45| The Takedown

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Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns all rights to twilight except for Gabby because she is my character and her basic plot line.

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Aro and I were only a few feet apart. Everything we had done in the past few hours had led up to this moment. Me facing off with Aro. Below us the battle was still going on, beyond you could see Volterra. The Italian town in which the Volturi resided.

"Amazing view isn't it" Aro commented as I approached him. I said nothing just stared out at the rooftops. A light breeze brought my grimy hair away from my neck as it blew in the breeze.

"I knew you knew" said Aro and at that I turned away from the landscape and towards him.

"Sorry?" I asked and he smiled a little.

"I knew you knew" he repeated and I still stared at him blankly so he began to walk along the balcony. I followed him, keeping close enough so I could reach out and touch him but far enough so that I could jump back at any moment.

"I knew you knew about your family when I came to your room. You've been figuring everything out quite quickly my dear. I hoped it would have taken you longer" he said.

"This was your plan from the beginning" I said testing out my earlier suspicions. Aro didn't say anything but just raised an eyebrow elegantly.

"You left me with just enough memory so that I would remember one person. Dylan. And you knew he would lead me to my family, which would bring them here and commence the battle...but to do that Dylan would have to be....you sent the vampire that killed Dylan" I exclaimed and Aro smiled.

"Very good. I was hoping you'd figure that out soon" the came nature of his voice was beginning to infuriate me. He was somehow able to show no emotion what so ever. Nothing was given away from his speech, his tone nor his body language.

"I'm guessing you didn't know what powers I had" I said and he nodded smiling that annoying smile.

"No. I did not discover those powers until after your memory was wiped. I knew you had the mind control, yes I had sources that told me that but... I had no idea of your other one" he said and although I knew better of it I wanted to know more.

"How did you discover I had them? I myself, didn't discover it until... my... my friend pointed it out" I said and Aro nodded as we continue along.

"When you woke up in your room that day with Nicole by your side it wasn't the first time you ever woke up in this castle. You were up for a week before with everything running smoothly. I... I made the mistake of attempting to read you mind. When I touched you, I felt something and I just knew. I had gained a grey hair as well which confirmed my fears" he explained and I stored the information. It was good to know that my powers actually worked.

"I suspected that you might have been born as a normal vampire had you not had this... gift. The gift was keeping part of you human. After I touched you I had to erase part of your memory. That was when you woke up in the room. After that incident however, you were very different"  finished Aro and I sensed that he regretted trying to ever read my memory.

"Well this is it then" I said remembering what I had come here for. I couldn't help but feel a little sad about having to kill him. Despite all that he had done he had acted like a good father-figure.

"Indeed" said Aro.

"It's not too late to back out now Aro. We can discuss this" I said softly and for a moment his face softened and then he shook his head as though he was clear I g it and his resolve hardened.

"No we can't" said Aro firmly surveying the battle below.

"Aro..." I started but was cut off as he tuned towards me with his fangs bared. I knew what he was indicating. If he bit me, I died.

I knew then what I had to do. It was what I was meant to do, what I was born to do. A life for a life. My life for Aro's.

I turned and fled from Aro as though I was frightened. He grinned and sped after me but I kept going up the spiral staircase until we were on the roof. The wind howled in my ears drowning out the noise of the battle.

Aro had reached the roof and he grinned as he blocked the only exit that I had.

"You can't go anywhere now my dear" he said menacingly. I gulped taking a step back. My plan was simple, wait for Aro to come bite me, sidestep and push him off the roof.

While he was laying on the ground stunned I would jumped down and finish the job, ending the Volturi's rein once and for all.

I steeled my nerves and faced Aro inviting him to attack me. He did so lunging do my neck only instead of dodging him like I had planned , Aro blocked my way, spinning me around.

I launched myself forward and grabbed onto his neck picking the two of us off the roof. We were falling through the air, the two of us latched together.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my neck and I realized that Aro had latched his fangs into my neck. I held onto his neck even tighter and then we hit the ground with a thud.

I felt myself being bounced up and something snapped. I no longer felt like I was attached to my body as Aro and I rolled apart each on the ground. Everything was silent. Everything went black.

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Dun dun dun! Only 5 chapter left plus epilogue! Updates will come tomorrow as I managed to write this chapter today.


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