15| This is why I watch Netflix

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

"My guesses are, with your powers of the mind, as you mention before, and the fact that you don't know the full capacity of said powers as you never used them; this could be a side effect of keeping in those powers" Dylan said and I nodded slowly, although I could spot many holes in his theory.

"I mean how to vampires get their powers exactly?" Dylan asked, although I sensed he already knew the answer to his question.

"If you are an unusual or special human then you become a vampire with powers" I replied and Dylan nodded, as he tried and failed yet again to heave Seth's head off his chest.

"My point exactly. Most vampires, from what I read and from what you have told me don't have to think too much about their powers. They're just there, acting as a natural part of their being. On the contrary, your powers are being suppressed and haven't been used nor allowed to be free perhaps resulting in your dreams" Dylan explained and I pondered his words.

What he had said was true, all the other vampires such as Edward, Alice, Aro, Jasper...didn't think twice about using their gifts. For Bella it had taken practice to expand her powers, but she already naturally had a shield over her own mind. My own powers had been capped by my fear of becoming a monster and that had to cause some damage to the soul and mind as Dylan said.

"Let's put it this way..." said Dylan interpreting my silence as confusion, "say you kept your hand clenched up all day. Eventually that hand would start to twitch and ache with the pain of having it in such an unnatural position. That would relate to the dreams, your power is sending harmful thoughts or dreams to your brain to let it know it wants to be let free to...um...roam. And when you do let that hand uncurl, it won't be as strong as it used to be. It will be a little stiff, a little rusty. Like your powers" finished Dylan, and with a final push and a sigh of relief managed to move Seth's head off his chest long enough for him to sit upright.

"Wow. That was a detailed and yet accurate metaphor" I said and Dylan gave me a cocky smile that clearly meant there was no need to thank him as he knew he was great.

"I have another theory. One that will be harder to prove" Dylan stated and I nodded at him to continue. It was best I figured out all the possible solutions and options that I had.

"We know you have mind powers but do we know to what extent? I mean you could be able to see dreams of the future or something" Dylan said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why would I predict a vision of there being three other Gabbys?" I asked. The other theory was plausible but this one I felt was a little far-fetched. Dylan scratched head, his cheeks tinged pink.

"I don't know, maybe you'll be faced with a personal dilemma or something" he retorted.

"How do you know all this anyways? It's not like there's a Vampire 101 class you can take" I said and Dylan shrugged.

"Netflix mostly. And to think Lauren said that binge watching a bunch of shows on Netflix instead of doing homework wouldn't amount to anything! Serves her right" Dylan crowed and I laughed. Although he hid it well Dylan loved to prove that he was just as intelligent-if not more- than his sister.

"We should probably wake him up and fill him in" I said looking down as Seth gave a big snore.

"Man, werewolves sleep a lot" Dylan commented as he nudged Seth's side, to no avail.

"I think they prefer the term shape-shifters" I said dryly and Dylan rolled his eyes.

"It doesn't matter what we call him while he's sleeping. Shapeshifter or werewolf, he sure sleeps a lot. Less yapping and more helping".

"Try slapping him across the face", I said recalling how Seth had done it in the dream world.

"What the hell no! Do you want me to get murdered!", exclaimed Dylan glancing nervously at Seth's sleeping body.

"You asked my advice I gave it", I replied shortly enjoying the look of panic Dylan had.

"I don't like this new sarcasm of yours" Dylan muttered, clearly annoyed.

"I learned from the best" I replied simply smirking at him. He returned my smile before looking back at Seth and focusing on the task at hand (no pun intended). Dylan raised his hand, taking a deep breath and slapped Seth clean across the face.

"Ow! I think I broke my hand" whimpered Dylan cradling his hand to his chest as Seth leapt up.

"What are you guys doing?" He demanded looking furious and Dylan gulped nervous directing his gaze to me.

"Let's just say we're even now" I replied shortly and Dylan rolled his eyes making the connection with my dream.

"What?" asked Seth still confused by the odd situation he had woken up in.

"Gabby had a dream and in it you slapped her in the face with a notebook to wake her up" explained Dylan and Seth nodded before turning back to me.

"You're punishing me for something I did in a dream?" asked Seth incredulously.

"Actually we think it may be a vision of the future" injected Dylan and Seth ignored him, his eyes still focused on me.

"Calm down, it hurt Dylan more than you. You'll heal" I said, a little annoyed by his childish behaviour. Seth rolled his eyes and after I raised my eyebrow, he turned to Dylan.

"I'm sorry my face broke your hand" he muttered, his cheeks red. I tried to hold in my laughter at his embarrassment.

"As...touching as that was, we have more important matters to discuss then the state of my precious hand" Dylan stated and proceeded to explain my dreams and the theories we had come up with together.

This may all be a little confusing at the moment but I promise you'll start to understand everything really soon. The information that they discovered the last night plays a big roll to the plot line ( spoiler alert). So I you are confused that I haven't told you what they discovered that night I promise it will all come to light.


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