*Requested* Jacksepticeye x reader

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You were currently on your way to the convention center for comic con. Your friend Jack invited you to come with him to see his panel and meet his friends. You've always wanted to go to comic con but money was always an issue but when Jack decided to pay for your flight and hotel you wanted to deny but you couldn't. Now here you were at San diego comic con. It just an amazing sight from the first second you walked in the door. So many people many dressed in costumes they ranged from superheros, monsters, to anime characters. You kind of felt out of place since you weren't wearing a costume. You just wore shorts and a Jacksepticeye T-shirt to support your friend. "Now which way to go?" You say eyeing the map trying to find his panel. As you were looking you felt a tap on your shoulder. You slightly jump and turn around. "Omg jack!" You say and jump into your friends arms. He chuckles and spins you around. "Hey (y/n) haven't seen you in so long." "Yeah i know right how have you been?" "Great I'm almost at 6 million subscribers." "Omg thats great!" "Yeah i know so how have you been?" "Pretty good almost finished school and got a job as waitress. Just trying to stay afloat until i get some acting jobs." "Well if you ever need help or money just ask." "Oh Jack i cant take money from you." "No its fine i wanna help."  You smile and hug him and he happily hugs back. "Come one lets go meet my friends." "Yay!" Jack grabs your hand and pulls you through the hordes of people. You pulls you to a stand with a couple of guys. "Hey guys!" Jack says smiling big. "Hey jack." a guy with a deep voice. "Hey jack." A blonde with a accent says. "Hey jack." Two guys say one a bigger nerdier looking one while the other is very tall. "Hey guys this is my friend (y/n)" they all wave. "(Y/n) this is Mark" pointing to the guy in a black shirt with a red M on it. "This is Pewds or Felix." Pointing to the blonde guy. "This is bob and wade." Pointing to the other two guys. "Nice to meet you all." They all smile and nod. Mark looks at his watch and back at Jack. "Jack come on our panel starts soon and its on the other side of the center so we need to get going." "Ok lets go guys." Everyone grabs their things and begin to make their way to the panel room. On they way they ask you many things like where your from, what do you do for a living, and are you and jack together. That one made you blush and simply replied we're just friends. You swore you saw Jack's face change for a quick second but you shrug it off. You guys get to the panel room to see many fans standing outside ready to see their heros. They wave and walk in. Jack escorts you to the front then seats in his at the front with Mark, Pewds, Bob, and Wade. Everyone spills in to the room and the room is packed instantly. 'Wow they must be really popular.' You think. Mark stands up after a few minutes. "Hey guys." The crowd replies hi mark in unison. "Well are you guys excited for this panel. Everyone cheers. "Well lets not waste anytime lets get started. Well for those who don't know everyone up ill let everyone introduce themselves." Mark sits down and Jack stands up. He hi-fives the air. "Hello everyone my names is Jackseptic and welcome to the panel." "Hello my name is peeeewwdipie." "Hello everyone my name is Markiplier." "Hello bobbleheads Im bob." "Hi im wade." (Sorry dont really know bob and wades intro) and the panel continues to there many questions asked. The panel almost ends when Jack stands up. "Ok guys no its my turn to ask a question. Can my guest please come up to the stage please. You blush and walk up to the front. Jack walks around to meet you. He grabs your hands. "(Y/n) we've known each other for a long time and I've had feelings for you some the start i just didn't know if you shared the feelings but I've finally built up the courage to ask you this. Well (y/n) will you go out with me?" You were in complete shock you only thought of one thing to do. You went on your toes and kissed him. The crowd gasp and cheered while his friends whistled. He pulled away with a big smile. "So i take that as a yes." "Of course silly." And thats how you became the girlfriend of the one and only Jacksepticeye.

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