42| The First Death

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

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At first everything seemed to happen really slowly like we were in an action movie. It was slow and dramatic but deadly as our forces rushed towards each other. Our group was significantly smaller but the time for stalling was over we had no more time left. We could only hope that the pack would arrive soon and come to our aid but for now we were on our own.

Our forces collided with one another and suddenly everything sped up. Bella attempted to keep her shield up around us  but I could feel it faltering as we spread out along the massive courtyard. Esme fell to the ground as Jane rounded on her, using her gift to bombard Esme with pain but luckily Carlisle dragged her out of the way before he could be brought to the fire.

Roger was flinging objects at the opposing team using his telekinesis, Harris was knocking vampires off their feet left and right  but it was to no avail. We were still losing, I zipped around struggling to get to Aro but he had dipped down behind the lines of fighting. Aro was the key to this all, if you knock out the leader you take down the pack.

From what Dylan had told me I only had to hold onto Aro long enough for him to turn mortal and then nature would take over as he would age up and turn to dust. I jut had to get to him. As both of our powers were tactile, I had no idea what would happen when I did get to him. I just knew I had to or everything would be lost.

I ducked under a swinging arm, rolled under a vampire's legs and dodged one that was running at full speed towards me. Edward was throwing punches at them, defending Nessie with Bella at his side. Alice and Jasper were fighting together in unison, Jasper was making all the vampires around him calm so they would be easier to fight. We were all trying our best, fighting until death. I jumped to the left landing painfully on the ground and that was when I heard it. It was when we all heard it. It was a blood curdling scream that chilled my bones.

It seemed as though all the fighting stopped for a moment as everyone turned around to look at the blonde girl crouched beside one of the blazing fire pits that Aro had illuminated at the start of the battle. The servants were looking horrified and cowered by the wall, clinging to one another. My vision was blocked and I couldn't tell who it was. Then the vampire in front of me shifted and I saw who it was. 

It was Rosalie and she was staring into a fire at Emmett's head which was burning. My heart sank to the bottom of my chest like a stone. It was the first casualty of the battle and it only seemed to enhance the seriousness of the situation of what we were doing. My heart was pained for Rosalie, she had lost her soulmate the person she was supposed to spend her entire life with, he was now gone.

Carlisle and Esme had lost a son, Edward, Alice, Jasper and Bella had lost a brother and Nessie and I had lost an uncle. We had all lost a member of our coven, a member of our family. It was right then that something changed in the dynamic of the battle. 

It might have been when Rosalie got to her feet, her golden eyes glistening with tears, her blonde hair blowing  slightly in the wind. It might have been the fierce determination in her eyes. And it might have been the fact that we had just lost someone, but all of a sudden everyone became so much more determined. 

The fighting started again, more deadlier than ever. I knew it wasn't enough. No matter how hard we fought we were still going to lose without reinforcements. We were outnumbered three to one. We needed to have more strength, strength in numbers. That or we needed to wipe out a whole bunch of Volturi members at once.

I scanned the courtyard looking for ideas when I caught the eye of Dylan who was hovering over Harris, acting as his protector. I waved him over and he disappeared, reappearing beside me. "I can't believe Emmett died" he muttered sadly.

"I know. We're all going to end up like that if we don't do something" I said and Dylan nodded already on the same page. 

"I could scan ahead for the wolf packs. See if they are even going to come" he offered and I nodded accepting the offer. 

"In a moment yeah because even if you do find them they won't arrive right away. We need to do something that will help us hold them off" I said and Dylan nodded, thinking hard. We scanned the courtyard again, our eyes sweeping for anything we could possibly use to create a diversion.

"We could tip over the fire pits" said Dylan pointing toward where a couple Volturi were fighting near one.

"That might kill us too" I countered. "We need something that won't kill them" I added and my eyes flickered up to one of the grand pillars that supported a giant boulder. Dylan's gaze followed mine and he smiles already on the same page.

"Perfect" he said and floated away. I saw him reappear leading Harris, Kaito, Jasper and Roger to the pillars. He caught my eye gave a quick salute and floated away to scout for the wolf pack. I watched the men apprehensively as they put our idea into place. It just might work.

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That pained me so much guys. But someone had to die.... I'm so sorry Rosalie and Emmett!! Only nine chapter left omg I'm on an updating streak. 


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