02| The Lochness Monster...I mean my sister

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

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Don't get me wrong I didn't hate my sister. I just highly resented her for having the life that could have been mine...or well ours. As far as twins went we looked alike, the russet coloured hair, pale complexions and doe-like eyes. Only hers were a soft chocolate brown and mine a soft amber coloured close to the golden eyes my entire family sported. In physicality's we were fairly alike, however, in personality it was safe to say we were not. 

By not, I meant totally and completely different, night and day, yin and yang, Americans and British. Nessie was clingy, affectionate, caring, sympathetic, innocent. Her power was considered as sweet whereas my power of controlling people's minds made me a monster. Although I was quiet, it was to stay out of trouble. But once I was alone with Seth, I was loud, energetic and wild and dare I say pretty intelligent. 

I headed back from my trek in the forest with Seth to see Nessie sitting on the porch steps making a chain of daisies. Seth had left me at the edge of the forest turning into his wolf form, after promising that he would see me tomorrow. 

"Gabby! Come see the chain I'm making for Mom!" she exclaimed waving me over. I walked over at sat beside her as she held out the chain showing it to me excitedly. Although she looked older than me physically, Carlisle said as she was more human she would take longer to catch up mentally. Nessie's hair was tied elegantly back in a braid, most likely the work of Rosalie, and she was wearing a black skirt and a grey top that had probably been chosen by Alice. Crouched beside her in my jeans and t-shirt, my hair like a birds nest I felt even more out of place. 

"Here you can have this one. I made it extra special for you" Nessie exclaimed leaning forward to place a crown of flowers on the top of my tangled curls. As she straightened up her locket slid out from under her shirt. "That reminds me!" she exclaimed her eyes following mine to the locket. She opened the locket, to a picture of Bella, Edward, Jacob and finally a picture of me. 

Tears sprang to my eyes, I was touched by the unexpected gesture from my twin. Moments like this, when she made an effort to include me, made it harder for me to resent her. "Thanks Nessie, but you should probably take it out. Bella won't like it" I said but Nessie shook her head firmly. 

"Mom gave this locket to me for keeps. She said it's mine forever and I can do what I want with it" Nessie replied stubbornly and I sighed knowing I wouldn't be able to change her mind. Standing up I bid farewell to Nessie who waved and turned her attention back to the flowers, I walked up the porch steps bracing myself as usual for whatever lay inside. 

Slowly I edged towards the stairs knowing that inevitably I would have to enter the living room where most of the family usually hung out. As I neared the door of the dreaded room, I had the stairs in sight and prepared to make a run for it. Tensing my muscles I counted to three before sprinting towards the stairs. 


I paused, halfway up the stairs, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. I spun slowly to see all of my relatives staring at me , save for Jasper and Nessie. I crept slowly back down the stairs towards them feeling foolish for bothering to be so quiet as they had already seen me. Arriving in front of them I felt like a prisoner waiting for his death sentence as they all scrutinized my disheveled appearance. 

"What have you been doing?"came Rosalie's delayed outburst. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes knowing she had only made it up so that they would have an excuse to tell Jasper. 

"I've been out" I replied curtly not bothering to remember my courtesies. 

"With whom?" Bella asked coldly and I stretched out my awareness to confirm my suspicions that Bella had placed a shield around them all so I couldn't control anyone - not that I was going to. 

"I was alone" I said knowing that Bella would somehow find a way of keeping Seth and I apart if she knew I had been with him. 

"Go change and then come and clean the floors. You've made such a mess" said Esme wrinkling her nose at the floor. Following her gaze to my sneakers, I checked the floor around me for mud yet it was still as polished as usual. 

I nodded then turned to go, always glad to keep the interactions between us to a minimum. "Where did you get that flower crown?" Alice asked and I turned to glare at her for bringing it up but she feigned innocence as she knew Jasper would leave her if she was ever as rude to me as the others. "It's pretty. I'm just curious" she added, most likely for a cover. 

"I made it myself" I lied hoping to fool them. 

Edward shook his head. "A monster like you could never make something that beautiful" he sneered and I turned my gaze to face the man who was supposed to be my father. 

"Nessie made it" I replied quietly, ashamed that everyone had this effect on me and knowing that Edward would read my mind anyways. 

"I told you not to talk to her" Bella said coldly, holding out her hand asking for the crown. 

"P...please Nessie made it for me" I stammered holding tightly to the crown. 

"And that will be the last thing she ever does. It's time she knew the truth about you" Edward added and I dropped the crown on the floor, racing up the steps to my small bedroom in the attic amid the carton boxes full of junk. Once I was safely in the back corner of the closet i let the tears fall, not knowing if it was because of Nessie or because I was ashamed at not standing up for myself.  

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Yay! Edited version of chapter two is now up like 5 seconds after the other one. 

Okay it's been like half an hour and my butt is numb from the chair. You all should be grateful, i'm doing this. 

Never mind...scratch that. Just remembered it was my idea to reedit this again...


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