2. "Maybe you could teach me that?"

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I went over the name Beau in my head. I'd heard it before, I recognised it well, but the mix of alcohol and excitement caused me to forget. Beau? I concentrated as hard as I could but the smell of aftershave on his neck was drifting into my nostrils and as I sniffed it in he let out a slight laugh. He'd noticed, shit. I looked 'seductive' ten minutes ago, now I looked like a fucking twat. "Sorry, I've got a cold." I blushed and lit another cigarette trying to get his first impression of me back. "That's what you get for sitting outside, in a dress, in the middle of June" he laughed, I knew He could see right through my lies. Well, it wasn't a complete lie, Australian winters were cold, not like the June weather I was used to in England.

I'd moved to Australia three months ago, my mother had got a promotion at work, I was thrilled. I hated England, I'd finished school, dropped out of university and struggled to keep in contact with old friends. Moving here was the best thing that could have happened, though I didn't know many people yet, my neighbour and new 'best friend' Sierra had taken me under her wing. She was an average looking girl, pretty, but nothing about her stood out particularly. She always had a queue of guys after her attention, but she lacked a certain element. I hadn't put my finger on it yet, but I was certain it was something to do with her emotionless, dark eyes.

"You're not from around here are you?" Beau's words broke my thought trail and I nodded. I wonder what gave it away, my pale complexion or my British accent. "What gave it away?" I quizzed him, giggling slightly, he joined in and took the cigarette from my hand. I watched as he lifted it to his lips and took a deep breath, he gently tilted his head back and he blew a row of perfect hoops into the cold air. I watched in awe, I'd never been able to perfect them, "maybe you could teach me that?" I said as I stared off into the distant. He put the cigarette to my lips this time, I sucked on the filter and inhaled. He tilted my head up and cupped my chin, demonstrating jaw and tongue movements with his, I copied. Perfect hoops formed in front of me and he smiled. "How was that?" he continued to smile, he didn't reply, he just smiled and took the last drag from my cigarette, flicked it half way across the garden and flexed.

I'd never seen a stomach so toned, tanned and tantalising. He stood up started walking to the end of the garden, gesturing me to follow him. I felt uneasy, I'd only just met this guy and yet I felt like I was in a trance, I wanted to follow him, I wanted him. I stood up, he took me by the hand, something I'd wanted since our hands clasped each others earlier, and he led me under the tree. "Who are you?" I whispered, looking into his gorgeous eyes once more. He took a strand of my hair and pushed it back behind my ear. "Who are you?" he replied, his hand lowered to my chin and his thumb stroked my cheek. I didn't know how to reply, I'm sure all of this was due to excessive alcohol and teenage hormones, I didn't normally go off into the dark with attractive strangers, but there was something about him, I felt safe.

I could hear the party carrying on, I saw Sierra giggling with a group of guys through the kitchen window, she wasn't concerned that I was nowhere to be seen, I didn't mind. Beau's lips were right In front of me now, the pigmentation was a perfect mix of red and pink, the corners of his lips rose into his cheeks and his crystal white teeth shone in the moonlight. I don't know why he was smiling, but I smiled back and he pulled me in, our stomachs, chest and foreheads now touching. he leant in, I leant in, our lips touched and his tongue caressed mine. My knees where weak now, and he was kissing my neck, and I found my hands grasping at the back of his hair, he pushed me against the tree and I let out a gentle moan.


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