25| Catching my breath

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

They say that time flies when you're having fun, it also flies when your thought are occupied and your running away from your best friend's funeral.

I don't know how long I ran. I didn't even know where I was going until I stopped, unable to run any longer. My breath was coming in short heaves and I was famished. A single cup of blood wasn't enough to give me strength during my run.

The edges of my vision were beginning to turn black from the dizziness in my head. The forest was spinning, trees tipping over and over. I drank in the damp forest air, straining to clear my vision and regain enough strength to stand.

When suddenly my enhanced scent glands caught on something distinct, a smell I knew and loved. Deer. The smell was enough to propel me to my feet, my predator vampire side immediately gaining control over the weak human side that normally dominated from the amount of human food I had consumed.

It was a thing I had learned early on, more human food meant I was more human, I grew slower, I got breathless while running at high speeds and my cheeks coloured in the cold.

More blood meant that my senses were more enhanced, I was stronger and paler. To keep a better cover at school I normally ate human food, besides I couldn't get enough of the chocolate bars. Blood didn't really offer a variety of flavours except for human and animal.

I set off through the forest, my feet flying silently over the ground until I reached the clearing where a deer was grazing peacefully in the long green grass. I felt like I no longer had control of my body as my instincts took control. I crouched low to the ground edging towards the deer until I pounced, sinking my teeth into the deer.

Once I had drunk my fill I let the body of the dead deer fall to the ground in a limp heap. But no longer had I taken a step back I was grabbed by a rough hand around my forearm. I couldn't see my attacker but I could tell from their grip that they were not my friend but a foe. I thrashed in their grip, flailing my arms left and right. My attacker said nothing, only tightened their grip on my arm lifting my feet off the ground.

I tried to twist myself to get a glimpse of their face when a black bag dropped over my face, blacking out my vision. I tried to let out a scream, but my head was bumped and I bit down on my lip, drawing blood.

"She bleeds" said a gruff voice from outside the sack.

"It was the deer she ate" came another aggravated voice.

So there were two attackers. Perhaps more... They sounded strong and they had knowledge of blood, and the practice of drinking it. Vampires.

"Where do we take her?" asked the first attacker as they lifted my limp body over their shoulder. I had given up with fighting, hoping that there would be a better chance to escape later on.

"I know where don't worry" said the second person adding something in a whisper presumably so I couldn't hear where they were taking me. I could feel whoever was holding me moving under me, they were moving fast for humans yet slowly for a vampire. I couldn't help but wonder why they were stalling.

A loud crash sounded from my right and the attacker holding me jumped, jostling me up as well. I landed back on his shoulder painfully but I contained my gasp not wanted to draw attention.

"Damn forest. I can't believe Aro is making us do his dirty work now! We used to be his right hands. First it was Jane and Alec taking over now it's Elijah  and Nicole. Now we are stuck doing peasant work while they get to stay back in the clearing. They're the rookies not use!" exclaimed the second attacker after a loud burst of swearing and rustling o the undergrowth.

With the carelessness of my ambushers I now knew who was taking me captive. The Volturi. It was no big surprise and I only curse myself for my carelessness. Dylan not Seth would have never let this happen.

"It's only because their powers are more use to Aro now than ours. Don't worry we'll be back up there eventually" said the one holding me like a sack of potatoes. "Now..." he added hoisting me up on to his shoulder again (as I was slipping). "We'd best get her to Aro".

"Right on"

My head began to spin as the wind rushed by me. My vision was dark, but it didn't stop my stomach from rolling. Note of recommendation: don't try hi-speed with your eyes covered.

After what seemed like a century they finally slowed to a stop, and placed me down. I stood on shaky legs and the moment they removed my blindfold, I fell to my knees and retched in the undergrowth.

A bunch of loud laughs and snide remarks followed my action but I ignored them, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand as I stood shakily supported by the two that had captured me. They summed up to my guesses, one being a muscular man with dark hair and another a thin, reedy looking redhead teenager. I didn't recognize them as I hadn't been there when the Volturi had arrived the first time. I wondered if Jasper knew them.

They supported me as I stumbled towards the clacked vampires heralded in the square. A girl with chestnut brown hair clucked her tongue as we a me to a stop before the three men that were slightly more ahead of the group.

"Pity. She's almost like a human" she drawled her features curling into a smirk.

"Shut up Nicole!" exclaimed the redhead to my left and I could see the guy on the right giving him a sharp look.

If Aro had heard any of the squabble he chose to ignore it holding up his hand, the clearing quieted at once. He swept his gaze around the silent room and satisfied turned back to me. "Welcome Miss Cullen. We have much to speak about".

Indeed we did.

I'm sorry this took so long. Writers block is hard to overcome but here is the next chapter. And before I forget thank you all so so much for 10 k reads. I love you all!!! And I never honestly thought that Gabby and I would come this far. That was all due to you guys so thank you.


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