Trapped in FNAF with TMNT 2

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You wanted to scream, you wanted to cry. There was many emotions running through you but you knew you had to push them aside because you a had a job to do if you wanted to stay alive. You calm yourself down before you could calm down the guys. You took a few deep breaths, grabbed the tablet, and sat down looking through the cameras. The guys stopped freaking out and crowded around you. "What are you doing (y/n)?" "Don't think we're getting here on our own so might as well play the game by its rule. Then we may be able to get out of here." They nodded their heads in agreement. "So this is what we are going to do. Leo and Raph man the doors. When I say close the doors you better close the doors and also hit the lights since they may be in the blind spots  every know and then. If so close the doors too." They nod and walk over to their spots. Leo the left door while Raph the right. "What do we do?" Donnie says. "Yeah." Mikey adds on. "This may sound weird but I need you guys to rest." "Really?" "Wait what?!" Leo and Raph exclaims. You shushed them and look at the monitors. Seeing tat no one has moved still. You sigh in relief. You turn and glare at them. They place their hands on  their mouths. "Yes they have to rest because you guys are going to get tired eventually and they are going to have to take your place and when they do they need to be well rested and they will do everything they need to do and be on high alert" You say as you continue to check the  cameras. The guys oh as they understand. "Yeah so Mikey and Donnie rest, sleep whatever just be ready for your turn in three hours." They nod as they take their place in the corners and lay on the floors either watching or falling asleep. You look and see as Bonnie has moved. You take a deep breath. "Guys are you ready for the fight of your life because it's about to start." Bonnie moves from the stage to the dining hall then to the hallway. "Ok Leo I know you may not want to do this but look out unto the hallway and tell me what you see." Leo sticks his head out only to pull it in a second later with a very scared look on his face. "What's wrong bro?" "There's a figure out in the hallway." "It's Bonnie." You state. "Well how do we make him go away?" Raph says. "You can't they go away on their own." You look down and can't see Bonnie anywhere." "Leo Leo hit the light!" He presses it only to have Bonnie standing right there. Leo hit the door button so hard you thought he broke it. Leo backs away slightly breathing hard. "That was more scary than when we faced the shredder." "Leo hit the light so we can see if hes still there." He hits the light only to see a shadow. "Nope still there." You look at the tablet only to see Chica is now gone too. "Raph it's your time to shine Chica's gone from the stage. Raph looks in the hallway while you tell Leo to check again for Bonnie so you won't  waste too much power. Once you guys see hes gone Leo reopens the door. He sighs in relief. "It feel likes a weight has been lift from shoulders. "Don't get too comfortable leader-boy he comes back." Leo visibly pales. "Just saying." You say as you go back to the tablet. Well the next three hours went by pretty smoothly but it all changed once the turtles switched. You seem to have lost track of everyone including Foxy. "Guys big problem!" "What's wr-" Before Leo could finish his sentence Foxy came running in grabbing Raph and running off. "Hey!" Donnie says running after only to have you grab his arm. You shake your head. "No what do you mean no! He took our brother we gotta get him back!" It kinda hurt to have Donnie yell at you but you knew he was just worried about his brother. "I know you are worried but Master Splinter always said never to run in battle with no knowledge. We have no idea where the others are. Most likely hiding. So we have to be careful." They nod. You grab some flashlights off the desk and throw them to the guys. "Come on let's go find Raph." You walk out the door with the turtles right behind you which made you feel safe. You all point your flashlight in different directions trying to find any sight of Raph or the other animatronics. You could feel Donnie and Mikey shaking next to you while Leo was focused on finding his brother. You guys soon hear a deep dark laughter. "Oh on." You mumble. "What is it?" Donnie asks not really wanting an answer. "That's Freddy." Everyone looks around trying to find the laughing bear. Leo goes a little ahead of the group trying to find him only to have brown paws reach out and grab him. You guys notice Leo's absence soon after. "Leo!" Mikey cries out. "Leo where did you go?" Mikey latches onto your arm he's shaking very badly. You feel so bad for him. "It's ok Mikey we'll find Leo and Raph ok?" "How that fox and bear got them." "We will I promise." "O-ok." Mikey says sniffling. "Let's keep looking." Donnie says just as scared as Mikey but wants to find his brothers. An delicious smelling aroma fills the air. "I know that smell." Mikey says sniffing the air. "It's pizza!"Miky says running off to find the pizza. You and Donnie run after him only to soon  find him being dragged off by yellow hands and the thing saying "Let's eat." "Chica." You mumble going after her only to have her slam a door in your face. You pound on it but nothing happen. "Donnie help me with this door." no response. "Donnie?" You say finally noticing his absence. You turn around only to see him being dragged away by Bonnie. "Oh no you don't." You say running full speed only to run into something yellow. Thinking it was Chica again you were ready to fight only to look up to see Golden Freddy. "Oh no." You mumble. He began to come closer and you vision faded out. "What have we gotten ourselves into?" You think as you pass out

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