14. "Do you need a tour?"

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I arrived at the gym, twenty five minutes after leaving my house and swung the glass door open. At the reception a beautiful, blonde guy stood, he looked a little older than me, maybe 20, his tanned skin shone in the lighting. I must have zoned out, with my jaw dropped, as he turned towards me, laughed and asked if I needed any help. "I need to register." I replied shyly and he handed me some papers, brushing his hand against mine. I looked up into his brown eyes and he smiled, of course, even his teeth were perfect. I took then pen from the desk and started to fill out the details. I signed the bottom and handed him back the papers, "Do you need a tour?" he winked at me. He seemed slightly sleezy at this point and I kindly declined his offer, I knew how to work a treadmill and that was all I'd be using this morning.

I put my fresh towel, clean clothes and washbag into an allocated members locker, tucked the key into my bra and stepped out into the main gym hall. I could get used to this I thought, there were long mirrored walls, hundreds of pieces of equipment and a few very, very good looking people for company. I walked over to the nearest treadmill and started to run, when I ran every bad memory and negative thought left my head, all I could think about was Beau. I decided I'd text him when I'd finished and see if he was around.

I didn't like Beau in a romantic way, I was just incredibly sexually attracted to him. The sexual tension he'd relieved last night left me craving more, I'd fallen for his cock, rather than him. Saying that, I didn't really know Beau apart from when he had his cock inside of me. I wasn't ready for a relationship though, I was only 19, I wanted to enjoy my life without being tied down and sex was a big part of the enjoyment. I'd been running for almost an hour now and pressed the buttons on the machine to pick up the pace for my last twenty minutes.

The aching pain had reduced, but my legs felt like jelly as I stepped back onto normal ground. Tomorrow I'd be twice as bad, maybe I'd come back here and reflect on recent events again or maybe I'd just sleep it off, either way, my past would be in the back of my mind. I took my smaller towel from the floor, mopped my forehead, guzzled half my bottle of water and clumsily made my way to the changing room benches. Retrieving the key from my bra I opened up my locker, swapped over towels and grabbed my washbag. Shower number two of the day.

As I slipped into the shower cubicle a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me backwards, I turned around and gasped as I came face to face with the culprit, Beau. "I was just about to start working out and saw you walking in here." he smirked, releasing his hand from my wrist and pulling me towards him by my hips. Before I had time to reply, his lips had met mine, his tongue stroking the inside of my mouth and he pulled me into the cubicle. I'd already got undressed and was only wearing a towel, well, that was until beau pulled the corner and it dropped to the floor. I was naked and I desired him more than anything.


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