36| I don't know you but I hate you

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

It had been a week since I had met up with Dylan and Harris and it was by far the most difficult week of my short life.

Not only was I dying to try out my newfound powers on any of the members, I had to act as though I was oblivious to everything. I still had to put on the uncomfortable dresses and parade around doing mindless tasks for my 'father' while simultaneously combusting inside from the lack on news on either end.

It was hard enough when I only suspected something was going on with the Volturi. Now that it had been confirmed I was struggling to hold onto my fake identity. I was exactly cut out for the acting business. It was harder to keep things a secret as I was half human. All they had to do was listen to my heartbeat and find out if I was lying but luckily no body has unveiled me yet.

Seven days later. I finally got some news. I headed back to my room after a particularly boring meeting to find Dylan and nine strangers standing around in my room. The all turned to face me with varying expression as I let the door slam behind me.

Dylan was smiling as well as another man with long dirty blonde hair. He was holding the hand of a girl with a pixie cut who nodded at me. The blonde girl and the husky man beside me both had half smiles on their face a they stared at me. The couple that was slightly older than the rest turned their gaze from me and were purposely looking at the ground or at the ceiling. Anywhere but me. The last couple who each had their hand on a teenager's shoulder curled their faces in disgust. I rolled my eyes, they probably hated me for a reason I couldn't remember so it wasn't worth dwelling on.

I let my eyes stray down to meet the teenage girls. I looked at her closely and did a double take. She looked almost exactly like me. She was slightly older with hair the exact same shade as mine only waiver and her eyes were chocolate brown in contrast to my golden ones. Other than that we looked almost identical. Almost like...like twins.

"Is...is this my family?" I asked ignoring the group as I focused on Dylan. It was a lot to take in having a whole family that I never knew existed. It opened up a whole new side to me that I didn't know was there.

"Yes...however some have...varying degrees of...how do I put this? Love? Tolerance? Ok some like you more than others" he said looking pointedly at the last couple who just glared at me.

"And they are?" I asked my eyes not leaving Dylan's.

"Right. That's Jasper and Alice" he said pointing to the first couple I had noticed who had been smiling at me. "Jasper has always been a fatherly figure to you and Alice...well she used to only tolerate you for Jasper's sake but her feelings have shifted a little" Dylan said and I smiled at Jasper thanking him for what he had done even though I had no recollections of it.

Jasper seemed nice, the skin around his filed eyes crinkling as he smiled at me. I payed Alice no mind and tuned back to Dylan do he could introduce the next pair. I was eager to find out who the teenage girl was.

"That's Rosalie" he said pointing towards the blonde girl. "And that's Emmett". He pointed towards the husky guy. "They never really payed you any mind before but they were never down right cruel. Now their attitudes have shifted" he said and before I could say anything to them, the blonde one, Rosalie jumped in.

"We're really sorry for that Gabby! We never meant...I mean we didn't...we are sorry for everything" she said and I could see the sincerity in her eyes.

"Consider it forgotten" I said laughing at my pun. Dylan joined in as well as Jasper and Rosalie and Emmett gave a few nervous laughs as though they couldn't believe I had forgiven them; the rest of my family remained stone faced. Tough crowd.

"That's Esme and Carlisle" continued Dylan nodding towards the older couple. "They are your grandparents in a matter of speaking but they have treated you with no kindness form the day you were born" finished Dylan with a mean glare towards them.

The man sighed. "I don't see why you need to be telling her this. We could have all started from a blank page" he said.

"So you could all take advantage of her situation to make yourselves look like better people?" asked Dylan and the man rolled his eyes. "Actions have consequences no matter how insignificant you think those actions are" he said and Carlisle sighed in defeat.

"Here we have Sleazeball Bella and Asshole Edward" huffed Dylan as he stared down the last couple. They opened their mouths to protest but he cut them off leaving their mouths gaping open and closed like fish.

"That's what everyone calls them. Based off their behavior towards one of their children" he said punctuating each word with a glare. I looked at the couple who stared back at me with such hatred.

"They're my parents? But they hate me!" I exclaimed.

"Pity you weren't born blind Gabs. They've been looking at you the way since you were born. They love their other daughter very much. Talk about playing favorites" Dylan snarled.

"Lastly we have your twin sister Renesmee. More commonly known as Nessie. You two have your difference but love each other. She's more human than you are and although she ages quicker physically her mental capacities are slower" he said and the girl frowned.

"Watch it bud. I don't have the brain of a two year old anymore. I know what you are saying" she said annoyed then turned to me, flying into my arms.

"We were all...some of us were so worried here you were! I'm so glad we found you Gabs" she aid squeezing me tight.

"Me too Nessie, me too" I sad and hugged her back.

Some shameless self promoting here: go check out my new Heroes of Olympus story called : to be a hero.
K thanks.

_elle XX

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