06| Weapon of choice: a hairbrush

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

"Thanks for dropping me off. You didn't have to" I said to Dylan as I pushed my bike up the driveway to the Cullen's house.

"It's fine. You don't live far. Besides my mom would have my head if she found out that I let you walk home alone" He replied grinning at me.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked as we neared the door. He nodded, giving me a quick hug before waving and heading back down the driveway. I smiled to myself before placing my bike back in the secluded forest spot, so that no body else found it and decided to use it. Trying to be as silent as possible I crept in the house, breathing a sigh of relief when I saw the living room was empty giving me an opportunity to enter unseen. Nevertheless, i hurried up the stairs not wanting to test my luck.

Pushing open my door, I gave a small shriek as I saw someone was lying on my bed. My shaking hand reached out slowly against the wall, searching for the light switch. I flicked it on, and upon seeing it was Seth, I let released a breath i hadn't realized I'd been holding.

"Seth? What are you doing here?" I asked, confused. He sat up his eyes flicking briefly to meet mine before looking down.

"You said you'd meet me today remember?" he said and I groaned hitting the palm of my hand against my forehead.

"Right. I did. I'm so sorry-"

"Where were you all day? I asked Jasper and when he said that you were with me I knew you were hiding something" he said and I groaned again, kicking off my shoe and sitting down beside him.

"Seth it's complicated-" I started but broke off from the scowl he gave me.

"I know it's complicated. I covered for you. I lied to Jasper and then I lied to my pack" he said and I gave him an annoyed glare.

'Listen if I had known I was supposed to meet you today I would have" I said, scooting backwards until I was leaning against my pillows.

"I'm not mad about you not meeting me Gabby! What's so important that you can't tell Jasper or I?" he asked his tone getting harsher and more intense.

"It's none of your business! None of this is!" I snapped back getting increasingly annoyed with him.

"We always used to tell each other everything! What changed?" he asked sounding hurt and I longed to tell him the truth but knowing if I did it would be like the waterfall effect and soon the Cullens would find out or even worse he would want to transfer schools to mine.

"Maybe we aren't as close as we were before" I replied and immediately regretted my words from the hurt that shone in his eyes.

"Just tell me where you were? Why is it so important for it to be a secret?" he cried running his hand through his dark hair.

"Why is it so important for you to know?" I replied standing up angrily. I had really just wanted to come home to peace and quiet after the long day I had.

"I thought we trusted each other" he said standing up so he was facing me.

"I thought so too" I said starting to fold up a few stray t-shirts that were lying on the ground.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked grabbing my wrist and turning me to face him.

"It means that I obviously can't trust you to just leave me alone!" I exclaimed trying to pull away from his grip.

"I'm trying to help you Gabrielle Cullen! Why can't you just accept that?" he asked his tone rising.

"Let go of me!" I screamed back not caring if the Cullens could hear or not. They wouldn't come to my help anyways.

"Why can't you just tell me?" he yelled repeating his questions from earlier. His grip on my arm tightened and I struggled to pull away.

"Let go!" I cried again, struggling against his iron strong grip.

"Not until you tell me where you were!" he screamed and I flinched. I had never seen Seth this angry, certainly not at me. My eye strayed over to the top of my dresser where my pink plastic hairbrush lay. Grabbing it I whacked it at his head.

Seth grunted stumbling back and loosening his grip enough for me to slip away. I headed as far away from him as I could, crossing my arms and staring him down as he clutched his head.

"What the hell Gabby!" he exclaimed and I smiled with satisfaction. I knew he would heal from his werewolf super strength so I wasn't too worried about his injury.

"I did what I had to. Now leave!" I said pointing to the door. I knew I would eventually tell him where I had been but I needed some space and time to cool down. We both did.

"I'm my leaving until you tell me" he said stubbornly, imitating my stance as he crossed his arms too.

"I swear to God Seth Clearwater if you don't leave right now I'm never talking to you again" I said with all the force I could muster.

"No need. I won't be around to talk to you" he spat turning on his heel and stomping down the stairs. I stood there as the weight of his words sunk in.

"Seth!" I called running after him. He ignored me as he continued down the stairs, with me sprinting after him. I caught him as he ran to the edge of the forest morphing into his wolf form.

"Seth!" I screamed after his retreating form. "Seth please I'm sorry!". But it was no use. He was already gone.

Awe, #sabby feels.

As you can see guys I'm working my way up to the good old twilight love triangle.

This chapter took a while since I've been really busy this weekend. But I need to edit chapter 7 so hopefully it should be up today.

_Elle xx

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