35| The Return of Harris Abrhams

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

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The door swung open to reveal Harris and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. It didn't occur to me what would happen if Aro or another member found out about Dylan.

Dylan appeared back at my side, his limbs slowly regaining colour as though someone had spilled a bucket a paint over him.

"Hey man" he said greeting Harris with a smile.

"Good you found her. I wasn't sure you would" Harris replied returning the smile.

"You know each other?" I asked looking back an forth between the two.

"We teamed up to find you" answered Harris clapping his hand (or trying to) on Dylan's back.

"But why? What did you guys have in common?" I asked confused about how they had met et alone went on a quest together.

Harris' brow furrowed. "You don't remember what I promised you?" he asked. Dylan jumped in before I could explain.

"She let them erase her memory. Hal the things she thinks are true are false and made up by the Volturi" said Dylan.

"What promise did you make me?" I asked curious about what past me had done.

"To find Dylan's killer. Luckily the victim in question is alive so that helps" said Harris with a smile down at Dylan.

"He looked exactly like Harry but with silver eyes" said Dylan and I realized my eyebrow on the use of the nickname but chose not to comment.

"We concluded that we have a shapeshifter on our hands" finished Harris. "And oh yeah Gabby I have this" he said handing me a sleek object. I took it from him warily eyeing the object with

"Your cellphone" said a bemused Dylan I held the foreign object up to the light.

"Right. I...knew that" I said slowly and the two burst into laughter. I pressed a button on the side and the box illuminated displaying a photo of Dylan and I. A keypad popped up as well displaying a series of numbers. Enter passcode to unlock, it read.

As if my hands were being controlled my fingers tapped out a password acting of their own accord. 1-7-3-9. The box disappeared leaving a screen with many boxes I clicked on one that was a speech bubble and that held the number: 18 above it.

There were three rectangles that read: Ava, Harris and Ollie. I clicked on the top one that was Harris.

Harris: Gabby I think I found something out call me.

Harris: Gabby answer me.

Harris: Gabrielle Cullen this is important

Harris: I found him.


Harris: Where are you?????

Harris: why aren't you answering???

Harris: GABRIELLE!!!

After I finished scrolling through all his texts I exited the screen and moved onto the next name which read Ollie.

Ollie: Are you alright?

Ollie: I saw you run from the funeral. I thought you were going to speak.

Ollie: I know this is hard it's hard or me too. He was like a brother to me.

Ollie: Want to meet up or coffee with Ava and I?

Ollie: Don't shut people out Gabby. We need each other's support.

Ollie: are you coming back to school?

I clicked out of that box feeling a sense of sadness even though I had no idea who that was. I sensed it had been one of my friends. Lastly I clicked on the box that read Ava.

Ava: The funeral was quite nice. Why did you leave?

Ava: I miss Dylan so much even though he was annoying

Ava: we got math hornworm again. Page 120 numbers 1, 2, 3 and 9.

Ava: want to meet up for coffee with Oliver and I?

Ava: Chem: pg 90 q 1-4
English write a essay about the women in a view from the bridge.

Ava: I miss you. Stay strong. Xx

I closed my phone with a sigh. Dylan and Harris stopped in the midst of their conversation to turn to me.

"We need to stop them. They took my memories" I said angrily swiping angrily at a tear that fell from my eye. "I know I asked for it but you can't just invent a new past for someone. It takes away who they are".

"What do you propose we do? Fight?" asked Harris exchanging an anxious glance with Dylan.

"Yes" I said firmly.

"Then we'll need help. We will need Seth and the wolf pack and we will need your family" said Dylan briskly.

"My family?" I asked and Dylan sighed.

"Right well I guess you'll meet them again. We will fill you in on what we know about your relationships with other family members" said Dylan.

"Out of curiosity what were you two talking about earlier when I came in?" asked Harris and I gasped having forgotten all about my earlier conversation with Dylan.

"Right. I was telling Gabs her powers to turn a vampire human" said Dylan and I gasped.

"What?" I exclaimed t the same time as Harris who's mouth had fallen open in shock as well.

"You can turn any supernatural creature into a mortal being so long as you hold on to them tactically" said Dylan who took pride in informing us on such important information.

"Right then I'll assemble people here in Italy that I know. Dyl you go back to Forks and Gabs you stay here pretending nothing is wrong. Which just might be the hardest task of all" he said giving me a quick hug "stay safe everyone" he said and left in a flash of light.

Dylan sighed. "Well that's that. Looks like this battle is going to happen"

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Yay chapter 35 at last. The and is together and it's so beautiful. Tune in later for the five chapter at a time upload that is coming soon. Thank you again for reading you guys are the bomb and the best people every. Seriously. I love you guys. You're awesome.

_elle xx

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