26| So you're not Renesmee?

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

"Come here sweetie nothing to be afraid of" cooed Nicole leaning in towards me. I shrunk back, bumping again the muscular guy behind me. He laughed as I jumped away startled.

"What's your name little one?" asked Aro his eyes gleaming. I could tell he already knew the answer. If that was the game he wanted to play, so be it. I'll play along.

"Renesmee Carlisle Cullen" I said making my voice soft and quiet like Nessie did when she wanted to act cute in front of Jacob.

"Can you show me your gift?" questioned the thin ambusher behind me.

"Hush Kaito. I ask the questions" admonished Aro shaking his head shamefully. Nicole snickered along with the boy beside her and the thin one whom I now knew as Kaito glared at the pair.

There was an awkward pause where I remained staring at Aro until he beckoned his head towards Kaito. "Go on girl, show him your gift" he commanded and I gulped trying to be confident as I stilled my trembling hands.

I took seven stiff small steps towards Kaito trying to remember everything Nessie had told me about her gift. She had mentioned once that when she wanted to show someone something she just pictured it in her head and she knew it worked when she felt the link between them.

I knew I was screwed. I couldn't master my own powers let alone try and reciprocate powers that I didn't even have. My hands still shook despite of themselves as I reached one forward tentatively. I felt the eyes of the Volturi on me as I drew my hand back hesitantly.

"W...what do you want to see?" I asked rubbing my arms as though I were cold when in reality I was scared to death. Sometime during the ambush I had come to the terms that I was sacrificing myself for my sister. After this they would call me out for a fraud.

Kaito shrugged nonchalantly, "anything you want". He said and I nodded slowly, searching my mind for something that wasn't too personal. Once I had made up my mind I reached out and touched Kaito's cheek, flinching as I felt his cold skin against mine.

There was a rush of warmness and my fingers tingled as everything vanished with a rush of colour. I didn't know what had happened but I knew it hadn't felt like this when Nessie had showed me. After a brief sensation of feeling claustrophobic, everything slowly focused as though they were adjusting the lens of a camera.

I looked over to my side, surprised as I saw Kaito beside me. We were no longer connected but we were standing in front of a familiar house, Dylan's.

"What do we do now?" asked Kaito, his voice sounding tinny. I looked up at the house apprehensively ignoring him for the moment. This hadn't been the moment I pictured, and this...whatever this was, was definitely not Nessie's gift. Perhaps, perhaps it was mine?

"We enter" I answered finally trying to sound confident as though I just causally led someone back in time everyday and wasn't just discovering it now.

Kaito followed me silently as I led him forward. His red eyes were watching my every move behind his glasses and it was making me uneasy. It was as if he could read my every thoughts and I didn't like it one bit.

We entered the familiar foyer of Dylan's house, as I closed the door behind me I paused for a moment wondering where to go next. Kaito just stood there looking at me expectantly, waiting silently for my orders.

"Upstairs" I ordered as a burst of laughter sounded from above. Almost by habit I went to take off my shoes, Poppy had always been rather OCD about having shoes on inside.

"I can't do it Dylan!" came a familiar voice and I headed inside Dylan's room to see the two of us flopped on the floor. I knew exactly what memory this was, it had been the last time I had seen Dylan alive.

"You have to concentrate!" commanded Dylan and the memory me groaned.

I watched as the other me stared at Dylan squinting her eyes, her face red. "Anything?" she asked hopefully and Dylan shook his head. "I told you I can't do it" memory- Gabby groaned.

"Gabrielle Rosalie Cullen! I refuse to let you give up-" the rest of Dylan's sentence was blocked out as Kaito stepped in front of me blocking my view.

"So, Gabrielle...when were you going to tell me that your name isn't Renesmee?" He asked, his lips curving up into a smirk and my heart sank.

Suddenly we were back in the clearing with the Volturi surrounding us. Aro smiled as I removed my fingers from Kaito's cheek, and Aro looked to him expectantly.

"It's her" he said, much to my confusion.

Why is he covering for me? I mused as Kaito gave a brief explanation of the memory he had supposedly 'saw'. It involved my mother and father banishing me from the house to never return.

"You poor thing" said Nicole clasping her hands to her heart. "Don't you wish you could just forget about everything that's happened to you?" she asked and I found myself nodding.

Funnily enough, I did wish I could forget about everything that had happened to me since I had been born. My parents hating me, Dylan's death, my fight with Seth, the hatred in my family's eyes... The list could go on. I was tired of having these burdens.

"Yes..." I sighed and Nicole smiled. She came over to my ear and whispered something. My eyes widened and I nodded.

I was done with pain, and I needed it all to be gone. I just needed to forget. Memories make us who we are, take those away and we become whole new people. I just needed a change.

It's officially happening guys. What I have been working towards for 25 chapters. There are a lot of new characters introduced in the next few chapters as we were never really shown an inside look on the Volturi so I'm going to try and do the best I can.


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