46| The Aftermath of the battle

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

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Everything around me was dark. I felt like I was floating in a murky substance that wasn't quite air but wasn't quite a liquid. It was like a dense murky fog. I drifted along through a sea of thoughts, images from the battle raged in my mind. Faces of all the ones I loved flicked through my mind. Nessie, Jasper, Dylan, Harris, Kaito, Roger...

Is this what it feels like when you die? , I wondered. I couldn't remember much about the fall, only the sharp pain in the side of my neck and the sickening crunch of bones as I hit the ground limp as a sack of potatoes. I knew my plan had failed but I had only hoped that I, or at the very least someone else had brought Aro down too. Then I would be able to rest in peace knowing that he too was gone and would leave my family alone.

The fog surrounding me got lighter as it was flecked with blurry white lights. I tried to shut them off, I didn't want to wake up. Not yet. I preferred this mindless state I was in where I didn't have to think or move or speak. I liked the comforting darkness in which I was in, unknowing if I was dead or alive. Once you know something, you can't not know it. I was questioning whether I wanted to leave or stay but it looked like I wouldn't be the one who was making that decision.

"She's waking up" came an excited male voice and there were many noises as people came to gather around me. 

"Gabs? Can you hear me?" asked another voice. I struggled to open my eyes further but it felt like they were glued shut. 

"Easy now. Take it easy" said the first voice. I instantly relaxed from his tone, he had a calm, honey sweet voice that just instantly made you want to do whatever he told you to do. 

After a few moments my eyes seemed to open a bit easier, but as they did I was hit with the full force of the bright ceiling lights. I groaned, blinking rapidly as I tried to clear the spots from my vision. It was like someone had taken a photo of me with the flash on, holding the camera up close to my face. 

"Gabby?" asked Nessie's worried face swam into view. It was a bit disfigured due to my poor vision but I recognized her all the same. 

"Gabs!" cried another voice, a hazy figure who was floating above me. Dylan. 

I tried to speak but my throat was dry from lack of use. I felt like it was dry and cracked like the desert. I was in severe need of some water, or even better some blood. I attempted to signal my need to them but all that came out of my mouth was a strangled croak.

"Everyone give her some space" came the calm voice again and the faces of Dylan and Nessie shrank back leaving me staring at a white ceiling that had rectangular lights. Someone held a cup to my lips and I gulped the liquid greedily as I realized it was blood.

I tried to sit up but it was as though my limbs had been filed with sawdust and superglued to the bed. The only things I could move were my arms but they were too weak to support my body. Jasper noticed my struggle and lifted me up, supporting my back with pillows.

"W-what happened?" I asked staring in turn at the people that had gathered around my bed side in a semi- circle. There was Carlisle who was holding an empty cup in his hand, Esme, Nessie, Dylan, Harris, Roger, Kaito, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, a boy with tan skin as well as a girl who looked similar to him. Bella and Edward hung at the edge of the group, unsure if they were included.

"You fell" said Dylan exchanging a glance with those who were gathered around me. He seemed to be the one that the group had elected to speak.

"D-did Aro..." I asked apprehensively, leaning forward in anticipation. This would have all been for nothing if he wasn't dead.

"Ashes" answered Dylan and I sunk back into my pillows with a sigh. I had done it. "Gabby? Do you...um .... know what happened?" he asked cautiously.

"Well I fell while taking down Aro with me. I think he...he bit me" I said and Carlisle nodded stepping forward. He deposited the cup on the bedside table before looking at me in the eyes.

"Gabby. I hate to be the one to tell you this. When you fell your spine cracked. As Aro bit you, you weren't able to heal as you normally would. We recovered the usage of your arms, hands and left leg however the right leg.... is quite useless" he said and I stared down at my legs in shock.

"I... I..." I stammered at a complete loss of words. "I don't matter now. Who else died?" I asked pushing down the sinking feeling in my chest.

"No one on our side. On the Volturi side we had Jane who died, she threw herself in the fire. We've taken five or six as prisoner and many fled before the battle was truly over" answered the tan boy and I looked over to him, really seeing him for the first time.

"S-Seth?" I stammered not believing my eyes. He grinned and came over beside my bed, exchanging places with Nessie who went over to join Edward and Bella.

"You remember me?" he asked disbelievingly, bending down to hug me.

"How could I not?" I whispered in his ear. "After all you did imprint on me" I added a huge grin spreading across my face. I may not ever be able to run or walk properly but I was safe and so were those I cared about. That was what truly mattered.

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Yeah yeah another chapter. I'm on a roll! Only 4 more chapters to go. I can't believe it.





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