16| I have a mild case of the fangirl

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

"Ugh" I groaned, flopping down on my bed.

"What?" asked Nessie, following me into my room.

"Nothing..." I replied, "Just ugh". Nessie shrugged and flopped down beside me and we stared at my ceiling in silence.

It had been two weeks, three days, four hours and 24 minutes since I'd seen Seth; we hadn't spoken since he was over. And it had been exactly three nights since I'd had my last dream of a dream. It was almost always the same, the Gabby Clones and then something that made actual sense. I'd begun to only mull over the second bits, figuring they were easy to solve.

"Gabby?" asked Nessie breaking my train of thought and the silence.


"Do you ever wonder how different things would be?" asked Nessie

"What do you mean?" I asked propping myself up on one elbow.

"Y'know... If Mom and Dad..." She paused as though she was searching for the right words. "If Mom and Dad had accepted you, if they didn't think you were... evil". I stared at her. "I mean I don't think you're evil' she added quickly.

"I've kind of just accepted it... what are we?  Two and a half months old? We don't need our parents anymore" I exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across my face. A hint of a smile began to appear on Nessie's lips and I decided to go in for the kill.

"C'mon that was hilarious! Anyone normal would have been checking us into a psych ward" I added and Nessie grinned.

"Okay I'll admit that was pretty funny, but be serious"

"Sirius Black is dead," I said trying to keep my face as straight as possible. My upper lip twitched from the effort, and I thought my ribs would crack from the effort of keeping in my laugh after I saw the expression on Nessie's face.

"You read Harry Potter?" she asked incredulously.

"I have a border-line unhealthy obsession. I even started reading... fanfiction" I said dramatically and Nessie rolled her eyes.

"You've got to be kidding me"

"What? I have a lot of time on my hands. You'd be surprised, having parents takes up a lot of time and effort" I replied.

"Is that where you disappear off to every day?" she teased.

"What Hogwarts? I can't go there, I'm pretty sure they don't admit vampires, or half-vampires" I replied feigning ignorance. Nessie rolled her eyes.

"No silly, the library"

"A true magician does not reveal his secrets" I replied and Nessie giggled.

"Honestly though where have you been for the past month and a half? I've missed having you around" Nessie said.

I hadn't missed being around the house. The last few weeks at school with Ava, Ollie and especially Dylan had been the greatest I had experienced. Although the past few weeks Dylan and I haven't even discussed anything related to the Supernatural.

"I've been around" I said, replying at last. Nessie raised her eyebrow smiling at me suggestively.

"What?" I asked defensively.

"You've been at Seth's house," she chanted and I ducked my head to hide the blush that was rising over my cheeks. "What do you do there anyways?" she added.

'Um... we read" I lied.

"I'm sure you do" huffed Nessie giving me an I-know-all look. I sighed, if only she did.

"What's going on between you and Jacob anyways?" I asked desperately trying to direct the subject away from my so-called love life and onto Nessie's. Although we were twins I was unaware if she had some built in lie detector when it came to me, and I had no intention of putting that to the test.

"Oh..." said Nessie her face turning a deep shade of red. "You know... It's been good"

"You two going to get married or something?'' I asked trying to press her for details.

"Oh God no! I...mean not yet. At least...I don't know. Sometime in the near future maybe?" she said, fanning her face as she turned- if possible- a deeper shade of red.

"Make sure to tell me if you do, okay," I said flopping back down on the bed. Nessie sighed and followed my lead, flopping down so that we were lying down shoulder to shoulder. 

"Tell you? You'll be my maid of honour!" Nessie exclaimed and I laughed nudging her with my shoulder.

"I'll be the first you tell though, promise?"

"Promise" said Nessie linking her pinkie finger with mine, before propping herself up. "I better go, Mom's expecting me for dinner" she groaned as she got up. I nodded and watched as she left. She stopped just as she reached the door and turned back to face me.

"Gabby?" she asked hesitantly.


"Mom and Dad don't hate you because you're you. They hate you for what you can do" she said, giving me a small smile.

"Yeah?" I asked.


That night after Nessie had left I lay in the dark pondering about what she had said. It was a plausible explanation but a weak excuse for a parent not to love their child. I didn't truly believe there was any explanation that could indeed justify that. A parent was meant to love their kid not matter what they could do, no matter how they acted. My parents hadn't fulfilled that role, not with me at least.

I was luckier now; I had people who cared about me – Nessie, Jasper, Seth, Dylan, Ollie and Ava. If someone had told me last month that I would have this many people rooting for me I would have said they were crazier than Bella and Edward. And yet here I am, still standing after all the times they pushed me down.

Yay chapter 16 is up! I really think we needed some twin bonding in there. So enjoy some Gessie? That's what I'm officially calling it. More chapters will be posted in intervals throughout the day.


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