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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

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"So in short the Volturi don't know you all are here. We're aiming to keep it that way. Gorilla warfare. Gabby is going to have to keep acting the way she's acting and the rest of you cannot give yourselves away. We're the losing side until Seth and Jacob convince the pack to come to our help and until Harris gets here. Meanwhile Gabs you should work the other vampires find out what they know. I'll target the humans" said Dylan and mostly everyone nodded agreeing to the plan.

"Sorry who's Harris?" asked Esme.

"Ex-memeber of the Volturi and a speedster" explained Jasper before Dylan could. 

"Ah" said Esme. 

"What are we going to do about the shapeshifter Dyl?" I asked and everyone looked confused as most hadn't heard of this threat.

"There's a vampire, one of the Volturi I assume that can shape shift so he look like anyone. Anyone of us here can be impersonated. The vampire in question has silver eyes when he isn't taking his true form so make sure you look into the eyes of who you are speaking to" I explained quickly and Dylan nodded before wrapping up some of the points that I had left out on.

"He's the one that killed my family so he's dangerous and he wants something. well he wanted me to become a vampire and we still don't know why. Until we do we all have to be careful" Dylan warned and the group nodded solemnly.

"Any questions?" Dylan added and everyone shook their heads. I didn't say anything but then tentatively I raised my hand. 

"Gabs?" asked Dylan cocking his head at me. It wouldn't make sense that I had a question about the plan as we had concocted it together. Well it had been mostly Dylan but I had helped a little.

"Why do my parents hate me?" I asked turning towards Bella and Edward with a  frown. They looked taken aback and a few others such as Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett, were looking curious as to see what their response would be.

"Well...I...um...we....Bella?" stammered Edward looking towards Bella. If looks could kill Edward and I would be six feet under right now. Edward for throwing Bella under the bus and myself for putting the couple on the hot seat in the first place. I couldn't help my question, I was curious to know what I had done to earn their disapproval. Gauging by the reactions of my family members I wasn't the only one who was eager top know the answer. If there even was one.

"You nearly killed me!" cried Bella placing her hands on her hips in a defensive pose. 

"As did Reneesme!" I cried. "We were twins. What I did to you, Nessie did as well!" Dylan clapped his hands applauding me for finally standing up to Bella but his hands fell to his sides as he realized everyone was staring at him.

"Not the right moment? Okay" said Dylan and I shook my head fighting my smile.

"Why do I hate you? Because you're an ungrateful little brat who's done nothing but cause grief to this family from the day you were born. You're a monster and you aren't and never will be my daughter! The only reason I came was for-"

"Mom!" Nessie was looking at Bella with a shocked expression on her face. "I knew you were acting this way towards Gabby but I never realized it was this bad. Now that I'm older I'm realizing how awful you treated her. How you still treat her. I'm not just going to sit back and watch you do it anymore!" Nessie cried her hands balling in fists at her side.

Everyone was staring at her their mouths open. Shocked. Nessie had never blown up at anyone let alone Bella whom she practically worshipped. Most surprised was Bella and Edward who stared at their daughter as though they didn't know her anymore.I think in this case it's safe to say that they don't.

"Reneesme Carlie Cullen! Now you listen here-" screamed Bella but she was interrupted again.

"Stop it Bella. She's right"said Edward with a  dejected sigh. Out of all possible outcomes to my question I most certainly would not have pictured Edward defending me, of all people against Bella, his wife.

"What? Edward? How can you?" sputtered Bella with a mixed expression of  outrage and shock.

"I've come to realize Bella that being a parent isn't about putting your own needs in front of your kid's needs. But vice versa. No parent should be able to hate their kids and for that Gabby I am sorry" said Edward turning to face me for the last bit. I could see so much of myself reflected in him and part of me wanted to forgive him. Only another part, a much bigger part of me didn't.

"It's Gabrielle" I said coldly and Edward furrowed his brow.


"My name is Gabrielle. Gabby if you are close to me. We aren't yet. We need to build the bridges they can't just appear in a  second" I said and Edward nodded.

"Well Rome wasn't built in a day so that'll have to do" he said.

"Thank you. Now as for the rest of you who have a problem with me. I don't care. I think I stopped caring a while ago what people think of me" I said and Dylan nodded his approval.

"Preach it" he exclaimed. Then suddenly a there was a sound that we all dreaded. A knock on the door.

"Hide everyone!" I hissed under my breath and Dylan disappeared while various people hid under my bed and in my wardrobe. Jasper and Alice climbed out onto the roof through my window. "Uh...just a second" I called in a normal tone. After hissing to Edward that his foot was showing I opened the door a fake smile plastered on my face.

"Ah. Gabrielle darling. Why don't you invite your friends for tea" said Aro, a coy smile on his face.

"M-my friends?" I asked and Aro nodded.

"Yes I do believe they are the Cullens" he replied and my heart stopped beating in my chest.

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Dun dun dun.

Don't freak out update will be soon. I'm trying to finish this in six days. May be a bit hard to do but I'm aiming for 50 chapters.


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