31| The Cullen Tale

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

I had tossed and turned all night unable to fall into a slumber. As a half-vampire I could still function normally without any sleep but my movements were more sluggish and I tired quickly.

My thoughts had been plagued with visions of the boy who had appeared in my bedroom mere hours before. I was now fairly certain that he was the boy from my dreams. He was the only person I had come across without red eyes and it would be hard to forget those piercing blue eyes.

The one thing however, no matter how much I pondered over it was why he had called me Gabrielle Cullen. The Volturi didn't take last names and I found it unlikely that he had known me in my human time. Aro, my Father had adopted me and administered half of a bite while supplying his own blood to me at the same time which created my half-human and half-vampire form.

Normally I would hesitate to ask Aro, knowing that the past was painful for him and many other of the Volturi members. We preferred to live in the moment, as things were and erase our horrible pasts. But as they say: "curiosity killed the cat" and today I had decided to be that cat and ask my Father.

I dressed in my best dress of a dark red which made my skin glow pale and my eyes burn. I brushed out my long brown hair and braided elegantly tucking in a rose at the side of my ear. My Father loved when I looks beautiful, so I figured that it would help me if he was in good spirits.

I headed towards my Father's private chambers figuring that he would give me more information if my uncles weren't present. This may have been something he wished to keep to himself  or rather strictly between us two. Nevertheless, I could also act more personal and much less personal when there wasn't an audience present.

I knocked on the polished oak door which was much like my own and many of the other rooms in the old castle. They were quite beautiful with rich shiny wood ad they were heavy and thick which blocked out noise completely and guaranteed privacy.

Only they were quite difficult to open and I struggled with the heavy door a little when my father beckoned me on due to my weaken state from lack of sleep.

"Good morning Father. I hope you are well" I said as I entered the lavishly decorated room and dipped down into an elegant curtsy. My father was sitting upright on the chesterfield. I had informed him of my desire to speak privately and judging by the tea pot he had no doubt prepared.

"Good morning my sweet. I am quite well. Please sit" he said gesturing to the plush armchair across from him. I took a seat as gracefully as possible.

"Tea?" he asked and I nodded. He clicked his fingers and one of our mortal servants rushed forward to occupy himself with the beverages. I allowed my vision to roam the room. It was themes with white and gold, delicate golden decorations coated the walls and expensive paintings hung round the room.

I turned my eyes back to my father and the servant who handed me a cup of tea. It was light brown whereas the contents of my Father's cup were a dark red like my dress. The servant bowed revealing a fresh cut on the side of his neck proving where the liquid had come from.

"What is it that you need to talk to me about my dear?" asked my Father as he took a delicate sip from the thin China teacup. I took a sip of my own tea, the warm liquid flowing smoothly down my throat as I searched for the words to say.

"I was wondering Father who the Cullens were" I said and instantly my Father tensed. As he placed his teacup back on the saucer I could see him pondering what to say. Whomever these Cullens were they scared my Father enough that he had lost his words.

"N...no one. My dear." He said shakily and I knew instantly that he was lying. My father always had a clear, firm and insistent tone an never did he show any signs of weakness.

"So you know who they are" I said slowly and my Father waved his han impatiently.

"Oh they aren't anyone you should concern yourself with dear" he said. When I didn't reply he spoke up once more. "By any chance how did you aquatint yourself with the name?" he asked.

"I heard it mentioned" I said breezily not wanting to go into the details of my encounter with phantom boy and also not wanting to falsely accuse a member of the Volturi

"Ah" said my father raising one eyebrow. Although I was dying to know what that meant I held my tongue certain he was going to continue speaking.

"Indeed I presumed you'd come to me with this name eventually. I had always avoided the details for they were too ghastly for you my precious. However I do fear that you should know.

"The Cullens were a coven of vampires who were quite powerful. Until they started creating vampire children. These children were unable to be stopped from avenging their thirst and they committed mass murders which almost revealed our population.

"Unfortunately the Cullens had gotten attached to these monsters and refused to kill them. The Volturi had to step into action and they have hated us ever since" finished my father and I gaped t him. It made sense why the boy had allied me a Cullen. He must have assumed I was a vampire child.

"Are there....are there any left now?" I asked apprehensively. My Father chuckled and shook his head.

"No need to get in a feet dear. We have it under control" he said. "Now leave me. I have many things to do" and I was ushered from the room by his servant, my head spinning with information.

Okay I wasn't able to update on the weekend but I wrote a bunch of chapters that need editing still. I'm hoping to finish this book in three update bursts of 5 (15 more chapters)

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