Chapter 1: Andy's POV

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A few more drinks can't harm me... By this time I've lost count of how many I've actually had. I start trying to total them up but then something catches my eye.

A woman stands at the other end of the bar - her hair is the brightest blonde I've ever seen; it's longer on the top and short at the back and sides. I can't quite make out her facial features, although I catch the scent of her perfume: roses mingle with overpowering cigarette smoke.

Me being in the drunken state I am, I stumble my way over towards her. What am I doing...?

"Hello I'm Andy." I blurt out all at once, and quite loudly.

"Hey I'm Juliet, nice to meet you." She speaks with a voice smooth like silk, obviously not contaminated by alcohol: she's completely sober.

Without giving any thought, I leap into her and start to kiss her passionately. What a first impression I made there. She's going to hate me now. I break the kiss.

"I'm so sor-" I'm cut off by lips pressing against mine. This can't be happening. Just then I hear a voice behind me.

"Andy you've had too much to drink, we need to go." Ashley commands.

He must be quite close to me: I can hear him over this pounding music. It's starting to give me a headache - or maybe that's all the drinks I've had.

"C'mon Andy!" Ashley insists on yelling at me, grabbing my arm.

Juliet moves my arm from Ashley's grasp and places it on her back, and continues to kiss me. Then it hits me - why am I kissing Juliet... When it's Ashley that I truly love?

I break the kiss and shove Juliet out of the way, turning around.

"Ashley!" I cry as loud as I can, but not very clearly as I'm extremely drunk. He doesn't hear me...

I notice a flash of leather and studs disappear outside. With one last glance at the disgruntled woman, I give her the middle finger and rush out of the door to try and pursue Ashley.

Take Your Hand In Mine  {Andley}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora