*Requested* Trenderman x reader

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You were currently sitting in the slender mansion playing games with Ben and Jeff. You rather be out killing some people but slender ordered everyone stay in the mansion cause he has some special guests coming over and he would like all of us to meet them. "Ugh why do I have to meet these guests. I hate being stuck in this house." Jeff chuckles "It could be worse sweetheart you could be stuck in a room with Ben." "Hey!" He says as he turns and glares at Jeff. "Just saying." He says smirking. "Asshat." Ben mumbles. Jeff pauses the game and turns to Ben. "What did you say?" "You heard me." Jeff slowly begins to reach into his hoodie pocket. Ben eyes widen as he begins to run. "Get back here you little shit."  Jeff says running after him. They run around for a few minutes until Slender pops up in the middle of the living room and grabs them with his tentacles. "What are you children
doing!" You hear a voice boom. "Nothing slendy." "You know i hate that name." He says as he drops them. "Anyhow the guests should be here any moment SO EVERYONE GET DOWN HERE!" In a second everyone is in the living room. Just as everyone gets downstairs the door bell rings. Slender opens it to reveal three other figures that look like him. They walk in and Slender turns to you guys. "Children these are my brothers. Splenderman" he says as he points to the one in polka dots and black facial features and seems to be the only one with a full face "Offenderman." He says as he points to one in a trench coat and hat only bearing a smirk on his face. "And Trenderman." He says pointing to one in brown sweater on a white button down shirts and khakis. Some reason that one caught your eye. You all introduce yourselves but when it was your turn trenderman just seemed to be staring at you. You weren't really sure cause he doesnt have eyes but his face was definitely facing you. Everyone goes of to do their own things and so do you. You sit down back on the couch and begin to play games again when you feel a presence next to you. You turn to see it Offenderman. You were keeping an eye on him, his name was a red flag already and his outfit didn't help much either. "Yes is there something you want?" His smirk just gets wider. "Here take this." He pulling out a rose. You see no harm in taking a rose so you begin to reach for it. You almost grab when a white tentacle whacks it out of the way. You turn to see Trenderman despite the lack of facial features you could still tell he was mad. "Brother you promised you wouldn't do this you better go before i tell Slender." Offendermans smirk turned into a frown but he teleports away anyway. "So sorry about that miss oh dear but i forgot your name do you mind telling me it again?" "Its (y/n)." "Ah a pretty name for a pretty girl." You blush. "Thanks." "Your welcome and sorry again for my brother." "What was he doing to do?" "I don't really like to talk about it but lets just say he has the name Offenderman for a reason." You nod in undetstanding. "Sorry if i come off harsh or fast but your such a pretty girl and i could see myself spending alot of time with you so would you like to go out sometime?" "Yeah sure where would you like to go?" "The mall we need to get some new clothes im sorry sweetheart but you're pretty but your clothes aren't. So we're going to go get some new ones so you can be fabulous." You giggle and nod. "Yeah i would like that and now i know why you're called Trenderman." "Yes girl got that name for a reason." You giggle yeah you're going to have a lot of fun with him.

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