05| Homework or a Heart to Heart confession?

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

"Hey Gabs!" called a voice as I headed towards the parking lot to collect my bike and head home. I turned to see Dylan running after me, his shaggy blonde hair flopping up and down.

"Hey...Dyl" I said testing out the nickname, which caused Dylan to grin at me. I inclined my head indicating he should walk with me. He fell into place beside me as I continued my trek towards the parking lot. "So what's up?" I asked pulling his attention back to the reason he had called after me in the first place.

"I was wondering if you want to come over and work on the math assignment" Dylan said scratching the back of his neck, looking nervous.

"I still can't believe she assigned that to us on the first day!" I exclaimed and Dylan chuckled in agreement. "I'd love to" I added and he beamed at me. I blushed from his enthusiasm but returned the smile.

"My mom normally drives me home but she has to stay late tonight. Mind if we walk?" Dylan asked.

"I have my bike if that helps" I said remembering his mom was the secretary that I had met earlier that day.

"You can ride on the handlebars" Dylan said as we reached the spot where I had chained it up. "Come on it'll be fine" he added upon seeing my hesitation. Sighing, I slipped the lock into my backpack.

"Okay. Why not?"

"That's the spirit!" Dylan crowed as he took a seat on my bike, steadying it before helping me up onto the handlebars. I stifled a small shriek as the bike wobbled threatening to tip. I gripped the handlebars tightly, my knuckles white as Dylan pushed off and was pedaling away from the school. At first the ride was bumpy and painful, but as soon as we reached the road leading out of Forks, the ground smoothed and we were gliding along the path. The wind whipped through my russet-colored hair and I looked back to see Dylan', who gave me wink.

All too soon he pulled into a driveway where no the motorbike from yesterday was parked. I hopped off the bike, Dylan soon following me as he brought the bike with him and put it in the garage. Noticing my questioning stare towards the bike, Dylan rolled his eyes. "My mother says I'm not allowed to ride it to school until I'm 16. Something about it being a hazard for other students" he said glaring at the motorbike and I laughed.

Unlocking his front door we stepped inside, it was nice and homely with walls painted a pale yellow and photos of Dylan, his mother and another girl that looked to be Dylan's sister. I didn't have the heart to ask about his dad, believe me I knew more than anyone the struggles of having absent family members.

"It's nice" I said and Dylan blushed as he lead me into the kitchen which was painted a pale blue.

"Thanks. My mother likes pastels, it kind of makes the place seem like a Easter egg to me. Luckily she saved the pink for her bedroom" he said pulling out his math notebook as well as his textbook from his backpack. Smiling, I sent a quick text to jasper letting him know I wouldn't be home until later.

"I hate Mrs. Cadden" I groaned as I dramatically banged my head against my desk, we had been attacking the problem for an hour with much avail.

"If this is what she calls "a simple problem to refresh our brains" I'd hate to see one of her tests" said Dylan grabbing another cookie from the plate that had appeared half an hour ago, courtesies of his mother, who had arrived home 30 minutes prior, surprised yet pleased to see me.

"I have no clue what I am doing!" I said continuing my tirade against Mrs. Cadden.

"Hold on a second" Dylan said wiping cookie crumbs from his mouth. "LAUREN!" he yelled and a couple minutes later a slender girl with long blonde hair and a pleasant expression came into the room, I recognized her from the pictures in the hall and realized she must be his sister.

"What do you need Dill Pickle" she asked and Dylan made a face as she smirked at him.

"I need help with my homework Laurie" he whined giving her puppy dog eyes. She rolled her eyes but took the sheet from his outstretched hands.

"Fine, but you're doing the dishes for a week" she said and Dylan sighed nodding reluctantly. "Oh and you must be Gabby. Nice to meet you. I'm Lauren" she said and left the room with a smile.

"What? I may have mentioned your name yesterday!" Dylan exclaimed in response to my questioning stare.

"She seems nice" I said deciding to let it slide.

"Lauren? She has her days. She's like a human calculator, a gift which forces me to become her slave every week" Dylan said laughing. "What about you do you have any siblings?" he asked.

"Um...no" I replied.

"Are you sure? You didn't eat your twin in the womb or anything did you because that's just disgusting" Dylan said shuddering. I shook my head but resolved to tell him the truth. Well not the whole supernatural bit, but most of the truth.

"I don't actually live with my aunt and uncle" I said and Dylan's eyes widened but luckily he managed not to reply. "I have a twin sister Reenesme who my parents love. She goes to...a boarding school not far from here. My parents have always hated me for some reason, maybe because I was born second or maybe because they only wanted one kid. Everyone hates me really except my Uncle Jasper. He's taken care of me all these years and home schooled me. No one really knows I'm going to school though..." I said trailing off as I finished my tale. The shocked expression on Dylan's face made me long to curl up in the corner of my closet back home.

"Wow, Gabs...." He started to say then shook his head as though he was trying to find the right words. "That must be...wow... at least only one of my parents abandoned me not both. As you probably already guessed it was my dad. He and my mom spent so many nights yelling at each other, each night it got worse and worse. Finally one day he just left. Didn't even come say goodbye to Lauren and I. We haven't heard a word since" Dylan said and I looked at him understanding his pain.
Hesitantly I leaned towards him and Dylan wrapped his arm around me so that I was nestled comfortably in the crook of his shoulder, finally feeling safe.


Aww. #Dabby or #Gylan or #McCullen...

I'm bad with ship names guys give me some help!!

As you can tell I love the McBride family!

_Elle xx

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