17| What's the point of weekends?

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

If there was anything I hated more than my parents it was probably the weekend. The weekend was when there was no school, and I had to stay home wasting away the hours which seemed to tick by slowly.

Time flies when your having fun, I reminded myself for the umpteenth time that morning. I had been up since 7:00 am, as my brain was still on alarm clock mode from the weekdays.

I stayed in my bed in a state of sluggishness. You know when you can't fall back asleep but are too tired to get up and moving? When you just lay there watching as the morning hours ticked by? Yeah that was me.

When I finally decided to get up, it was around noon. I had lain there, until eventually I picked up the book I had been reading the night before and continued where I left off. I threw open the blinds, letting the November sunshine, shine through.

It didn't look too cold and it finally as the raining or cloudy so I decided to spend my time outdoors - which was better than being around my family. I pulled on a pair of jeans that were too short around the ankles (a normal occurrence when you grow quickly), a burgundy hoodie and a pair of converse. I grabbed my purple hat off the top of my slightly dusty dresser, in case it was too cold.

Pulling my hat over my head, I edged open the window slipping out onto the roof. I had discovered this method of sneaking out one morning about three weeks ago when there were too many Cullens downstairs for me to slip out the front door and go to school. The route down was easy with vines and a drainpipe to help, useful for both getting in and out. My feet hit the ground with a soft thud and I swept my gaze around the yard looking for any signs of movement. Other than the tree branches rustling in the wind it was still and silent. 

I decided to head away from my usual paths that lead near Dylan's house and opted to follow a path that lead near the hiking trails- as I wasn't planning on hunting today. Jasper and I had been last night and I was completely full. As I followed the winding path through the tree I couldn't help but feel at peace. Other than my room, school and Dylan's house, the forest was my safe place. I smiled as I watched some birds flit through the trees, diving and dipping with the wind.


My head snapped up as a shrill squeal sounded from the path above. Heading cautiously towards the sound I laughed to myself as I saw a little bird with a crumpled wing hopping along the path- I had been scared for nothing.

"Hey little guy" I said softly, crouching on one knee. The bird stared up at me, trembling. I reached out my hands slowly towards the bird trying to pick him up but he hopped away limping along. "Come back here little guy" I said trying to grab him, but each time he escaped my grasp too scared to let me come near. Sighing I plopped down on the forest floor, searching my mind for bird related things.
All of a sudden something came to me.

"Oh, lullaby by birdland that's what I
Always hear, when you sigh,
never in my wordland could there be words to reveal
in a phrase how I feel

Have you ever heard two turtle doves
Bill and coo, when they love?
That's the kind of magic music we made with our lips
When we kiss"

The bird stopped fluttering as I began to sing softly, and he turned to look at me, cocking his head to the side. I smiled and continued singing.

"And there's a weepy old willow
He really knows how to cry
That's how I'd cry in my pillow
If you should tell me farewell and goodbye"

The bird began to hop closer and closer till it was at my feet.

"Lullaby by birdland whisper low
Kiss me sweet, and we'll go
Flying high in birdland, high in the sky up above
All because we're in love

Lullaby, Lullaby"

I scooped up the bird and cradled him in my hands as I continued to soothe him with my words:

"Have you ever heard two turtle doves
Bill and coo when they love?
That's the kind of magic music we made with our lips
When we kiss

And there's a weepy old willow
He really knows how to cry
That's how I'd cry in my pillow
If you should tell me farewell and goodbye

Lullaby by birdland whisper low
Kiss me sweet, and we'll go
Flying high in birdland, high in the sky up above
All because we're in love"

The bird cooed softly in my hands as it shifted its weight getting comfortable. I smiled down at it, I had never taken care of something living and it gave me great satisfaction to see the bird so comfortable.

"You have a lovely voice" said someone behind me. I jumped, as I turned around slowly trying not to startle the bird. It was a boy, who looked around the age Bella and Edward were pretending to be. I knew he couldn't be a vampire as his skin didn't sparkle in the sunlight so I wasn't as afraid as I would have been had he been one.

"T-Thanks" I stammered and the man smiled as though he found my nervousness endearing. "Who are you?" I added when he stayed silent.

"That's a question for another day my dear" he said putting a finger on my life's and brushing his hand affectionately over my hair. I froze, the bird fidgeting in my hands desperately wanting to break free.

I'm so excited for what's next you can't even imagine!! Stay tuned for more to come today.


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