31. "Go to hell!"

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I removed the hand cuffs from Isla's wrists and she sat up, wrapped her naked body around my waist from behind and leant her chin on my shoulder. Her lips touched my neck and she drew patterns on my back, I was sure she was trying to spell something out but I couldn't figure out what it was. "Next time, you're wearing the cuffs" she whispered into my ear and got up on her knees, I turned around to face her. Her hair was tousled messily over her right shoulder and her purple lipstick was smudged around her mouth, I took my hands and wiped the corner of her lips as she smiled and thanked me. "hungry?" I asked her "I make an amazing Spaghetti Bolognese".

We were standing in the kitchen, Isla was chopping onions and I was at the stove preparing and mixing the sauce. She slid the onions into the pan and sniffled as the onions got to her eyes, I wiped away the tears and we both laughed. "It smells incredible" she complimented my cooking skills and wrapped her arms around me once more, I lifted her up and placed her on the opposite counter, playing with her hair. She was smiling uncontrollably and I could help but question what had happened with her and Skip earlier that day. "So you and Skip?" I muttered awkwardly "has he asked you out again?" I felt stupid asking her, but I needed to know how she felt about him. She looked pretty annoyed and slipped of the counter.

"Beau, I like you, I think you know that, but I like him too. You're so different from each other." she said awkwardly shifting over to the stove and mixing the sauce. I couldn't help but feel jealous, my fists clenched together and I felt pain soar through my body. "Isla-" I began, I didn't know what to say, I'd never admitted my feelings to any girl, but she wasn't just any other girl. "I like you, this isn't just sex for me anymore. I want you to choose me, were good together, I want us to work." She turned around and tears poured from her eyes, "don't cry!" I pleaded and took her hands in mine. She pulled away from me and I could see anger in her eyes. A grey tint surrounded her piercing blue eyes and she snapped back at me "I'm not choosing anyone Beau! There is no US!" she picked up her bag and left the room.

I followed her through the house and grabbed her wrist, "Don't tell me you don't feel anything!" I shouted as she tore away from me. "of course I feel something Beau, but I'm not yours, stop treating me like I'm your property" her tears had gone and fire ran through her eyes, that's when I realised I'd fucked up. "don't see Skip again." I couldnt help myself, he wasn't what she wanted and I knew that. "I can do what I want, if I want to spend time with Skip, I will. You can't tell me what to do!" she slipped on her shoes and reached to open the front door. "You're just another notch on my bedpost anyway!" I said angrily, regretting it immediately as her flat hand hit my face. Pain soared through my cheek and she gasped in shock. "Fuck you Beau" she screamed, "go to hell!" she left my house, slamming the door behind her.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and tried to call her, I didn't mean what I said, I was just angry. It was engaged, I already knew she was talking to Skip. I punched the door frame as I headed back into the kitchen, blood poured from my nuckles, I threw the contents of the pan across the wall and slid down the counter. I slumped across the cupboard and put my hands to my head, resting it in between my knees. I didn't cry, I just shook in rage, I thought about going to Skip's house and telling him to back off, but I knew that wouldn't work. I had to get Isla back, by myself.


The next chapter has been written, but I won't be uploading it until this one has five or more votes, sorry! x

Please vote and Comment so I know people are reading. x

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