40| Welcome to the battlefield

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

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I took a deep breath and three small steps.




A step to the left or a step to the right would determine what side I was on, what side I was fighting for. I looked over to the right, to the Volturi. The side that erased my memory but made me a new home. I looked to Roger and Kaito in the back who gave me small smiles, to Nicole who wiped away a small tear, to Aro, Marcus and Caius who had identical smiles. 

I moved my head to the left, to the side that was my real family. To the parent that still hated me, to the other who was trying to be forgiven. To Jasper who had protected me most of my life, to Nessie my sister, to Harris by Dylan's side who had a puffy eye and to Dylan who smirked at me. He already knew what side I was on. 

I took a deep breath and stepped to the left, joining our smaller ranks. I felt an icy cold breeze touch my hand and I didn't need to look to know that it was Dylan, helping me to steel my nerves.

"I always knew you were a little traitor" snarled Jane giving me a dirty look. Aro clucked his tongue, holding up his arm for silence. He stood a little ways in front of Marcus and Caius marking him as both a prominent figure and the leader. He took a step forward, his blood red eyes focused on my own.


"I'm not  your daughter" I snapped and instead of showing hurt like I thought he would, Aro smiled.

"You are not my daughter. You are not the blood relation of any of us here" he said sweeping his hands to indicate the cloaked group. "And yet we showed you more kindness and compassion than your blood relations. Your family has hated you since the day you were born, thought your gifts were useless yet we accepted you for who you were-"

"This isn't Glee. Get on with it" snapped Dylan and Aro frowned.

"As I was saying before I was most rudely interrupted. Gabrielle darling, if you hadn't been so eager to erase your memories we wouldn't have done it for you" said Aro, a sickly sweet smile plastered on his face. I gaped at him as the rest of the people in my group turned to me confused.

"Gabby? Did you really do that?" asked Harris completely shocked.

"I knew it was just a ruse to gain sympathy" muttered Bella.

"Is this true?" asked Nessie with a sad look on her face.

"Did you really do that?" asked Rosalie, gripping Emmett's hand.

"How could you just erase who you are?" asked Esme. 

"How could you Gabby? Do you know what you put us through? I could see your reason but...Gabby..." Jasper shook his head disappointed. It was the emotion everyone seemed to have in face of this new revelation. Disappointment. I would have preferred anger, people yelling or screaming at me. This quiet disappointment that everyone was showing was so much worse. I had let them all down.

Dylan was the only one who stayed quiet. He already knew, having watched me in the clearing that day. Aro was surveying our group with a satisfied smile and a light dawned on me. He wanted this all to happen, he had been planning this from the beginning. He let me retain just enough memory to remember Dylan and eventually be lead to my family. He wanted us to fight and he wanted to wipe us out.

The only flaw in his plan was that I had joined the losing side. However, I was a casualty Aro was willing to give up in the sake of things. I was after all something that could kill him and take over but i was valuable. Only if I died then no one would have me on their side and Aro was willing to settle for that.

We had walked straight into a trap. It hadn't dawned on any of the others yet, not even Dylan had. He surveyed the group who was arguing amongst themselves. By causing unease and suspicion in our forces he would weaken us, make it easier for him to win before the wolves even arrived. We had to hold out until then, or we'd all be killed. I had to bring us together once more. 

"Wait a minute" I said loudly and yet nobody paid any mind to me. "Hey!" I yelled and finally everyone quieted and turned their eyes to me.

"I know I've disappointed everyone" I started and Dylan snorted.

"I think that's an underestimate" he remarked and I rolled my eyes, ignoring his remark.

"But you have all caused me so much disappointment in terms of family members. I forgave everyone here. Even you Bella" I said and she gave an annoyed huff. "I don't exactly remember but I had reasons for accepting the memory wipe. Now that I've experience it, I've lost who I was before and that's the worst thing that's ever happened to me. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone and I regret my decision everyday as I no longer remember times I spent with the ones who actually loved me" I said looking towards Jasper who half-smiled at my words.

"All those who've treated me wrongly and want to be forgiven now have a chance. I've forgotten your actions against me and all I've heard were words. Actions speak louder than words and if you want a second chance...if you can give me a second chance then this is it. If you can't do it for others... then you should at least do it for yourself. Your future. Your freedom" I finished. To my surprise many people were nodding, agreeing to my words. I spun back around to face Aro. This time we were ready, and we wouldn't go down without a fight.

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Yeah two updates in a day! I'm on a roll. Let's hope it continues that way! Now onto the next chapter. Allons-y!


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