38| The web of lies

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

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Fear is a funny thing. It's wisdom in the face of danger but it also makes your heart stop beating in your chest, your palms sweat with fear and the back of your neck prickle with goosebumps even though it isn't cold. 

When Aro, my supposed Father denounced that the Cullens were there I wasn't surprised that he knew. I was only trying to figure out how to turn the situation around. However, it was only when Felix entered a few moments later pulling along Harris by the scruff of his neck did my blood run cold in my veins.

"Why do you have him? What are you doing with him? What have you done?" I exclaimed rushing over to his side. He kept his head down and his eyes closed as he groaned.

"It was your friend here that tipped me off" snarled Aro nudging Harris' side with his black boot. Harris let out a whimper.

"Stop it! Can't you see that's hurting him?" I exclaimed rushing forward to help him but a cold wind stopped me in my tracks.

"Don't show any signs of weakness Gabs" muttered Dylan in my ear and I straightened myself up then shook my head a couple times as though I was confused.

"Father? Felix? Whatever are you doing here?" I asked assuming a tone of bewilderment. Letting my eyes stray down as though it were a natural reflex I let out a gasp as I saw Harris for the 'first' time. "What are you doing with this traitor? Get him out of my sight!" I cried waving my hands.

Felix glanced at Aro conflicted about what he should do but Aro hadn't lifted his gaze from me. He just watched me with his ever so coy smile. 

"Felix did you hear me? I said to get that filth away from me. God knows we'll all get corrupted!" I said still assuming my persona of disgust. Felix looked between the two of us again, his uncertainty still showing.

"What are you waiting for?" I demanded, "Get him out of my sight!" 

"Sir?" asked Felix turning to Aro but he didn't reply.

"Now!" I ordered placing my hands on my hips. "Felix I am the Volturi Princess you shall do what I say or I will have you removed...from existence" I added when he still hesitated. Luckily he didn't have to be wiped from the face of the earth as my Father cleared his throat drawing our eyes to him.

"You heard my daughter. Remove the traitor at once" said Aro curtly and Felix nodded stiffly, bowing to each of us he left the room dragging Harris along. I tried not to cry out or wince every time I heard Harris whimper as he was dragged along the ground. I could only hope that Dylan would take good care of him.

"Now then Gabrielle I believe we should talk" said Aro his gaze sweeping the room. It may have been my imagination but it seemed to me that his gaze lingered for a while on the bed. I knew if I was in here I would be caught. I needed to think of something and quickly.

"May we head to your room? I can't stand the stench of traitor" I said wrinkling my nose as I stared at the small patch of mud left on the floor. Much to my surprise Aro dipped his head in consent and he swept out of the room. I followed him out the door and clicked my fingers for one of the servants. 

"Clean the mess up immediately" I ordered and the servant who was a plump, patchy-faced woman nodded quickly and pushed her way into my room.

Aro reached out for my arm and I made sure every inch of my skin was covered before I allowed him to link our arms. Luckily I had chosen a long-sleeved dress this morning as it would have been awfully hard to think of an excuse for throwing on a shawl. 

"I apologize for my behaviour earlier" I said breaking the silence between us two. We normally spent hours in silence together without getting uncomfortable  this time it felt necessary to talk about the elephant in the room. In this case my seemingly unusual behaviour. 

"I don't know what came over me... It must be the heat. I've been feeling rather under the weather lately" I said crossing my fingers in my sleeve in hope that he'd buy the lie. 

"Of course my dear...I'll get Nicole to look at you" he mused. I was surprised that he bought the lie after all Aro was hard to fool with his powers, age and smarts.

"I couldn't help but notice Father...that you mentioned that I had brought my friends to visit...the Cullens? Is that not the blood thirsty coven? Please tell me they haven't come to attack us!" I cried clinging onto Aro's arm as my tone became more and more scared. It was (if I do say so myself) an Oscar worthy performance. I'm sure if I wasn't immortal I could become a famous actor.

"Nothing to worry about my dear...I'm sorry I can't continue this conversation...I must talk to... Good night my dear" he said and walked off lost in thought. I stared after him a moment confused. But as soon as he turned the corner I sprinted down the hallway back toward my room. I had to let my family know that we were in the all clear.

I arrived at my room and pushed open the door, and was greeted by the stench of cleaning supplies. Ignoring the smell I rushed to the bed and lifted up the skirt. There was nobody there. After checking the wardrobe and the closet my worst fear was confirmed. The Cullens were gone.

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Yay next chapter will be up soon soon soon. I'm nearly at the end it's so close I can hardly wait!


Gabby CullenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora