03 | Welcome to loserville, population me.

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

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After I finished wiping non-existent dirt of the floor, I had nothing to do. I had just been for a walk, I wasn't particularly hungry, my back hurt too much to go back in my corner in the closet, there were to many people in the house to play piano without getting yelled at and I had nobody to talk to.

 Sighing I headed to the garage, looking for something to amuse myself with. Poking my head around the corner of the door that lead into the garage I was pleased to discover it empty. Patting my hand against the wall, I felt up and down for a light switch feeling completely foolish about the fact that I was feeling up a wall. I sighed with relief as I succeeded in my task, casting the room in a muffled orange glow. 

The garage was similar to the attic, where the Cullens had stacked boxes of the junk they had accumulated throughout the centuries. It was like a deluxe version of hoarders. I pilfered through a couple of the boxes coughing as a cloud of dust rose into the air. It wasn't full of anything useful, just medicine books that had probably belonged to Carlisle. Realizing I wasn't going to find anything useful I hoisted myself up, onto a stack of boxes and stared around the room feeling sorry for myself. The first month of my life had been a drag. 

By now my eyes had started to water and my throat burned from the disturbed dust. Jumping off my perch i straightened up as something caught corner of my eye. There was a bicycle leaned against the wall of the garage previously hidden by a stack of boxes. Heading over to it, I quickly inspected it making sure it still worked, apart from the seat which was covered in years worth of dust it seemed to be working perfectly. 

As I hauled it out from the garage, I realized what this bike symbolized. Freedom. I had a chance to get away from the Cullen's isolated house in the middle of god-knows-where and head to the town which I heard was also isolated. With this bike I held freedom, to come and go as I pleased. I couldn't have been happier. 

Jumping on the seat I adjusted the gears and placed my left foot on the pedal. Pushing off with my right foot I pumped my legs, wobbling at first but soon catching the hang of it. Checking over my shoulder that none of the Cullens had seen me leave, I pedalled furiously turning onto the tree-lined road that led to and from the house. 

The wind whipped through my knotted hair as I pedalled, steadily gaining speed, steadily gaining freedom from my family. I let out a joyous whoop, glad for once that there was no one to see me and know one to hear me. My dreams were finally coming true. The sun shone through the branches of the trees above me, warming my skin. I thankfully didn't sparkle like the rest of my family members and could venture out in the mortal world with out drawing any weird stares or without having to bundle up like it was winter. 

I turned around a sharp bend in the road and was startled to see someone, blocking my path. I squeezed hard on the breaks my knuckles turning white with the stress, but yet i wasn't slowing down. 

"Move out of the way!" I screamed and he looked up removing his earphones, startled.

"Use your brakes!" he yelled back and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his ignorance. 

"I am!" I screamed back and he paled noticing that my hand were glued desperately to the handles of the broken brakes. The boy leapt out of the way, watching his motorbike carefully, yet luckily before I hit into the bike, my front tire caught a rock and I went flying through the air into a ditch at the side of the road. 

"Ow" I groaned more embarrassed than wounded. The boy came rushing over, his blue eyes peering at me curiously as he ran a hand through his blonde hair before remembering his courtesies and extended a calloused hand to help me up. I took his hand and brushed myself off the best I could, noticing that I had a rip in my jeans.

"Are you hurt?" asked the boy who looked genuinely concerned. 

"Nothing's wounded except my dignity, I'm normally very graceful" I said and the boy smiled. "I'm more concerned for my bike. Did you see where it fell?" I asked and the boy nodded leading me over to where my bike lay upon the ground, thankfully unscathed. 

"I've never seen you around here before. Are you new to Forks?" he asked and I stifled a laugh. 

More like new to the world I thought, but instead I smiled. "Yeah something like that. I'm staying with my... aunt" I said awkwardly trying to make up a cover story. 

"I'm Dylan McBride" said the boy extending a hand. 

"Gabby Cullen" I said shaking his hand and he peered at me curiously upon hearing my last name. 

"Are you related to Edward and his lot?" he asked and I nodded trying to appear nonchalant. 

"Yeah. My cousins, they transferred to a private school" I replied, as I remembered that Carlisle had said something about it being our cover story. I turned my attention back to Dylan who looked down at his watch and cursed. 

"I have to be back, tomorrow is the first day of sophomore year. But I'll see you at school tomorrow right?" Dylan asked and I froze unsure of what to say. 

"Uh...yeah. I'll be there" I stammered as he got on his motorbike. I bent down to pick up my bike, my mind already spinning on how I was supposed to pull this off. 

"Hey Gabby?" Dylan called and I turned back to face him. "Get those brakes fixed!" he said giving me a grin before, starting the motor of his bike, kicking off the ground and speeding away. 

"I will" I called back grinning stupidly at his retreading form. I picked up my bike and stared at myself in the back mirror. My hair was a tangled mess, I had dirt streaked across my face and a twig in my hair. I groaned, I was most definitely a world class loser. 

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I love Dylan and I love what is to come next chapter with school. How is she going to pull it off? 

Well I know what the answer is but it's fun to see people guess. Or you can just turn the page in an hour or so, or a few seconds if it's already updated and see for yourself...

Happy reading!

_Elle xx

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