07| Are there mermaids too?

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

It had been a month since I had let Seth slip away and the numbness in my chest had slowly thawed over time with help from my new friends. I was mostly surprised that I had managed to keep school a secret this long from my family.

"Gabby? I asked you a question" cried a voice and I snapped to attention, focusing back on Ava's face. Since Oliver had no interest in doing homework other than at 2 am the night before it was due and Dylan preferred to let his sister do it. I had taken to finishing my homework during lunch hours with Ava.

"Right sorry" I said focusing my vision back on the physics homework we were struggling through, it was hard yet it wasn't as bad as the homework we had in maths.

"I got 15 grammes" I said pointing with my pencil to the answer I had circled moments earlier. Ava brushed a strand of her dark hair out of her eye and adjusted her glasses as she stared down at my paper muttering what I had written under her breath.

"Yep that's right" she said and I smiled happy that I was finally understanding things. At the start of the year I had been completely lost but after many hours spent re-reading textbooks I had finally caught up with my classmates.

"Hey nerds!" cried a loud voice and Ava gave a groan realizing who it was without even turning around.

"Hey Ollie, Hey Dyl" I said greeting the boys knowing that Ava wasn't about to. Ollie smirked at us and grabbed a chair plonking himself down followed swiftly by Dylan.

"Anyone mind giving me their homework to copy?" Dylan asked a pleading smile on his face I rolled my eyes but slid my paper over anyways.

"You're never going to learn that way" I said and Dylan smirked.

"Say that to my straight As" he replied and I rolled my eyes again. Despite their awful organization methods both Ollie and Dylan did extremely well and somehow managed to get straight As.

We jumped up as the bell rang, each of us quickly packing away out binders into our bags and heading quickly out of the library. We had maths next and we would never dare to be late for math with Mrs. Cadden, not after last time.

"You coming over tonight?" Dylan asked as we took our seats in front of Ava and Ollie.

"Course" I replied pulling out my binder and turning my attention to the board.

Since the start of the year I had been to Dylan's house nearly everyday after school. Greeting Poppy, Dylan's mom we grabbed the cookies she had placed out for us and headed up to his room. One of the benefits of being half-human was that I was able to eat human food.

"Pass me your phone" Dylan whined as he leant of the edge of his be watching me do the math homework. I sighed but followed his request knowing I would be more productive if he stayed quiet.

The minutes passed by in silence as Dylan occupied himself with my phone. I was just finishing the last exercise when he turned to me his eyes wide.

"What the hell is this?" he asked holding out my phone and I left my notebook to climb on the be and get a better look at what he was showing me.

He held out a picture of Jasper and I fangs bared followed by a photo of Seth in mid-transformation.

"And don't you dare tell me this is photoshop" Dylan said arching his eyebrow as he waited for my response.

"It was only this computer programming-" I started to say but was cut off as Dylan leapt off his bed my phone still clutched in his hand and headed to his desk. Pulling out a stack of papers he brought them over to the bed and sprawled them out.

"I've been doing research on your family. Not in a stalkerish way! But to help you...with you know...your parents. And a lot of weird things have been happening surrounding the Cullens. This girl Bella Swan, a senior got a strangle illness and had to be cured by Carlisle your uncle without going to the hospital and now she is married to Edward. Your...cousin?" Dylan said trailing off and looking up at me. When I didn't reply he continued his tirade about the Cullens.

"And all these strange things have been happening with those boys on the reserve and somehow they are all linked to the Cullens and tell me I'm not crazy but Carlisle Cullen is either a wax statue or he hasn't aged at all since he was 20 years old... Don't say I'm crazy but I think he may be a vampire! Maybe you all are!" Dylan said slowly, anxiously waiting for my reaction.

I let out a loud hysteric laugh and Dylan looked at me oddly. "I though I told you not to-"

"After all their precautions...a 15 year old boy figured it out" I said cutting him off as I realized the hilarity of the situation.

"Hey a very smart 15 year old boy" Dylan said smirking but when he looked at me his smirk faded. "Wait what? You're being serious! You're a vampire? What are their werewolves and mermaids too now?" he asked scrambling away from me.

"Yes to the werewolves and no to the mermaid. I'm Half-vampire. Half-human. And you can say the rest of the Cullens and I are sort of vegetarian" I said and at the terrified expression still engraved on Dylan's face I rolled my eyes. "We only eat animals" I added.

"That's not what vegetarian means at all...in fact the complete opposite really..." said Dylan trailing off as I gave him an annoyed look. He sighed and edged back towards me until he was siding beside me. "Now that I know you aren't going to suck my blood or anything this is so cool!" he exclaimed a wide smile spreading over his face.

"It's not that cool"

"Don't you have like super speed and strength? And aren't your eyes red? What about garlic aren't you allergic? Does silver kill you? What about a stake to the heart? Do you have a reflexion? And don't you melt in the sun?" Dylan asked questions tumbling from his lips one after one.

"First of all, yes I am faster than most humans but slower than some vampire because I'm half-human. Vampires who drink human blood have red eyes and those that don't have gold. Most vampires don't eat human food and the garlic is just a myth. Same with the stake, silver and the reflexion part. I obviously don't melt in the sun but full vampires do sparkle hence why we picked Forks" I said gesturing out the window to the dark clouds that were forever present.

"You sparkle? That's so lame!" Dylan exclaimed and I laughed in agreement. I had always considered it a blessing that I didn't sparkle like the rest of my kind. "So you're like invincible?" Dylan added.

"If you separate a vampires head far enough from their body and I think burn it then we can't come back but essentially we are dead. I don't know if I am as untouchable as everyone else. All I know is I grow fast until 18 then I stay that way forever" I said and watched with amusement as Dylan's eyes widened with surprise as he mentally calculated my age.

"So you're like two months old?" he asked incredulously and I nodded. "How come half-vampires are so unknown?" He asked having partially recovered from his initial shock.

"Well it all started back when Bella met Edward" I started and proceeded to tell him the events that had happened up until now, relieved that I could finally share this secret with someone.

Omg so in case you couldn't tell I love #McCullen . I'm legit obsessed with Dylan and Ollie (and Ava too :)) and they were going to be irrelevant to the plot line before but I decided against it. Above is a gif of Dylan!


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