49| SETH

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

Jasper carried me as we followed Carlisle into the room I had woken up in. Carlisle lay Seth on the bed and immediately started clicking his fingers for tools. As I scurried around bringing him different supplies the only thing on my mind was the week being of Seth. I didn't think about Rosalie's death nor what was happening with Kaito, Roger and Harris who were outside attempting to tackle the imposter.

All I knew is that of Seth died, I would be broken. It would be worse than Dylan's death. A thousand times worse. Seth wouldn't come back and I needed him. I felt an undeniably strong connection to him as though we were tied together.

"You may go now. I need to do this part alone it helps to keep my control" said Carlisle who was threading a needle with steady hands. I looked down at Seth's wound which had been cleaned but was still pooling blood and we scurried from the room.

Outside I saw Seth's sister and half the pack waiting. "How is he?" his sister asked a hopeful look on her face. I sighed.

"Not much better" I replied and her face fell.

"I'm so sorry you guys. I'm sorry I dragged any of you into this. I should have been more careful. I should have..." I said and Jasper gave me a comforting squeeze. His sister's face softened.

"It's not your fault. He would have came with or without the pack to help. Your his imprint. There was no way he would have let you do this alone. He took that wound for you so you could live not regret everything" she said and I smiled slightly.

"Thank you..." I trailed off as I realized I didn't know her name. "Sorry what is your name? I still don't have all my memory back quite yet" I said and the girl smiled.

"I'm Leah, Seth's sister" she said and looked over to the other two.

"Oh... I'm Paul" said one of the boys. He was slightly older and looked a bit more serious than the other one who had a wide smile stretched across his face.

"And I'm Embry. It's now to meet you. The one who killed Aro" he said excitedly. Leah and Paul rolled their eyes.

"You've met her before Embry" Paul said and Embry's eyes widened.

"Oh right! Yes. But she can't remember can she?" he asked and I giggled but then felt guilty for feeling so happy and carefree while Seth was on his deathbed.

Leah noticed the abrupt end of my laugh and looked over to me sadly.

"You don't have to feel guilty for being happy. It is what Seth would want anyways. He wants you to live and be happy. He wouldn't want you or any of us to live a life in sadness because of him" she said and I nodded.

"How are you so calm about this? Your brother is dying" I said and she shrugged.

"Being part of the pack you get used to a lot of sadness and death. You learn to move on. You learn to use the help of the ones you love and to allow your friends to cheer you up" she said and Embry pretending to wipe a couple years from his eyes.

"That... was simply inspirational. In ever knew you could make speeches like that"  he said dramatically, pretending to blow his nose on his shirt sleeve.  I stifled the urge to laugh and Leah turned around and have him a deadly glare.

" I will kill you Embry " she snarled and he began sprinting across the yard with a terrified look on his face, Leah was pelting after him looking determined and by the looks of it she was gaining on him.

"Children" scoffed Paul with an annoyed look on his face but he too ran after them shouting that it wasn't logical nor therapeutical for Leah to kill one of we friends while her brother was dying from, may he remind us again, a stab wound.

"Seth is going to be fine Gabby" said Jasper and I looked up at him. He settled himself down against a brick wall positioning me so I was sitting up beside him.

"I hope so" I answered with a worried glance back at the what was now considered to be the hospital where Carlisle was working away on Seth's wound.

Jasper and I say in silence for a half - hour. The whole time I worried and fretted if Seth was going to be okay. There was no sign of movement from the hospital wing and Leah, Embry and Paul were still chasing one another around the yard.

Suddenly the door burst open with a clang and I looked up to see Carlisle standing there with slightly bloody hands. Jasper leapt up and gathered me in his arms and headed to Carlisle.

"What's happening?" I asked wondering why he still wasn't in there with him.

"Seth is awake" answered Carlisle with a smile an my insides leapt for joy. I wanted to run right inside the door and see for myself but I needed Jasper to carry me. Besides there was one person I had to inform first.

Twisting around in Jasper's grasp I yelled across the courtyard. "LEAH!" I screamed and she turned towards me taking in Carlisle and my big smile. Ten she started sprinting towards us anxious to see her brother. 

When she had reached us I took a deep rearm and we all stepped into the hospital wing together.

Omg next chapter is my last chapter ever with Gabby Cullen. Plus epilogue and a couple of a/ns but still. Last. Chapter. Wow.

This book has been such a journey and I can't believe I'm actually finishing it in the time frame that I had planned. Even though I've been posting like every day lol.

I'm going for a run now (I actually exercise lol) so next chapter will be up in a few hours.


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