55. "Beau will get what's coming to him one day."

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Isla's POV -

Skip was calling me, I couldn't face talking to him, he must have hated me and I wasn't up to arguing with him. In time I would. After I ran last night I'd ended up in the middle of a deserted beach, the one with the cave. I'd sat in that cave staring at all the drawing's we had created, drawings of each other surrounded by our favourite things and things we had written about each other. I noticed a space had been filled that I hadn't seen before. It was a drawing of an eye, a big blue eye, my eye. Underneath scrawled in white chalk were the words "You light up my world like nobody else, you don't know you're beautiful." and a music note at the end. I didn't particularly like One Direction, but I loved that song, Skip and I would sing it to each other when we drove in his car and reading it reduced me to tears once again. I picked up a red piece of chalk and drew a heart around the music note. I found a space between our masterpiece and wrote a letter in blue chalk.

"I love you Daniel Sahyounie, you're the best thing about me. I'm sorry for hurting you, you deserve the best and I don't even come close. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you, to have you in my arms in the greatest feeling in the world. You are my life, my soul, my everything. I hope you find someone that makes you feel the way I feel about you and some one that will treat you the way you treat me. Goodbye. Isla x"

I honestly thought that was the end of us, how could he forgive me if I couldn't even forgive myself? I couldn't stay in the cave any longer, the memories of us ate away at me and I needed my mum. Luckily I knew my way home from here, and it was only a twenty minute walk, I picked up my rucksack and made my way home, it was now 1am, I was freezing and with only a pair of shorts and Skip's jersey to cover my body I began to run again. To get home I had to pass Skip's house, I wanted more than anything to walk in, crawl into his bed and fall asleep in his arms knowing everything would be okay. I slowed down and looked through his bedroom window, the light was on and I could hear crying. I'd seen him cry before, but this time it hurt me more, I was glad Maddison was there with him, I know that sounds messed up because two hours ago, I hated her, but knowing he wasn't alone made me feel better about his safety.

I tore myself away from outside Skip's and when I finally got back to my house, my mum was sitting in the living room alone. "Isla honey is that you? I've just got back from work we shoul-" she stopped as she saw me, a shivering wreck in the hallway. "Isla, baby! What's happened?!" she cradled me in her arms and the tears I'd been holding back outside Skip's house flooded out. I couldn't explain what had happened without choking and my mum continued to rock me until I'd calmed down. "I-I've lost him, I've lost him mum!" I whispered through my tears, "he doesn't want me anymore, I'm so stupid!". She brushed her fingers through my hair and whispered "Isla, you've lost who?" I choked as I said his name, I missed him already, "D-Daniel mum, Daniel left me. I've been so stupid, I love him!". My mum was my best friend I told her everything, but this time, I was scared. What if my mum thought bad of me?

"Honey, if you want my help, you're going to have to tell me what's wrong?" she came into my room with two mugs of hot cocoa, smothered in cream and marshmallows. I was wearing Skip's cotton joggers and a hoodie he'd given me, wrapped up in my quilt. My mum got under my quilt next to me and handed me my cocoa. "I cheated on him mum, I was manipulated and lied to, but I shouldn't have done it!" she stroked my hair again and told me to tell her in more detail. "Beau-" she sighed and kissed my forehead, my mum knew Beau was trouble, I'd told her everything that had happened with Beau, Skip and I before. I told her the events of last night, trying to keep myself together. My mum didn't say anything whilst I spoke, she just hugged me comfortingly and stroked my hair. I finished telling her what had happened and burst into tears again, burying my head into my mums shoulder as she stroked my back. "Shh baby! Everything is going to be okay, Skip's a good man, he'll find out the truth." I looked up at my mum and for the first time in hours I smiled. My mum knew how to make me better. "What if he doesn't mum, I'm in love with him. I can't be without him." my mum laid with me for a while until I finally fell asleep.

That's when I woke up to Skip calling me, which I ignored. He left a voicemail and after two minutes of staring at my phone I plucked up the courage to listen to it. "Isla, I'm sorry, I should have told you about Addie but I didn't know she was going to be here. I'm sorry baby, I love you." there was a short pause followed with "I'm in love with you!" I didn't think I had any tears left after last night, but my cheeks were soon covered with them. I decided to text him, to let him know I'd heard it. It was a simple text, but I knew he'd understand.

To Skip x


I waited five minutes, he didn't reply. I didn't know how I was going to make this up to him, but there had to be something. I buried myself back into my bed and covered my head with my pillow drowning out the sound of the Hoover downstairs and found myself drifting off to sleep again. I was only asleep for ten-fifteen minutes before I felt a body climb into bed behind me, "mum?" I questioned, then I felt two familiar arms wrap around my waist and pull me close to his body. "Skip!" I sat up and cried again, he was here, I didn't know why, but I didn't care. He sat up and pulled me into his arms as my tears drenched his t-shirt. "I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry. I love you Skip, I don't know why I believed Jai! I should have spoken to you instead of trying to get back at you. I don't feel anything for him, I just wanted to hurt you like I'd been hurt, but you didn't do anything wrong, I'm so sorry! I love, I love you Skip!" I choked through tears, so fast I could hardly breath. Skip just hugged me tighter and continued to rock me back and forth as my mum had last night. "Isla, I know what happened, it's not your fault, I don't blame you. I love you." he tilted my head up by my chin and kissed me tenderly on the lips. "Beau will get what's coming to him one day."

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