46. "Go get him tiger!"

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Ive decided on making my chapters longer so you're not waiting quite as long and so it can limit the amount of times/chapters i upload x


This morning I'd woken up in my own bed, alone. It was strange not waking up next to Skip, it had been a few days since James had restrained Beau in the garden and since then I'd practically lived at Skips house. I missed his muscular arms wrapped around my body, the smell of his aftershave and the sweet taste of his lips whenever I wanted it, I was home because I'd spent the night with my mum. She was working so much to save up for a larger house, as my brother was planning on joining us here and I'd hardly seen her recently. I prised my eyes open again to the strobe of sunlight shining down on me from the crack in my curtains. I slowly crept out of bed, pulled on a white vest and a pair of electric blue hot pants/shorts.

I made me way downstairs to the kitchen and to my surprise Skip was with my mum at the counter. "Good afternoon Princess!" my mum's smile stretched the entire way across her face and she hugged me tightly, "It's been so nice to have some mother-daughter time, I've just been filling Skip in on our late night conversations." She winked and turned to put her empty plate in the sink. I'd told my mum all about Skip, I genuinely think I was falling in love with him, I just hoped to God she hadn't told him that! I blushed, feeling my flesh burn up and rubbed my eyes vigorously attempting to adjust my eye sight. I noticed the clock read 2:08pm, I knew I'd been tired last night but not tired enough to have managed 16 hours sleep! I felt refreshed though, ready to start the day.

Skip smiled at me, his eyes wondered down my long legs, he bit his lip and mouthed 'you look so hot'. I giggled and proceeded to put some bread in the toaster, "Do you fancy some cheese on toast?" I asked him and as my mum left the kitchen he wrapped his arms around my waist, whispered "I'd fancy something else a lot more" he nestled his lips into my neck and held my bum in his hands. One of my hands rested on his back, the other gripping his hair tightly, "ugh, Daniel! Not now, my mum is still around." I moaned, wishing we were somewhere more private. He pulled away and kissed my lips gently, smiling as he did. The toast popped up and I decided I'd rather have peanut butter as I was lazy and couldn't be bothered to figure out how to use the grill.

Five slices of toast later Skip and I sat on the sofa, drinking coffee and watching Angry Boys. Chris Lilley was one of the guys role models and inspirations and it just so happened that I loved him as well. Suddenly I felt a shower of coffee on my leg as Skip doubled over laughing at the Nathan and Daniel characters. "Ugh, you're disgusting!" I complained and he pulled me onto his lap, showering me with small kissed and apologies. He stopped and pulled the cockatoo face, waiting for me to forgive him, I was laughing so much after two minutes my ribs started to ache and I gave in and kissed him passionately. "Me and the guys have soccer in an hour and then I have a surprise for you tonight" he managed to say In between kisses, I looked at him, straight into his big brown eyes and smiled shyly to myself.

Skip was amazing at surprising me, he always had something up his sleeve. Yesterday he'd taken me to a secret cave along one of the beaches, not far from here and with a box of chalk he'd mysteriously acquired we'd drawn all along the inside. It started with a picture of a penis, obviously, and then we laid down in the soft sand and had sex. Sex with Skip was amazing, not only did he pleasure me incredibly, but there was so much emotion and lust involved. When I was with him, things got heated really quickly and the passion between us could be sensed a mile off. I was so happy with him, he made me normal and I liked normal. "So what's the plan?" I questioned him, begging for a hint at what was to be expected, he was such a stubborn person and refused to tell me, even when I had him between my legs, tickling him.

"As if I'd tell you, come to mine at eight and dress up, I want to do this properly!" he said looking suddenly shy, Skip was normally so confident, I was dying to know where he was taking me. "Are you asking me on a proper date Daniel?" I cooed and pinch his cheeks playfully, as if he was a four year old child. He blushed and pushed me back into the sofa, hovering over me, I leant up to kiss him put he pulled away "Yes, I am, and you have no choice but to accept!" there's is confidence was back then. He stood up and sadly told me he had to go to soccer, I walked him to the door and kissed him one last time "I'll see you at eight gorgeous" I whispered as he hugged me goodbye.

I leant against the back of the door and smiled to myself, I had four hours to get ready, I called my mum and soon she appeared at the bottom of the stairs. "Mum, I'm going on a real date!" I squealed and we jumped around sounding like children in a playground. "Isla, you're lucky to have found Skip, he adores you! I want the very best for my only daughter, so we better find you something amazing to wear!" My mum was my best friend and sometimes I was convinced she could read my mind. After my mum and I had studied my wardrobe for a good hour, I had made my decision and got ready for a shower. My stomach was healing well, it was only a small graze now, but I'd managed to keep it hidden so far, if Skip saw it tonight, I'd just tell him I had an itch that I slightly over scratched. It was believable and almost true.

I finished showering and dried my hair thoroughly, still sitting in my towel I proceeded to use my curling iron to form loose curls throughout and tied it into a low, loose bun. The front of my hair hung down by my cheeks and I placed a gold headband on the top of my forehead to tie in with the theme of my outfit. I brushed foundation, bronzer and a small amount of blush to my face, added gold to my eyelids and finished off with mascara and natural rosy lips. I had to admit, I looked pretty good so far. I had one hour before I had to be at Skip's, plenty of time to change and spend a little more time with my mum. I slipped my cream, toga style, maxi dress over my body, tied the extra material around my thin waist, teamed it up with some thick gold and turquoise bangles and a matching necklace that laid across my chest. Finally I painted my nails and toe nails turquoise and admired then in my cream, peep-toe heels. "you look incredible honey!" my mum gushed as I walked into the living room, "go get him tiger!" she winked and hugged me gently.

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