

My Uncle Caius on the other hand just turned up his nose engaging my uncle Marcus back into conversation as though me controlling people was just a normal everyday occurrence.

My Father looked impressed. "Well done daughter" he said and at that I felt my knees buckle. I felt so tired, everything was blurring at the edges and I wanted to be comforted by someone. I just didn't know who.

Someone- Nicole rushed forward and scooped me in her arms as my knees gave out. I could hear her and my father talking softly but I was too tired to listen. I was still searching my mind for the blurry image of the person I wanted to talk to only I couldn't remember who it was.

The only person who's ever left me in my life was Harris. He had been a member of the Volturi and we had spent many hours together. I had considered him to be my best friend. Then one day he up and left, he didn't tell anyone, just snuck away in the middle of the night.

My father refused to talk about him anymore saying that there was no room for traitors but I still thought of him every now and then. I got on well with Nicole but my heart still yearned for Harris' sarcasm and fun company. This feeling however, the person I was subconsciously searching for wasn't Harris.

I could feel myself be jostled up and down a little as Nicole carried me down the hallway. I could hear more low voices, judging that perhaps Elijah had joined us. The one thing I hated about Nicole was that she had married Elijah. It had been years before I was created but I still couldn't see why she had.

I felt myself be lowered onto a soft surface, but I kept my eyes closed still feeling sick to my stomach. The door slammed shut and I was left alone until someone smoothed their hand over my hair. I struggled to open my eyes but they were glued shut, and I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or not.

"You'll find me soon" whispered someone softly and they kissed my forehead lightly, leaving imprints of their lips against my skin. I felt comforted and fell asleep dreaming about a blonde boy with bright blue eyes.

Omg there's a giant reveal in two chapters ahh I'm so nervous for all you guys to read it. I'll try and update tomorrow but the exciting chapter (2 from now) probably won't be up until the weekend. Sorry.
This was basically more of an inside look of what she thinks is real (and actually isn't). Well it is happening but she thinks that it's always been this way. Peace out guys.


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