1. "I'm Beau."

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This is my first fanfic, so I hope it's okay! I noticed reading fanfics, that everyone brushes over the sex scenes and stuff, so I decided to write my own with sexual content. I mean my version is probably what all girls really want but are too embarrassed to write details, I wanted to give fans, the full Janoskians experience. The feedback I've had so far has been encouraging and I'm actually really excited writing this, it's great to hear what people think.

Some of the chapters have become Private because of the content, so you'll have to follow me to read them, i suggest you do, or the story won't make sense. I can't change them to public and I've tried to re-write it and it just sets them automatically to private. Sorry! :( x 


I pressed the cigarette to my mouth and inhaled for the third time. My hands were shaking and my long, dark hair was blowing in the bitter wind. I let the smoke caress my lips and dance into the night sky. I watched it curl and float, like a lily on a pond, for a while, until it was barely visible and took another drag. I repeated this process several times, completely unaware of the tall figure watching me from the doorway. Half my cigarette had burnt away in the time I'd watched my last breath of smoke disappear. I thought about leaving it at that and rejoining the party, but the nicotine and the peacefulness in my head kept me outside.

The figure approached me at last, noticing him for the first time, I felt a knot in my stomach. I didn't recognise him, it was a new face, but his eyes enchanted me immediately. Even in the dark they glistened, like emeralds. He smiled gently, his eyes captivated me and I could see his rouge lips moving but suddenly all my senses, other than sight, had disappeared. I was no longer shivering, the sound of the party inside was a distant memory and the smell of alcohol had vanished. He continued to stare at me and I shook my head as to avoid his gaze. "Are you okay?" he repeated. I nodded, I couldn't string any words together, the cigarette was still burning away and I took another drag.

He sat down beside me and lit a cigarette of his own. I could feel the muscles in his arms brush against me each time he lifted his hand to his mouth, they felt comforting and somewhat relaxing. "watching you out here would make anyone want a cigarette" he said, smoke pouring from his tender lips. "I'm not sure what you mean?" I managed to reply this time. I felt a burning sensation on my index finger and realised my cigarette had burnt right down. I dropped it swiftly and squashed it with my heel.

"The way the smoke sweeps across your lips, it's bewitching, almost seductive." I turned to look at him, I noticed his appearance properly this time, he had dark hair, his fringe going across the top of his face and stopping and his temple. He was wearing a grey beanie, complimenting his face shape, his jaw and chin quite a bit thinner than the rest of his face, but equally as beautiful. As he lifted the cigarette to his mouth one last time I noticed stubble on his chin and the pinkness of his lips. I'd only just met him and I already dreamed about those lips. "likewise" I stuttered awkwardly, I wasn't lying, he made smoking look like an art.

"I'm Beau" he smiled at me and gestured for a handshake. I took his hand in mine and whispered "Isla, my names Isla." I felt stupid for whispering, it's wasn't as if it was a secret, but that's all I could manage. He slid his soft hand away from mine and he continued to smile. I could feel the breath inside of me struggling to leave and my heart racing as his emerald eyes looked deep into mine.


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Breathless - A Janoskians Fanfic. (strong sexual content)Where stories live. Discover now